HubSpot Developer Changelog

Announcing new limits for Developer Accounts and Applications

Written by Zachary Wolfson | Aug 6, 2019 2:34:04 PM

What’s happening?

We are introducing new limits around Developer Accounts and applications. The new limits are:






per account

Webhook Subscriptions


per app

CRM Extension Settings


per app

Timeline Event Types


per app

Timeline Event Type Properties


per Timeline Event Type


Why is this happening?

We've been reviewing usage data to understand how we can better accommodate the needs of HubSpot developers while keeping the safety and performance of the platform and the larger development community in mind. We examined the impact of each of these areas on our infrastructure at large volumes. From there, we looked at the technical trade-offs involved for supporting larger volumes vs imposing limits and focusing attention elsewhere. As a result, we have imposed the preceding limits to better accommodate our growing community of developers and make sure all Developer Accounts perform reliability. 

When is this happening?

This change is now live to all Developer Accounts. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please join the discussion in the community