HubSpot Developer Changelog

HubSpot CLI v5

Written by Jon McLaren | Aug 16, 2023 8:49:46 PM

Today we're releasing the latest version of the HubSpot CLI, this update does require Node v16 at a minimum. If you are still running an older version of Node you will need to update, or pin your CLI version.

The HubSpot CLI, is gaining new commands and updates to existing commands:

  • hs accounts clean - Removes any deactivated HubSpot accounts from your CLI Config.
  • hs upload now supports a  --clean option that will delete the destination folder and it's contents before uploading.

This update requires a minimum Node version of v16. You can download the latest LTS version on the Node website or use Node Version Manager to update.

If you have dev dependencies that you rely on for your website that need updating to support v16, you can temporarily pin your CLI version to stay using the older version of the CLI for a while or simply wait to run the install command.

If you do this, do plan/schedule upgrading your dev dependencies and upgrading your CLI and Node version. Some features in old versions of the CLI may stop functioning as intended due to API changes on HubSpot's end. While we have no immediate plans for changes like this, we encourage upgrading as soon as is feasible. We will not be communicating about changes that will break the outdated versions of the CLI.

The HubSpot CMS GitHub Deploy action will not be impacted by this change, it uses node v16 already, and the latest version of the HubSpot CLI.

Upgrade to the latest version using the command npm i -g @hubspot/cli@latest in your terminal.