HubSpot Developer Changelog

Breaking Change: Large Export Partitioning and Association Limits for the CRM Export API

Written by Dennis Edson | Jan 28, 2025 2:29:41 PM

On April 28th, 2025, we will be updating the CRM Exports API to bring it closer to feature parity with the in-app export tool as well as improve the overall performance of the API allowing for quicker file delivery. Exports that exceed one million rows will be partitioned into multiple files and delivered as a zip file. There will also be a default limit of one thousand associated records per row. If you need all associated records, you can override this limit by setting the overrideAssociatedObjectsPerDefinitionPerRowLimit property to true in the JSON body.

What's changing?

We are introducing two changes to the CRM Exports API

  1. Partitioning large files:
    Currently, all CRM exports are delivered in a single file. Exports exceeding one million rows will now be split into multiple files (each up to one million rows) bundled together in a zip file. Due to file formatting limitations, XLS files will be partitioned at 65K rows.
  2. Default association limit:
    We are introducing a default limit of one thousand associated records per row. If your export requires more than the default limit, include "overrideAssociatedObjectsPerDefinitionPerRowLimit": true in your request JSON to receive all associated records.


When is it happening?

Starting January 28th, 2025, you can opt-in to this change by navigating to product updates in your account. It will be rolled out to all accounts on April 28th, 2025.

Questions or comments?

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