HubSpot Developer Changelog

August 28th Roundup: A developer tools redesign and APIs exiting developer preview

Written by Zachary Wolfson | Aug 28, 2019 6:14:29 PM

For this week’s round up we rolled 3 updates together with an improved experience in the developer tools and 2 APIs moving from developer preview to general availability.

Update: We've redesigned the UI for developer accounts to make it easier to create and configure applications

HubSpot developer accounts are where developers can create and manage applications for themselves or any HubSpot user. These accounts are where details required for OAuth are surfaced and defined. They also provide monitoring applications to help developers better support our mutual users. 

What’s Happening?

The developer tools have been redesigned in order to make it easier to create and configure applications. There were two main focus areas for this redesign, reducing friction for Auth set up and making it easier to configure Webhooks, CRM Extensions and Timeline Events. 

Changes to reduce friction for Auth setup:

  • Seperated the auth settings into a dedicated tab
  • Building the full OAuth URL for you
  • Unified scopes into a single list with easy to understand descriptions

Changes to make it easier to configure Webhooks, CRM Extensions and Timeline Events

  • Organized the settings of each feature
  • Updated field labels and help text 
  • Unified the editing experience of each feature

When is this happening?

This redesign is now the default for all users.  For a limited time, you will have the ability to revert to the old design. Update: The old design has now been completely retired, and the new design is standard for all users.

Please let us know what you think by joining the discussion on the forum.

Announcement: Tickets, products, line items and CRM properties APIs are moving from developer preview to a stable release

At Partner Day 2018, the tickets, products, line items, and CRM property APIs were introduced under the developer preview program. Since then, you all have been hard at work helping us find issues and providing feedback. For that, we want to say a massive thank you.

Today, we are excited to announce that these APIs are all ready to exit the developer preview program and can now be considered stable.

This means developers can confidently build on these APIs knowing that HubSpot will give at least 90 days' notice for any breaking changes going forward. 

Moving these APIs to the next stage of their life cycle doesn't mean we are no longer interested in feedback. Join the discussion in our developer community forums to let us know where we can continue to improve and what is going well in your development experience. 

Announcement: Conversations live chat widget API has now excited developer preview.

The Conversations live chat widget allows HubSpot customers to interact with their prospects and customers in real-time. This is critical to reducing friction in the flywheel.  By providing a client-side API for this chat widget we can empower developers to customize the experience for their users.

What’s Happening?

The Conversations live chat widget API is moving from developer preview to general availability. As a generally available API, we commit to providing 90 days notice for any breaking change gives developers extra confidence when building on top of these APIs and allows them to be more creative and open up new possibilities.

When is this Happening?

This change is now live.

Please join the conversation in the community if you have any comments or questions.