HubSpot Developer Changelog

Announcing New Rate Limits for the Existing Form Submission Endpoints and Two New Authenticated Submission Endpoints

Written by Rahmona Henry | Apr 6, 2021 3:54:40 PM

To improve HubSpot’s platform security and performance we are announcing new rate limits for the existing Forms API submission endpoints plus two new authenticated submission endpoints.

What’s changing?

We are introducing new rate limits for the current unauthenticated Form Submission endpoints (v2& v3).

We are also introducing two brand-new authenticated Form Submission endpoints that will have a higher rate limit than the unauthenticated submission endpoints.

These new changes will help protect our systems and continue to support appropriate form submission volume so that HubSpot grows with our customers.

Here are more details on the changes:

1. New Rate Limit For Existing Unauthenticated Form Submission Endpoints

We will be introducing a new rate limit of 50 requests per 10 seconds for the          existing Form Submission endpoints listed below.

Version 2

Version 3 (supports AJAX, field validation, and GDPR functionality)

When a HubSpot account reaches the rate limit, a 429 status code will be returned with an error message in the response. More details about status codes and error messages can be found on the documentation (v2 and v3).

2. Introducing Two New Authenticated Form Submission Endpoints With A Higher Rate Limit

We’re also introducing two new authenticated Form Submission endpoints for developers to use. These new endpoints will have higher rate limits than the unauthenticated Form Submission endpoints (v2 & v3).

New authenticated v2 endpoint

New authenticated v3 endpoint (supports field validation & GDPR functionality)

The endpoints will have the following rate limits effective immediately:

  • Free/Starter accounts: 100requests/10seconds
  • Professional/Enterprise accounts: 150requests/10seconds
  • Accounts with the API Add On: 200requests/10seconds

What this means for developers:

1. If your application is currently using the unauthenticated (v2 &v3)Form Submission endpoints and it requires more than the proposed 50 requests per 10 seconds rate limit, we recommend migrating to the new authenticated submission endpoints which have a higher rate limit.

  • Free/Starter accounts: 100requests/10seconds
  • Professional/Enterprise accounts: 150requests/10seconds
  • Accounts with the API Add On: 200requests/10seconds
2. If your application is using the Form Submission endpoints to record events like user logins on a SaaS product or regularly sync large amounts of data, both of which are not the intended use cases for the Forms Submission endpoint, we recommend migrating to the following endpoints instead:

Use Case Recommendation
Regular data syncing

CRM Imports API

Doc: CRM API | Imports


CRM Batch Update API

Doc: CRM API | Contacts
Recording events (like logins)

Tracking Code API


Knowledge Base Article : Create custom events. Note: This is a Marketing Hub Enterprise only feature.

When is this change happening? 

  1. The new rate limits for the existing unauthenticated Form Submission endpoints will be introduced on July 5th 2021 July 13th 2021, 90 days 98 days from today. The new rate limit will be 50 requests/10 second.

    NOTE on rate limit go live date: 

    In response to employee feedback and to invest in employees, HubSpot introduced a new initiative called HubSpot Unplugged. It includes no internal meetings on Fridays, new mental health and well-being programming, and a Global Week of Rest for all employees, which is scheduled for the week of July 5 - July 9 2021. The rate limit go live date was originally scheduled for July 5th and due to the Global Week of Rest for all employees it is now scheduled to go live on July 13th 2021.  

  2. The introduction of the two new authenticated Form Submission endpoints (v2 & v3) with a higher rate limit is effective immediately.  

Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions by joining the conversation in the community.