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You can use the blog post API to publish and manage blog posts. Learn more about how to create and maintain your blog on the HubSpot Knowledge Base.

  • The following properties are deprecated and will not be included in the response of any of the V3 endpoints:
    • campaign_name
    • is_draft
    • keywords
  • The topicIds property has been renamed to tagIds.

You can retrieve blog posts either individually by ID or by retrieving all blog posts:

  • To retrieve an individual blog post, make a GET request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts/<postId>.
  • To retrieve all blog posts, make a GET request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts.

When retrieving all blog posts, you can filter and sort the returned posts using the operators and properties below. You can also use the standard filters using the createdAt and updatedAt dates. Learn more about the available filtering, sorting, and pagination options below.

Provide any filters as query parameters in your request, by adding the property name, followed by two underscore characters, then include the associated operator as a suffix. For example, you can filter the results to only include blog posts where the name property contains the word marketing using the parameter: &name__contains=marketing.

You can include any number of the following filters as query parameters in the request URL. All specified filters will be applied to narrow down results.

Equalseq (or none)
Not equalne
Less thanlt
Less than or equallte
Greater thangt
Greater than or equalgte
Not nullnot_null
Not likenot_like
Contains (case insensitive)icontains
Starts withstartswith
Not innin

The table below lists the properties that can be filtered on, along with their supported filter types.

PropertySupported filters
ideq, in
slugeq, in, nin, icontains
campaigneq, in
stateeq, Not equal, in, nin, contains
publishDateeq, gt, gte , lt ,lte
createdAteq, gt, gte , lt ,lte
updatedAteq, gt, gte , lt ,lte
nameeq, in, icontains
archivedAteq, gt, gte, lt ,lte
blogAuthorIdeq, in
translatedFromIdis_null, not_null
contentGroupIdeq, in
tagIdeq, in

The table below lists the query parameters you can use to filter by publish state.

Publish StateQuery parameters

To filter blog posts based on a multi-language group, you can include one of the query parameters in the table below. For example, to get blog posts associated with a German variation of your blog, you'd include contentGroupId__eq=<germanBlogId> as a query parameter.

DescriptionQuery parameters
Primary blog post in a multi-language grouptranslatedFromId__is_null
Variation blog post in a multi-language grouptranslatedFromId__not_null
Blog post with specific languagecontentGroupId__eq

You can provide sorting and pagination options as query parameters. Specify the property name as the value to the sort query parameter to return the blog posts in the natural order of that property. You can reverse the sorting order by including a dash character before the property name (e.g., sort=-createdAt).

By combining query parameters for filtering, sorting, and paging, you can retrieve blog posts that match more advanced search criteria. For example, the request below fetches blog posts that don't have a language assigned, ordered by the most recently updated. Including the limit and offset parameters below returns the second page of results.

Blog posts in HubSpot have both draft and live versions.

  • Drafted blog posts appear in HubSpot's editor, but are not live on the website. They can be reviewed and edited by users in HubSpot or via the API, and can be published when needed. After a blog post is published, the draft version can be updated as needed, then later published to update the live content.
  • Live blog posts are blog posts that appear on the website. The draft version can be updated without affecting the live blog post content. Published posts can be unpublished to remove them from the website and return them to a draft version.

To create a blog post, make a POST request to the /cms/v3/blogs/posts, specifying the blog post's details in the request body. By default, the post will be created as an unpublished draft. If needed, a blog post can be published at the time of creation as long as the properties necessary for publishing are set.

name RequiredStringDescription
contentGroupId RequiredStringThe ID of the parent blog to publish the post to. You can retrieve the ID using the blog details API.
slugStringThe URL slug of the blog post. HubSpot will automatically generate the full URL using this value, along with the parent blog domain and slug. If no value is provided, the name value will be used as a temporary slug (hyphenated). You will need to set a specific slug before the post can be published.
blogAuthorIdStringThe ID of the blog author. You can retrieve this value using the blog authors API.
metaDescriptionStringThe post's meta description.
useFeaturedImageBooleanWhether to include a featured image for the blog post. By default, this field is set to true. To include a featured image, include a value for the featuredImage parameter.
postBodyStringThe HTML content of the blog post.

Learn more about the structure of the blog post model in the blog posts endpoint reference.

You can update the draft version of a blog post by making a PATCH request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts/<postId>/draft. You must include a JSON payload that represents the blog post model. Properties you provide in the request payloud will override existing draft properties without any complex merging logic. As a result, if you're updating nested properties, you should provide the full definition of the object. Partial updates are not supported.

For example, the following request body would update the title and URL slug of a blog post:

Because this request would only update the draft, you would need to make a second request to publish the changes to the website.

To instead update a blog post and immediately publish those changes (updating both the draft and live versions of the post), make a PATCH request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts/<postId>, along with a request body containing the content you want to update.

Depending on the state of the blog post, there are a few endpoints you can use to publish it.

  • If the blog post is currently a draft, not yet published, make a PATCH request to the /cms/v3/blogs/posts/<postId> endpoint. In the request body, include a JSON payload that sets the state to PUBLISHED. The post must have the following properties set in order to be published:
nameStringThe title of the blog post.
contentGroupIdStringThe ID of the parent blog to publish the post to. You can retrieve the ID using the blog details API.
slugStringThe URL slug of the blog post. If no slug was specified at the time of creation, HubSpot will have assigned a temporary slug to the post. This temporary slug must be updated to a specific value in order for the post to be published.
blogAuthorIdStringThe ID of the blog author. You can retrieve this value using the blog authors API.
metaDescriptionStringThe post's meta description.
featuredImageStringAn image to use as the post's featured image. Alternatively, you can opt to not include a featured image by omitting this field and instead setting useFeaturedImage to false.
stateStringThe publish state of the post. Must be set to PUBLISHED.
  • If the blog post is currently published, you can publish any content that's currently drafted by making a POST request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts/<postId>/draft/push-live. This endpoint does not require a request body.

As an alternative to immediate publishing, you can schedule the draft version of your blog post to be published later by making a POST request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts/schedule. In the request body, include a JSON payload that contains the id of the target blog post and a publishDate (ISO8601 format).

To reset the draft version of a blog post back to its current live version, make a POST request to /cms/v3/blogs/posts/<postId>/draft/reset. This endpoint does not require a request body.

To help you maintain blog posts across multiple languages, HubSpot's CMS allows you to group together language variants of the same content. You can learn more about working with multi-language blog posts in on HubSpot's Knowledge Base.

You can create a new language variant for an existing blog post by making a POST request to the /multi-language/create-language-variant endpoint. The endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id of the blog post to clone and the language identifier of the new variant.

You can add a blog post to an existing multi-language group by making a POST request to the /multi-language/attach-to-lang-group endpoint. The endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id of the target blog post, the language identifier of the blog post being added, and the primaryId of the blog post designated as the primary blog post in the target multi-language group.

To detach a blog post from a multi-language group, make a POST request to the /multi-language/detach-from-lang-group endpoint. The endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id of the target blog post.