
Use this API to fetch information about users in the account, along with updating their working hours, timezone, additional phone number, and job title properties. This API can be especially useful for syncing HubSpot user data with external workforce management tools.

For example, use these endpoints keep a user's working hours in sync with an external scheduling system.

Learn more about objects, records, properties, and associations APIs in the Understanding the CRM guide. For more general information about objects and records in HubSpot, learn how to manage your CRM database.

Retrieve users

Depending on the information you need, there are a few ways to retrieve HubSpot users:

  • To retrieve all users, make a GET request to /crm/v3/objects/users/.
  • To retrieve a specific user, make a GET request to the above URL and specify a user ID. For example: crm/v3/objects/users/207838823235.
  • To retrieve a batch of users by ID, make a POST request to /crm/v3/objects/users/batch/read.
  • To retrieve users that meet a specific set of criteria, you can make a POST request to /crm/v3/objects/users/search and include search filters in the request body. Learn more about searching the CRM.

The response will include a few default properties, including the create date, last modified date.

Please note: the Id field is the objectId of the CRM object. This objectId is different from the userId that is used with the user provisioning. Learn more about the User Provisioning API.
// Example response { "results":[ { "id":"207838823235", "properties":{ "hs_createdate":"2021-01-10T20:36:06.761Z", "hs_lastmodifieddate":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "hs_object_id":"207838823235" }, "createdAt":"2021-01-10T20:36:06.761Z", "updatedAt":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "archived":false }, { "id":"207840253600", "properties":{ "hs_createdate":"2017-12-22T12:22:12.212Z", "hs_lastmodifieddate":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "hs_object_id":"207840253600" }, "createdAt":"2017-12-22T12:22:12.212Z", "updatedAt":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "archived":false } ] }

To return specific properties, include a properties query parameter in the request URL along with comma-separated property names. Learn more about user properties below.

For example, making a GET request to the following URL would result in the response below:


// Example response { "results":[ { "id":"207838823235", "properties":{ "hs_additional_phone":"+1123456780", "hs_createdate":"2021-01-10T20:36:06.761Z", "hs_job_title": "CEO", "hs_lastmodifieddate":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "hs_object_id":"207838823235" }, "createdAt":"2021-01-10T20:36:06.761Z", "updatedAt":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "archived":false }, { "id":"207840253600", "properties":{ "hs_additional_phone":"+1238675309", "hs_createdate":"2021-01-10T20:36:06.761Z", "hs_job_title": "Vice President", "hs_lastmodifieddate":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "hs_object_id":"207838823235" }, "createdAt":"2017-12-22T12:22:12.212Z", "updatedAt":"2023-08-29T18:17:55.697Z", "archived":false } ] }

For the batch read endpoint, you can either retrieve users by their ID or by another unique identifier property by including an idProperty field.

For example, to read a batch of users, your request could look like either of the following:

///Example request body with internal ID { "properties": [ "hs_job_title", "hs_additional_phone" ], "inputs": [ { "id": "207838823235" }, { "id": "207840253600" } ] }
///Example request body with a unique value property { "properties": [ "hs_job_title", "hs_additional_phone" ], "idProperty": "externalIdProperty", "inputs": [ { "id": "0001111" }, { "id": "0001112" } ] }

Update users

You can update users by ID individually or in batches.

  • To update an individual user, make a PATCH request to /crm/v3/objects/users/{userId}.
  • To update a batch of users, make a POST request to /crm/v3/objects/users/batch/update, including the user IDs or unique idProperty in the request body as shown in the section above.

For each endpoint, you'll need to include a request body that contains the properties you want to update.

For example, the request body below would update a user's timezone and working hours:

///Example request body { "properties": { "hs_standard_time_zone": "America/Detroit", "hs_working_hours":"[{\"days\":\"SATURDAY\",\"startMinute\":540,\"endMinute\":1020},{\"days\":\"WEDNESDAY\",\"startMinute\":540,\"endMinute\":1020}]" } }

Only some properties can be set through this API. See the properties section below for a list of the available propeties.

User properties

To retrieve a list of all available user properties, you can use the properties API by making a GET request to crm/v3/properties/user. Learn more about using the properties API.

Below are the user properties that can be set through this API.

Parameter Type Description
hs_additional_phone String The user's additional phone number. Users can set this in their user preferences.
hs_availability_status String The user's availability status. The value must be either "available" or "away".
hs_job_title String The user's job title. Users can set this in their user preferences.
hs_main_user_language_skill  String The user's main language skill. The value must match an existing language skill. Learn more about formatting language skills below.
hs_out_of_office_hours String The user's out of office hours. Out of office hours must not overlap. Each out of office hours' start time must be later than the previous start time.
hs_secondary_user_language_skill String The user's secondary language skill. The value must match an existing language skill. Learn more about formatting language skills below.
hs_standard_time_zone String The user's timezone. Timezone values must use standard TZ identifiers, such as "America/New_York" or "Europe/Dublin". This property must be set before you can set the user's working hours.
hs_uncategorized_skills String The user's custom uncategorized skill. This property value must match an existing custom uncatgorized skill in the portal.
hs_working_hours String The user's working hours. This property value is formatted as stringified JSON. Learn more about formatting for working hours below.

Working hours

hs_working_hours accepts a stringified JSON value. It consists of an array with an object for each set of working hours. 

Parameter Type Description
days Stringified JSON

The days included in a set of working hours. Values include: 

startMinute Number

Working hours start time in minutes. Must be within the range of 0 - 1440, where 0 represents 12:00AM midnight. 

For example, a 9:00AM start time would be represented as 540.

endMinute Number

 Working hours end time in minutes. Follows the same rules as startMinute.

For example, 5:00PM is represented as 1020.

Please note:

  • The hs_standard_time_zone property must be set before you can set working hours.
  • Working hours cannot overlap.

For example, if a user works Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM, you would format that as follows:


If a user works Monday 9:00AM to 5:00PM and Saturday 11:00AM to 2:00PM, the array would contain an object to represent each set of working hours:


Out of office hours

If a user will be unavailable due to scheduled time off, you can set any periods during which they'll be out of office using the hs_out_of_office_hours property:

  • The property accepts an array of date ranges, each specified by a startTimestamp and endTimestamp.
  • The date ranges cannot overlap with one another, and the startTimestamp of each date range must be later than the previous startTimestamp.

For example, if you wanted to specify out-of-office hours during October 31st 2024 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and November 28 2024 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, you'd specify the following value for the hs_out_of_office_hours property for a user:

"[{\"startTimestamp\": 17303796000,\"endTimestamp\": 17304084000},{\"startTimestamp\": 17328024000,\"endTimestamp\": 17328312000}]"

Language skills

hs_main_user_language_skill or hs_secondary_user_language_skill must match an existing language skill. The following JSON array lists all valid options for language skill categories:

// Full list of valid options for language skill categories: [ { "label": "Dansk", "value": "da", }, { "label": "Deutsch", "value": "de" }, { "label": "English", "value": "en" }, { "label": "Español", "value": "es" }, { "label": "Français", "value": "fr" }, { "label": "Italiano", "value": "it" }, { "label": "Nederlands", "value": "nl" }, { "label": "Norsk", "value": "no" }, { "label": "Polski", "value": "pl" }, { "label": "Português", "value": "ptbr" }, { "label": "Suomi", "value": "fi" }, { "label": "Svenska", "value": "sv" }, { "label": "中文 - 繁體", "value": "zhtw" }, { "label": "日本語", "value": "ja" } ]

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