HubSpot Developer Changelog

Introducing the HubSpot Template Marketplace, including themes and modules

Written by AJ LaPorte | Jul 12, 2023 3:00:18 PM

Today, July 12th 2023, HubSpot announced a redesigned template marketplace, now listing standalone modules, in addition to themes.

Now available: Standalone modules

The template marketplace now offers standalone modules, reusable building blocks with more custom functionality. With modules, users can go beyond the basics of a theme to make their website stand out.

Unlock a new revenue stream by showcasing your development and design expertise to a wider audience with bite-sized and easily adoptable modules. Learn how to build new modules by reading our developer documentation.

Improved user experience

The template marketplace now includes a homepage, designed with marketplace newcomers in mind. This lays the foundation for a more thoughtful user experience that drives stronger awareness and adoption of themes and modules.

Read the customer-facing announcement on HubSpot Releases & Updates.

Want to join HubSpot’s Template Marketplace and sell your themes or modules?

Learn more about becoming a template provider and building for the template marketplace by visiting: