HubSpot Developer Changelog

Archived CRM Pipelines will be purged after 30 days

Written by David Adams | Jun 25, 2020 7:26:02 PM

What's happening?

Beginning on July 20, any CRM pipelines that have been archived for more than 30 days will be purged.

Currently, archived pipelines are stored in their archived state forever. While it's possible to access these archived pipelines through the new CRM API v3, none of the stages in these archived pipelines can be used for any CRM records.

Archived pipelines will be purged regardless of how they are archived, so pipelines that are archived by a HubSpot user in their account will also be purged and no longer available through the API after 30 days.

When is this happening?

Archived pipelines will start being purged on July 20. On this date, any pipelines deleted before June 20 will be purged.

Please let us know if you have any questions by joining the discussion in the community.