HubSpot Developer Changelog

Changes to the Workflow API Deal JSON

Written by Derek Gervais | Feb 20, 2018 10:42:00 PM

 JSON structure of deal-related workflow actions changed; some top-level deal action properties moved into a substructure.

What’s happening?

Beginning immediately, the JSON structure of workflow deal actions will be changing. At this time, only deal-related workflow actions will be changing; other workflow actions will remain the same. This change moves some formerly top-level deal action properties into a JSON sub-structure instead. These actions are only available for Sales Professional portals.

What’s changing?

Previously, the workflow deal action JSON structure looked like this:
// Old structure
    "actions": [
        "type": "DEAL",
        "dealName": "The Deal Name",
        "daysTillClose": 1,
        "assignCurrent": true,
        "stage": "appointmentscheduled",
        "ownerId": null,
        "pipeline": "default",
        "amount": 1.05,
        "actionId": 99999,
        "stepId": 99999
The new workflow deal action JSON structure will look like this:
// New structure
    "actions": [
        "type": "DEAL",
        "properties": {
          "dealname": "The Deal Name",
          "closedate": 1,
          "dealstage": "appointmentscheduled",
          "hubspot_owner_id": {
            "sourcePropertyType": "CONTACT",
            "sourcePropertyName": "hubspot_owner_id"
          "pipeline": "default",
          "amount": 1.05
        "actionId": 99999,
        "stepId": 99999

When is this happening?

The Workflows API will begin returning the new JSON structure immediately. For the time being, the deal action properties will continue to appear as top-level fields for backwards compatibility. These top-level fields are copied from the nested fields for backwards compatibility; integrators should use the nested fields going forward. Integrators only need to be prepared for the change to workflow deal action structure; all other workflow actions will remain unchanged.


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