Use this API to create, manage, and publish website and landing pages. Learn more about creating and customizing pages within HubSpot. For example, fetch a currently drafted page, then publish it so that it's live on your website.
The following properties are deprecated and no longer included within the response:
To retrieve an account's pages, make a GET
request to cms/v3/pages/{landing-pages|site-pages}
. You can filter and sort the returned pages by adding query parameters to the request URL, which are described below. For example, to retrieve all website pages that are currently published or scheduled to publish, you would make a GET
request to the following URL:cms/v3/pages/site-pages?state__in=PUBLISHED_OR_SCHEDULED
You'll receive a response containing information about the page, along with the page's content.
// Example response
"total": 1,
"results": [
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"html": "<div style='text-align:center;'>\n<h2><strong>About</strong></h2>\n</div>",
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"path": "@hubspot/linked_image",
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"html": "<p>Add a short description about the work that you do at your company. Try to narrow in on your specialization so that you can capture the attention of your clients. Talk about the value that you can deliver through a paid consultation.</p>",
"path": "@hubspot/rich_text",
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"href": "#book"
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"html": "<a id=\"services\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n<h2>A suite of tools at your disposal</h2>\n<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>\n</div>",
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"content": "<h3 style='text-align:center;'>Service</h3><p>Summarize the service you provide. Add a message about the value that you can provide to your customers.</p>"
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"href": "#book"
"user_generated_content": false
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"name": "My test page",
"pageRedirected": false,
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"publishDate": "2024-03-28T18:48:55Z",
"publishImmediately": true,
"published": true,
"slug": "my-test-page",
"subcategory": "site_page",
"templatePath": "@hubspot/growth/templates/paid-consultation.html",
"translations": {},
"updatedAt": "2024-03-28T18:49:44.134Z",
"updatedById": "2931299",
"url": "",
"useFeaturedImage": false,
"widgetContainers": {},
"widgets": {}
When retrieving pages, you can add query parameters to the request URL to filter the results. Each filter will follow the same general syntax: propertyName__operator=value
. You can include as many filters as you'd like, and all specified filters will be applied to narrow down the results.For example, you can filter the results to only include pages where the name property contains the word marketing
using this parameter: name__icontains=marketing
.The table below lists the page properties that can be used as filters, along with which operators each property can use.
Property | Available operators |
id | eq , in , not_in |
slug | eq , in , nin , icontains |
campaign | eq , in |
state | eq , ne , in , nin , contains See available states for filtering options. |
publishDate | eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
createdAt | eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updatedAt | eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
templatePath | eq , contains , startswith |
name | eq , in , icontains |
mabExperimentId | eq , in |
abTestId | eq , in |
archivedAt | eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
createdById | eq |
updatedById | eq |
domain | eq , not_like , contains This will display as blank for content published on a domain that is primary for that content type. |
subcategory | eq , ne , in , nin |
folderId | eq , in , null , not_null |
language | in , not_null |
translatedFromId | null , not_null |
dynamicPageHubDbTableId | eq , not_null |
Below are the definitions for each operator, along with any available synonyms.
Operator | Description |
eq | Filters for results that are equal to the specified value.Synonyms: exact , is |
ne | Filters for results that are not equal to the specified value.Synonyms: neq , not |
contains | Filters for results that contain the specified, case-sensitive value. Not accepted for the name property.Synonym: like . |
icontains | Filters for results by the specified value, not case sensitive. Synonym: ilike . |
not_like | Filters for results that don't contain a specified value.Synonym: nlike |
lt | Filters for results that are less than a specified number value, such as a unix timestamp in milliseconds. |
lte | Filters for results that are less than or equal to a specified value. |
gt | Filters for results that are greater than a specified value. |
gte | Filters for results that are greater than or equal to a specified value. |
is_null | Filters for results that do not have a value for the specified property. |
not_null | Filters for results that have any value for the specified property. |
startswith | Filters for results that start with a specified value. |
in | In |
nin | Not in |
To retrieve pages with a given publish state, include the state__in=
query parameter with the following values:
Draft: DRAFT
Because both scheduled and published pages will reflect a PUBLISHED_OR_SCHEDULED
state, it's recommended to also include a publishDate
parameter to better understand the page's current state.
For example, to identify the pages that are currently scheduled but not yet published, your request URL should include a publishDate
parameter that uses the gt
(greater than) operator with the current datetime specified. This will filter for pages with a publish time in the future: state__in=PUBLISHED_OR_SCHEDULED&publishDate__gt={currentTime}
To identify the pages that are already published, your request URL would similarly include a publishDate parameter, but you would use the lt
(less than) operator with the current datetime specified. state__in=PUBLISHED_OR_SCHEDULED&publishDate__lt={currentTime}
Please note: currentState
is a generated field which cannot be used as a filter. This field will reflect the page's current publish state.
When filtering for A/B test pages, you can use the following filters:
Description | Query Params |
Active A page or winning variant of a completed A/B test | abStatus__eq=MASTER |
Active B page | abStatus__eq=VARIANT |
Losing variant of a completed A/B test | abStatus__eq=LOSER_VARIANT |
Please note:
- An A/B test is running only when there are published, active A and B pages.
