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Use the quotes API to create, manage, and retrieve sales quotes for sharing pricing information with potential buyers. Once configured, a quote can be shared with a buyer either at a specified URL or through PDF. Users can also manage quotes in HubSpot to add details, update associations, and more.

If you’ve set up either HubSpot payments or Stripe payment processing, you can configure a quote to be payable through this API. Learn more about payable quotes.


Example use case: You need to create a contract proposal for a customer who is interested in purchasing one of your annual SEO auditing service packages.

Below, learn how to create a quote through the API and configure its various properties, associations, states, and more.

The quote creation process can be broken up into the following steps:

  1. Create a quote: create a quote with a few details, such as name and expiration date. You can also configure the quote to enable e-signatures and payments.
  2. Set up associations: associate the quote with other types of CRM objects, such as line items, a quote template, a deal, and more. During the next step, the quote will inherit property values from some of these associated records as well as the account's settings.
  3. Set the quote state: set the quote's state to reflect its readiness to be shared with buyers. When you set the quote's state, such as making it an editable draft or fully published and publicly accessible quote, it will inherit certain properties from its associated CRM records and account settings.
  4. Share the quote: once a quote has been published, you can share it with your buyers.

To create a quote, you'll first configure its basic details by making a POST request to /crm/v3/objects/quotes. Later, you'll make a separate call to associate the quote with other objects, such as the quote template, line items, or a deal.

In the post body, include the following required properties to configure its basic details.

hs_title string (required)

The name of the quote.

hs_expiration_date string (required)

The date that the quote expires.

The above are just the minimum required properties to get a quote started but other properties are required to publish a quote. To see all available quote properties, make a GET request to crm/v3/properties/quotes. Learn more about the properties API.

The response will include an id, which you'll use to continue configuring the quote. You can update quote properties at any time by making a PATCH request to /crm/v3/objects/quotes/{quoteId}.

Setting the hubspot_owner_id property manually isn't possible due to it being a calculated property, and any values will be overridden. When using quotes, the property works as follows:

  • If a deal is associated with the quote, the hubspot_owner_id property will reflect the hs_associated_deal_owner_id property (hs_associated_deal_owner_id is a calculated property).
  • If a deal isn't associated with the quote, the hubspot_owner_id property will reflect the hs_quote_owner_id property.

To enable e-signatures on the quote, include the hs_esign_enabled boolean property in your request body with a value of true. Note that you will not be able to add countersigners through the API, so those will need to be added in HubSpot before publishing the quote. You also cannot publish a quote with e-sign enabled if you've exceeded your monthly e-signature limit.

Later, you'll need to associate the quote with the quote signers. While the contacts signing the quote exist as contacts in HubSpot, they're stored as a separate association type from contacts. Learn more about associating quotes with quote signers.

To turn on payments on a quote, include the hs_payment_enabled boolean property in your request body with a value of true. Depending on your payment processor and accepted payment methods, you’ll also need to set hs_payment_type and hs_allowed_payment_methods.

hs_payment_enabledBooleanWhen set to true, enables the quote to collect payment using either HubSpot payments or Stripe payment processing. Default is false.
hs_payment_typeEnumerationDetermines which payment processor to use. Value can be either HUBSPOT or BYO_STRIPE.
hs_allowed_payment_methodsEnumerationThe payment methods to be used (e.g., credit card).
hs_collect_billing_addressBooleanWhen set to true, allows the buyer to enter their billing address during checkout.
hs_collect_shipping_addressBooleanWhen set to true, allows the buyer to enter their shipping address during checkout.

For example, to create a quote and enable HubSpot payments via credit/debit card or ACH, your request would look like:

To track payment, HubSpot will automatically update the hs_payment_status and hs_payment_date properties:

  • When you publish a quote with payments enabled, HubSpot will automatically set the hs_payment_status property to PENDING.
  • If using ACH, when the payment is processed, HubSpot will automatically set the hs_payment_status property to PROCESSING.
  • When the payment is confirmed, HubSpot will automatically set the hs_payment_status property to PAID.
  • Once the quote is paid, HubSpot will automatically set hs_payment_date to the date and time that the payment was confirmed.
  • Once payment is confirmed, the payment is automatically associated to the quote. If you would like to retrieve more information about the payment, refer to the Payments API.

