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Update a contact list

Last updated May 15, 2023

POST /contacts/v1/lists/:list_id

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?






Required Scope:


This endpoint is used to update a list in a given HubSpot account.

Use case for this endpoint: If an external interface is used to build contact list filters, changes made there could be reflected in HubSpot via the update a contact list endpoint.

Like when creating a list, users will be able to edit and even delete these lists inside of the HubSpot UI.

Required parameters How to use Description
OAuth access token or private app access token Authorization: Bearer {token} header Used to authenticate the request. Please see this page for more details about authentication.
List ID Used in the request URL Unique identifier for the list you're looking for.
Optional parameters How to use Description
List name Used in the request body JSON Include to update the name of the list.
Filters Used in the request body JSON (see below) Use filters to customize your list results. Find more details about available filters and how they work here.

Note: Adding new filter data to the request will replace any existing filters. To append your filters, you must include the existing ones in a new request.
Other list data Used in the request body JSON See creating a list for other data that can be set.

Example URL to POST to:

Response details

The response from this API call are standard REST-style HTTP response codes that mark success or failure, with meta information about the call that was made. If you've successfully updated the list, you will receive the updated list as a JSON object in the response body.

  • 200 when a list is successfully updated.
  • 400 when there is a problem with the form data. You'll receive a JSON formatted response with a message that provides more details.
  • 500 when an internal server error occurs. Please alert us in the API Forum if you receive an HTTP 500 error.