
Use the carts API to create and manage data related to ecommerce purchases in HubSpot. This can be especially useful for keeping HubSpot data synced with external ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify and NetSuite.

For example, use the API to sync cart data with Shopify, including associating the cart with an order and contact record.

Create carts

To create a cart, make a POST request to crm/v3/objects/cart.

In the request body, you can include the properties and associations objects to set property values and associate the cart with other CRM objects (e.g., contacts and line items). Learn more about order properties and associations below.


Cart details are stored in cart properties. HubSpot provides a set of default cart properties, but you can also create your own custom properties using the properties API.

To include properties when creating a cart, add them as fields in a properties object in the request body.For example, the request body below would create a cart with some basic product details based on the information provided by the buyer at checkout.

// Example POST request body { "properties": { "hs_cart_name":"name-of-cart", "hs_external_cart_id":"1234567890", "hs_external_status":"pending", "hs_source_store":"name-of-store", "hs_total_price":"500", "hs_currency_code":"USD", "hs_cart_discount":"12", "hs_tax":"36.25", "hs_shipping_cost":"0", "hs_tags":"frames, lenses" } }

The response will include the information you provided during creation along with a few other default properties.

// Example response { "id": "55262618747", "properties": { "hs_cart_discount": "12", "hs_cart_name": "name-of-cart", "hs_external_cart_id":"1234567890", "hs_created_by_user_id": "959199", "hs_createdate": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "hs_currency_code": "USD", "hs_exchange_rate": "1.0", "hs_external_status": "pending", "hs_homecurrency_amount": "500.0", "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "hs_object_id": "55262618747", "hs_object_source": "CRM_UI", "hs_object_source_id": "userId:959199", "hs_object_source_label": "CRM_UI", "hs_object_source_user_id": "959199", "hs_shipping_cost": "0", "hs_source_store": "name-of-store", "hs_tags": "frames, lenses", "hs_tax": "36.25", "hs_total_price": "500", "hs_updated_by_user_id": "959199" }, "createdAt": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "archived": false }


You can associate carts with other HubSpot CRM objects at creation by including an associations object. You can also use the associations API to update existing carts after creation.

In the associations array, include the following fields:

Use this table to describe parameters / fields

The ID of the record that you want to associate the cart with.


A unique identifier to indicate the association type between the cart and the other object. Below are the CRM objects that you can associate orders with, along with their associationTypeId:

To see a list of all association types, check out the associations API documentation. Or, you can retrieve each value by making a GET request to /crm/v4/associations/{fromObjectType}/{toObjectType}/labels.

For example, the POST request body below would create a cart that's associated with a specific contact and two line items. 

// Example request body { "associations": [ { "to": { "id": 301 }, "types": [ { "associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED", "associationTypeId": 586 } ] }, { "to": { "id": 1243313490 }, "types": [ { "associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED", "associationTypeId": 590 } ] }, { "to": { "id": 1243557166 }, "types": [ { "associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED", "associationTypeId": 590 } ] } ], "properties": { "hs_external_cart_id":"1234567890", "hs_external_status":"pending", "hs_source_store":"name-of-store", "hs_total_price":"500", "hs_currency_code":"USD", "hs_tax":"36.25", "hs_tags":"donuts, bagels" } }

Retrieve carts

Depending on the information you need, there are a few ways to retrieve carts:

  • To retrieve all carts, make a GET request to /crm/v3/objects/cart.
  • To retrieve a specific cart, make a GET request to the above URL and specify a cart ID. For example: /crm/v3/objects/cart/44446244097.
  • To retrieve carts that meet a specific set of criteria, you can make a POST request to the search endpoint and include filters in the request body. Learn more about searching the CRM.

The response will include a few default properties, including the create date, last modified date.

// Example response { "id": "55226265370", "properties": { "hs_createdate": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "hs_object_id": "55226265370" }, "createdAt": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "archived": false }

To return specific properties, include a properties query parameter in the request URL along with comma-separated property names. For example, making a GET request to the following URL would result in the response below:


// Example response { "results": [ { "id": "55226265370", "properties": { "hs_createdate": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "hs_external_cart_id": "1234567890", "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "hs_object_id": "55226265370" }, "createdAt": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-10T18:59:32.441Z", "archived": false }, { "id": "55262618747", "properties": { "hs_createdate": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "hs_external_cart_id": "8675309", "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "hs_object_id": "55262618747" }, "createdAt": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "archived": false } ] }

To view all available cart properties, use the properties API by making a GET request to crm/v3/properties/cart.

