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The CMS Content Audit API allows you to filter and sort content object changes by type, time period, or HubSpot user ID. This endpoint is only available in accounts with a CMS Hub Enterprise subscription.

Example use case: find out which user most recently made changes to a list of pages.

Event TypeDescription
CREATEDAn object has been created.
DELETEDAn object has been deleted or disconnected.
PUBLISHEDAn object has been published.
UNPUBLISHEDAn object has been unpublished.
UPDATEDAn object has been updated.
Object TypeDescription
BLOGChanges made to your blog settings in your account settings.
BLOG_POSTBlog posts associated with your blog(s).
CONTENT_SETTINGSChanges made to your website settings in your account settings. The values changed will appear in the meta JSON array.
CTAChanges made to your Calls-to-action (CTAs).
DOMAINChanges made to the domains connected in your Domains & URLs settings in your account settings.
EMAILChanges made to emails in the email editor.
FILEChanges made to files in the files tool.
GLOBAL_MODULEChanges made to global modules.
HUBDB_TABLEChanges made to HubDB tables.
KNOWLEDGE_BASEChanges made to your knowledge base settings in your account settings.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ARTICLEChanges made to knowledge base articles in the content editor.
LANDING_PAGEChanges made to landing pages in the content editor.
MODULEChanges made to modules.
SERVERLESS_FUNCTIONChanges made to serverless functions.
TEMPLATEChanges made to templates.
THEMEChanges made to Theme Settings and when Themes are created.
URL_MAPPINGChanges made to your URL Redirects in URL Redirects settings in your account settings.
WEBSITE_PAGEChanges made to website pages in the content editor.