API developer guides & resources

HubSpot's APIs, which you can find the reference documentation here, allow you to build a functional app or integration quickly and easily. Here's an overview of what you'll need to use them.

Building apps

Before you get started, you should decide what type of app you want to build.

Public apps

If you're looking to create an app that other HubSpot users outside of your organization will install, such as an app listed on the app marketplace, you should create a public app.

If you're building a public app, you'll need to create an app developer account:

  • First, navigate to this page.
  • Click Create App Developer Account.
  • Authenticate using your Google or Microsoft account, or enter your email.
  • Continue following the setup instructions to create your developer account.

From there, you can create a new app, configure OAuth, and create a test environment. Start building now.

Private apps

If your goal is to create an integration that will only be leveraged by other users in your HubSpot account, such as internal app that can access or modify contact data from your account, you can create a private app.

Learn more about creating a private app in this article.


Most HubSpot API endpoints support both OAuth and private app access tokens.

Please note: as of November 30, 2022, HubSpot API Keys are being deprecated and are no longer supported. Continued use of HubSpot API Keys is a security risk to your account and data. During this deprecation phase, HubSpot may deactivate your key at any time.

You should instead authenticate using a private app access token or OAuth. Learn more about this change and how to migrate an API key integration to use a private app instead.

  • If you want to list your app in the HubSpot App Marketplace or have multiple users install it, you must use OAuth.
  • If you're building a private app, you can make calls using your app's access token, which also implements OAuth.

Usage and limits

Learn about our usage guidelines, rate limits, and how to check your API call usage.

App Partners and the App Marketplace

Review app listing requirements and create your app listing.

Learn to use APIs and build apps on HubSpot Academy

Learn more about the HubSpot APIs, developer accounts, and how to start making calls using both OAuth and API keys with these short (and free!) HubSpot Academy videos.


Quick links

Related docs

API reference docs

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