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Use the blog authors API to manage author information for your blog posts. Learn more about how to create and maintain your blog on the HubSpot Knowledge Base.

The following properties are deprecated and will not be included in the response of any of the V3 endpoints:

  • user_id
  • username
  • googlePlus
  • gravatarUrl
  • twitterUsername
  • hasSocialProfiles

To retrieve an account's blog authors, make a GET request to /cms/v3/blogs/authors. You can filter and sort the authors returned in the response using the operators and properties described below. You can also use the standard filters using the createdAt and updatedAt dates.

Provide any filters as query parameters in your request, by adding the property name, followed by two underscore characters, then include the associated operator as a suffix. For example, you can filter the results to only include authors where the displayName property contains the word J__ohn using the parameter: &displayName__icontains=john.

You can include any number of filters as query parameters in the request URL. All filters are ANDed together. ORing filters is not currently supported.

The available filter types are listed below:

eqEqual to
neNot equal to
ltLess than
lteLess than or equal to
gtGreater than
gteGreater than or equal to
not_nullNot null
likeIs like
not_likeNot like
icontainsContains (case sensitive)
startswithStarts with

The table below lists the properties that can be filtered on, along with their supported filter types.

ideq, in, not_in
fullNameeq, in, contains
emaileq, ne, not_null
createdAteq, gt, gte, lt, lte
updatedAteq, gt, gte, lt, lte
nameeq, in, contains
deletedAteq, gt, gte, lt, lte
languagein, not_null
translatedFromIdnull, not_null

To filter blog authors based on a multi-language group, you can include one of the query parameters in the table below. For example, to get blog authors associated with the German variation of your blog, you'd include language_in=de as a query parameter.

translatedFromId__is_nullPrimary blog author in a multi-language group.
translatedFromId__not_nullVariation blog author in a multi-language group.
language__inBlog author with a specific language.

You can provide sorting and pagination options as query parameters. Specify the property name as the value to the sort query parameter to return the blog authors in the natural order of that property. You can reverse the sorting order by including a dash character before the property name (e.g., sort=-createdAt).

By combining query parameters for filtering, sorting, and paging, you can retrieve blog authors that match more advanced search criteria. For example, the request below fetches blog authors that don't have a language assigned, ordered by the most recently updated. The limit and offset parameters below return the second page of results.

To create a blog author, make a POST request to /cms/v3/blogs/authors, and include a JSON payload that represents the blog author model. The fullName field is required when creating a blog author. To set the URL of a blog author profile page, you must provide the slug field in your request. Review the required parameters and the structure of the blog author model in the reference documentation.

To update a blog author, make a PATCH request to /cms/v3/blogs/authors/{objectId}, where objectId is the ID of the associated author. Include a JSON payload representing the blog author model in your request. Review the required parameters and the structure of the blog author model in the reference documentation.

To help you maintain blog authors across multiple languages, HubSpot's CMS allows you to group together blog authors of language variants of the same content. A blog author with a language set may only be used on blog posts of the same language. Blog authors that do not have a language set are considered global and may be used on all blog posts.

To learn more about working with multi-language blog authors, check out this Knowledge Base article.

To create a new language variant for an existing blog author, make a POST request to /multi-language/create-language-variant and include a JSON payload containing the ID of the blog author to clone and the language identifier of the new variant.

To add a blog author to an existing multi-language group, make a POST request to /multi-language/attach-to-lang-group and include a JSON payload containing the ID of the target blog author, the language identifier of the blog author being added, and the primaryId of the blog author designated as the primary author in the target multi-language group.

To remove a blog author from a multi-language group, make a POST request to /multi-language/detach-from-lang-group endpoint, and include a JSON payload that contains the ID of the target blog author.