To create a complete quote, you'll need to associate it with other CRM records, such as line items, using the associations API. The table below shows which CRM record associations are required for a complete quote, and which are optional. Continue reading to learn more about retrieving IDs and using them to create the needed associations.

Object typeRequiredDescription
Line itemsYesThe goods and/or services being sold through the quote. You can create line items from products in your product library or create custom standalone line items.
Quote templateYesThe template that renders the quote, along with providing some default configuration settings for the quote, such as language. Each quote can be associated with one template.
DealYesThe deal record for tracking revenue and sales lifecycle. A quote inherits values from the associated deal, including the owner and currency. Each quote can be associated with one deal.
ContactNoSpecific buyers that you're addressing in the quote.
CompanyNoA specific company that you're addressing in the quote. Each quote can be associated with one company.
Discounts, fees, and taxesNoAny discounts, fees, and taxes to be applied at checkout. When determining the total quote amount, HubSpot first applies discounts, followed by fees, then taxes. You can use the hs_sort_order field to reorder objects of the same type. Can be set to fixed values or percentages by setting hs_type to either FIXED or PERCENT.

To make each association, you'll first need to retrieve the ID of each object you want to associate. To retrieve each ID, you'll make a GET request to the relevant object endpoint, which follows the same pattern across each CRM object. When making each request, you can also include a properties query parameter to return specific properties when needed. Below are example GET requests for each type of object.

Each successful call will return a 200 response with details for each fetched object type. You'll use the value in the id field to set associations in the next step.

With your IDs retrieved, you can now make calls to the associations API to create associations.

For each type of object you want to associate with a quote, you'll need to make a separate call by making a PUT request using the URL structure below:


fromObjectIdThe ID of the quote.
toObjectTypeThe type of object you're associating with. For example, line_items, deals, and quote_template.
toObjectIdThe ID of the object you're associating the quote with.

Below are example PUT requests for each type of object.

As an example, if your quote has an ID of 123456, the requests to associate the quote might include the following:

  • Line items (IDs: 55555, 66666):
    • /crm/v4/objects/quotes/123456/associations/default/line_items/55555
    • /crm/v4/objects/quotes/123456/associations/default/line_items/66666
  • Quote template (ID: 987654): /crm/v4/objects/quotes/123456/associations/default/quote_template/987654
  • Deal (ID: 345345): /crm/v4/objects/quotes/123456/associations/default/deals/345345

Each successful association will return a 200 response with details about the association. The above calls will associate the objects in both directions, with each direction have its own ID. For example, if you associate the quote with a quote template, the response will describe the association from both ends. In the example response below, 286 is the quote-to-quote-template association type ID, and 285 is the quote-template-to-quote association type ID.

If you're enabling the quote for e-signatures, you'll also need to create an association between the quote and the contacts who are signing by using a specific quote-to-contact association label.

Rather than using the default association endpoints shown above, you'll need to make a PUT request to the following URL:


In the request body, you'll need to specify the associationCategory and associationTypeId, as shown below:

The following request body will create a new quote with associations to a quote template, a deal, two line items, and a contact.

POST /crm/v3/objects/quote

properties object

Quote details, which can be retrieved through the properties API. Required properties are: hs_title and hs_expiration_date.

hs_title string (required)

The name of the quote.

hs_expiration_date string (required)

The date that the quote expires.

hs_status string

The quote status. Omitting this property on create will prevent users from being able to edit the quote in HubSpot.

associations array

The quote's associated records. For a quote to be publishable, it must have an associated deal and quote template. The line items should be created separately from the line items on the associated deal.

To set each association, include a separate object in the associations array with the following fields:

  • to: the ID of the record to associate with the quote.
  • associationCategory: the type of association. Can be HUBSPOT_DEFINED or USER_DEFINED.
  • associationTypeId: the ID of the type of association being made:
    • 286: quote to quote template
    • 64: quote to deal
    • 67: quote to line item

Learn more about association type IDs.

