HubSpot Developer Changelog

Dynamic pages powered by CRM objects are now live

Written by Jon McLaren | Jun 15, 2021 12:00:00 PM

The CRM object powered dynamic pages functionality is out of beta.

CMS Hub is a powerful extension of the HubSpot CRM. First came the ability to intake customer data and use it to inform marketing campaigns, then came simple personalization. We're now going even further. Your CRM object data can be used to dynamically create pages that live in your HubSpot site.

To fully understand functionality like this it's helpful to understand some potential use-cases.

With dynamic pages generated from CRM objects you can create modules that display a listing of all of your marketing events. Clicking the link on one of those events could take you to the detail view for the event. Both the listing and the detail view's information is all pulled directly from the CRM. You could then create a sign up form that lets the site visitor opt-in to attending the event. That visitor's contact record in the CRM could then show that the user has registered for the event. Additionally there would be an association from the event to the user.

Previously HubDB was the only way to dynamically create pages. The advantage CRM objects have compared to HubDB is that custom object data is part of the CRM platform, and it can have associations with other data in your CRM.

What this means is that your website, your marketing team, your ops team, your sales team, your service team, is working from the same source of truth, and using the latest information.

Because the data is all in the CRM, you can leverage the many automation and personalization tools in HubSpot. Creating workflows, marketing emails, and reporting on meaningful insights from the data.

HubSpot Custom Objects takes this all a step further. You can store any type of structured data that fits your unique business needs. Some example ideas to help connect the dots:

  • Real estate - creating a listing of properties, with a detail page for every property. Ability to personalize the contacts home preferences, and enable favoriting properties.
  • Manufacturing - a listing of tools or parts, with detail pages for every part.
  • Human resources - listing of open positions, with detail pages for every open role.
  • Food/Beverage/Retail - A listing of business locations, with detail pages for each location. The ability for a contact to favorite their preferred location - making it easy to navigate to that location or pull up contact information.
  • Car dealership or Car Rental - Display a listing of vehicles, with detail pages for each vehicle. Perhaps with a way for the contact to voice interest in a particular vehicle.

There are many more ways dynamic pages powered by CRM objects can be used and we're excited to see how you use them.