HubSpot Developer Changelog

Simplifying batch update response codes for CRM v3 APIs

Written by Zachary Wolfson | May 28, 2020 4:44:39 PM

Batch APIs are extremely useful to help both developers and HubSpot work efficiently. The use of batch APIs is highly encouraged so it’s important that they work as expected.

What’s happening

Batch update APIs for the CRM v3 will no longer return a 204 No Content response.  Responses will either be a 200 when batch updates are fully successful or a 207 Multi-Status response when one or more of the batch operations fails.  This brings the API into line with what is currently documented. This change only affects the /crm/v3/objects/{objectName}/batch/update endpoints. 

When is this happening

This change will take place on Thursday June 4th.  

If you have any questions or concerns please join the conversation in the community.