A quote's state describes how far along it is in the creation process, from initial set up to being published and publicly accessible. Quote state can also reflect the quote approval process, if quote approvals are enabled for the account. When setting a quote's state, HubSpot will automatically fill in certain properties.

You can update a quote's state by making a PATCH request to /crm/v3/objects/quote/{quoteId}.

A quote's state is based on the hs_status field. Certain quote states allow users to edit, publish, and use the quote in quote approval workflows. Below are the available quote states.

  • No state: if no value is provided for the hs_status field, the quote will be in a Minimal state. The quote will appear on the index page of the quotes tool, but cannot be edited directly. Quotes in this state can still be used in automation, such as the sequences tool, and are also available to analyze within the reporting tool.
  • DRAFT: enables the quote to be edited in HubSpot. This state can be useful for when the quote isn't fully configured or if you'd rather enable sales reps to complete the quote configuration process in HubSpot.
  • APPROVAL_NOT_NEEDED: publishes the quote at a publicly accessible URL (hs_quote_link) without needing to be approved.
  • PENDING_APPROVAL: indicates that the quote is waiting to be approved before it can be published.
  • APPROVED: the quote has been approved and is now published at a publicly accessible URL (hs_quote_link).
  • REJECTED: indicates that the quote has been set up but has not been approved for publishing, and must be edited before it can be submitted for approval again.

For example, the following request would publish the quote at a publicly accessible URL.

You can retrieve quotes individually or in batches.

  • To retrieve an individual quote, make a GET request to /crm/v3/objects/quotes/{quoteID}.
  • To request a list of all quotes, make a GET request to /crm/v3/objects/quotes.

For these endpoints, you can include the following query parameters in the request URL:

propertiesA comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. If the requested quotecontact doesn't have a value for a property, it will not appear in the response.
propertiesWithHistoryA comma separated list of the current and historical properties to be returned in the response. If the requested quote doesn't have a value for a property, it will not appear in the response.
associationsA comma separated list of objects to retrieve associated IDs for. Any specified associations that don't exist will not be returned in the response. Learn more about the associations API.

To retrieve a batch of specific quotes by their IDs, make a POST request to crm/v3/objects/quotes/batch/read and include the IDs in the request body. You can also include a properties array to specify which properties to return. The batch endpoint cannot retrieve associations. Learn how to batch read associations with the associations API.

Updating the quote's state will update the following properties:

  • hs_quote_amount: calculated based on any associated line items, taxes, discounts, and fees.
  • hs_domain: set from the associated quote template.
  • hs_slug: randomly generated if one is not explicitly provided.
  • hs_quote_total_preference: set based on your account settings. If you haven't configured this setting, it will default to the value of the total_first_payment field.
  • hs_timezone: defaults to your HubSpot account's timezone.
  • hs_locale: set from the associated quote template.
  • hs_quote_number: set based on the current date and time, unless one is provided.
  • hs_language: set from the associated quote template.
  • hs_currency: set based on the associated deal. If you haven't associated a deal with the quote, it will default to your HubSpot account's default currency.

Additionally, the properties below will be calculated when the quote is set to a published state:

  • hs_pdf_download_link: populated with a URL of a PDF for the quote.
  • hs_locked: set to true. To modify any properties after you've published a quote, you must first update the hs_status of the quote back to DRAFT, PENDING_APPROVAL, or REJECTED.
  • hs_quote_link: the quote's publicly accessible URL. This is a read-only property and cannot be set through the API after publishing.
  • hs_esign_num_signers_required: if you've enabled e-signatures, displays the number of signatures required.
  • hs_payment_status: the status of payment collection, if you’ve enabled payments. Upon publishing with payments enabled, this property will be set to PENDING. Once the buyer submits payment through the quote, the status will automatically update accordingly. Learn more about enabling payments.

The following scopes are required for an app to create a valid publishable quote:

  • crm.objects.quotes.write,, crm.objects.line_items.write,,, crm.objects.contacts.write,,,, crm.objects.companies.write,