Learn more about cart properties.

Search for carts by properties

You can use the search endpoint to retrieve carts that meet a specific set of filter criteria. This will be a POST request that includes your filter criteria in the request body.

For example, to search for all carts placed at a specific store, you would make a POST request to crm/v3/objects/cart/search with the following request body:

// Example search request body { "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { "propertyName": "hs_source_store", "value": "Cat Cafe - Portland", "operator": "EQ" } ] } ], "properties": ["hs_external_cart_id","hs_source_store"] }

Retrieve a cart with associations

To retrieve a cart and the contact associated with it, make a GET request to:


This will return the IDs of the currently associated contact, along with meta information about the association type.

// Example response { "results": [ { "id": "301", "type": "cart_to_contact" } ] }

You can then use the returned IDs to request more information about the contact through the contacts API. Using the above example response, you would make a GET request to crm/v3/objects/contacts/301.

// Example response { "id":"301", "properties":{ "createdate":"2022-09-27T13:13:31.004Z", "email":"", "firstname":"Tom", "hs_object_id":"301", "lastmodifieddate":"2023-11- 07T17:14:00.841Z", "lastname":"Bombadil" }, "createdAt":"2022-09-27T13:13:31.004Z", "updatedAt":"2023-11-07T17:14:00.841Z", "archived":false }

Note that the filters array specifies the search criteria, while the properties array specifies which properties to return.

Update carts

To update a cart, make a PATCH request to /crm/v3/objects/cart/{cartId}. In the request body, include a properties object containing the properties that you want to update. 

For example, if you wanted to update a cart after it's been fulfilled, you could send the following request body:

// Example request body { "properties": { "hs_external_status": "fulfilled" } }

The response will include a set of default properties along with the property that you just set.

// Example response { "id": "55263075218", "properties": { "hs_created_by_user_id": "959199", "hs_createdate": "2024-04-11T20:52:47.212Z", "hs_external_status": "fulfilled", "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2024-04-11T20:56:00.234Z", "hs_object_id": "55263075218", "hs_updated_by_user_id": "959199" }, "createdAt": "2024-04-11T20:52:47.212Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-11T20:56:00.234Z", "archived": false }

To update the associations for an existing cart, make a PUT request to /crm/v3/objects/cart/{cartId}/associations/{toObjectType}/{toObjectId}/{associationTypeId}. You can also use the associations API.

See the associations section for associationTypeId values for cart-to-object associations. You can also make a GET request to /crm/v4/associations/{fromObjectType}/{toObjectType}/labels.

To see all a list of all values, check out the associations API documentation.

For example, to associate a cart with an existing order, you would make a PUT request to the following URL:


The response will return a set of default properties along with an associations object containing information about the association that you set.

// Example response { "id": "55262618747", "properties": { "hs_createdate": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "hs_object_id": "55262618747" }, "createdAt": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-11T20:42:01.734Z", "archived": false, "associations": { "orders": { "results": [ { "id": "54807577390", "type": "cart_to_order" } ] } } }

To remove an association from an existing cart, make a DELETE request to the following URL:


For example, if you wanted to remove an associated line item from a cart, your request URL would be the following:


Cart properties

When managing your cart data, you may want to use some of the common properties in the table below. To get all cart properties, make a GET request to /crm/v3/properties/cart. Learn more about using the properties API.

Property name Label in UI Description
hs_cart_name Name The name in an external system.
hs_external_cart_id Cart ID Unique identifier from an external system.
hs_source_store Source Store Data used to identify which store the cart came from.
hs_external_status Status The current status of the cart. 
hs_cart_url Cart Url The recovery URL that's sent to a customer so they can revive an abandoned cart.
hs_total_price Total Price The sum total amount associated with the cart.
Currency Code The currency code used in the cart.
Cart Discount Amount of discount in the cart.
hs_tags Tags A collection of tag strings for the cart.

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