- An A/B test is complete when a winning and losing variant have been selected, i.e. there isn’t an active B page.
When filtering for multi-language pages, you can use the following filters:
Description | Query Params |
Primary page in a multi-language group | translatedFromId__is_null |
Variation page in a multi-language group | translatedFromId__not_null |
Page with specific Language* (German) | language__in=de Does not support language locale values (e.g., en-us ) |
To sort results, you can add a sort
query parameter to your request URL, followed by the property name. You can reverse the sort by adding a -
to the property name. For example: sort=-publishDate
.By combining query parameters for filtering, sorting and paging, you can retrieve the pages that match your search criteria. For example, the request below fetches landing pages that do not have a language assigned, ordered by most recently updated. The limit and offset parameters below return the second page of results.
curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
To create a website page, make a POST
request to /cms/v3/pages/site-pages
. In the request body, you'll include a JSON payload that sets the page's details along with the page content contained in the layoutSections
object. The required fields when creating a page are name
and templatePath
.For templatePath
, the path should not include a slash (/
) at the start. When using the Copy path function in the design manager, this slash will be included automatically but should be removed after pasting it into your request body.To set the URL of a page, set the domain
and slug
fields. Note that the url
field is generated and cannot be updated. Learn more about creating and customizing pages within HubSpot. You can create the page as a draft so that it's not yet published by setting the state
. See available states for more information.
// Example request body
"domain": "",
"htmlTitle": "My draft",
"name": "My test page",
"slug": "my-test-page",
"state": "DRAFT",
"templatePath": "@hubspot/growth/templates/paid-consultation.html",
"url": "",
"useFeaturedImage": false,
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"html": "<div style='text-align:center;'>\n<h2><strong>About</strong></h2>\n</div>",
"path": "@hubspot/rich_text",
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"html": "<p>Add a short description about the work that you do at your company. Try to narrow in on your specialization so that you can capture the attention of your clients. Talk about the value that you can deliver through a paid consultation.</p>",
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Pages in HubSpot have both draft and live versions. The draft version may be updated without affecting the live page content. Drafts can be reviewed and then published by a user working in HubSpot. They may also be scheduled for publication at a future time via the /schedule
endpoint. Draft changes can be discarded via the /reset
endpoint, allowing users to go back to the current live version of the page without disruption.
The draft version of a page can be updated via a PATCH
request to the {objectid}/draft
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload representing the page model.Modifying the content of a page via these APIs is not recommended -- the content editor in HubSpot is the simplest way to modify website content.You can modify the widgets
, widgetContainers
, and layoutSections
properties via this endpoint. They store page-level module data, contained directly in the template (widgets
), within flex columns (widgetContainers
) and in drag-and-drop areas (layoutSections
).The properties provided in the supplied payload will override the existing draft properties without any complex merging logic. Consequently, when updating nested properties such as those within the widgets
, widgetContainers
, or layoutSections
of the page, you must include the full definition of the object. Partial updates are not supported.
The draft version of a page can be reset to the current live version via a POST
request to the {objectId}/draft/reset
endpoint. This endpoint accepts no payload and simply reverts the draft version of the target page to match the current live version.
Unpublished changes to a published page can be pushed live via a POST
request to the {objectId}/draft/push-live
endpoint. This endpoint accepts no payload and will only update an already published page, not publish a drafted page.
The draft version of a page can be scheduled for publication at a future time via a POST
request to the schedule
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id
of the target page and a publishDate
. Learn more about scheduling page publication.
A/B tests can be used to tune and optimize content by splitting traffic to a page across two variants of differing formats. Conversion rate of each page is monitored over time so that a winner can be chosen based on the relative success of each variant. Learn more about running A/B tests in HubSpot. The following properties will be populated on pages with active or completed A/B tests:
: Unique identifier for the page’s associated A/B testabStatus
: Indicates whether the page is an A/B primary, variant, or loser variant
An A/B test variant can be created via a POST
request to the ab-test/create-variation
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the contentId
of the page to test and a variationName
for the variant to be created.Upon creation, the new test variant can be updated and published in the same manner as a standard page.
Once enough traffic has been monitored across each variant and a clear winner has been determined, an A/B test can be terminated via a POST
request to the ab-test/end
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the abTestId
of the target A/B test and the winnerId
of the content deemed the winner.
In HubSpot, you can group together language variants of the same content. Learn more about working with multi-language pages in HubSpot. The following properties will be populated on pages within a multi-language group:
: unique identifier for the primary language page of the multi-language group. This property will be null on the primary page itself.language
: the ISO 639 code representing the language of the page.translations
: a map of ISO 639 codes to variant page objects within the multi-language group.
A new language variant of an existing page can be created via a POST
request to the multi-language/create-language-variant
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id
of the page to clone and the language
identifier of the new variant.
A page can be added to an existing multi-language group via a POST
request to the multi-language/attach-to-lang-group
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id
of the target page, the language
identifier of the page being added, and the primaryId
of the page designated as the primary page in the target multi-language group.
A page can be removed from a multi-languages group via a POST
request to the multi-language/detach-from-lang-group
endpoint. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload containing the id
of the target page.