Marketing Events

A marketing event is a CRM object, similar to contacts and companies, that enables you to track and associate marketing events, such as a webinar, with other HubSpot CRM objects. Below, learn more about working with the marketing event API to integrate marketing events into an app.

In this article

Scope requirements

To make an API request to one of the marketing event endpoints, the following scopes are required:

  • grants permission to retrieve marketing event and attendance data.
  • crm.objects.marketing_events.write: grants permission to create, delete, or make changes to marketing event information.

When authenticating calls made by your app, you can either use a private app access token or OAuth. Learn more about authentication methods. For the full list of endpoints available, click the Endpoints tab at the top of this article.

Create and update events

You can create or update marketing events by making a POST request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/events/upsert endpoint. You can include any customProperties that correspond to the events you want to update in the inputs field of your request body, along with any other details of your event (including its name, start time, and description).

If a marketing event already exists with the specified ID in your request, it will be updated. Otherwise, a new event will be created.

For example, the following request would create an event with an ID of 4 named "Virtual cooking class":

// Example request body for POST request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/events/upsert { "inputs": [ { "customProperties": [ { "name": "property1", "value": "1234" } ], "eventName": "Virtual cooking class", "startDateTime": "2023-11-30T17:46:20.461Z", "eventOrganizer": "Chef Joe", "eventDescription": "Join us for a virtual cooking class! Yum." "eventCancelled": false, "externalAccountId": "CookingCo", "externalEventId": "4" } ] }

You can review a full list of all available fields you can include in your request by clicking the Endpoints tab at the top of this article.

Participant state endpoints

You can use the participation endpoints to retrieve event participant data for your marketing events. You can query data such as aggregate metrics for a specific event, as well as participant data for a specific contact or event.

Review the available participation endpoints below. For a full reference of all available parameters for each endpoint, click the Endpoints tab at the top of this article.

Please note: the activity counts in the marketing events page in your HubSpot account may differ from the corresponding aggregate metrics from the participation counters API endpoint.

For example, if a participant registered for an event, then cancelled, then re-registered for the same event, each of those activities will be included in the totals you see in the marketing events UI in your account. If you're using the participant state endpoints below, only the current state of a participant is included in the associated counter for that metric (e.g., attended, registered, cancelled, or noShows).

Read participations for a specific contact

To get event participation data for a specific contact, make a GET request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/participations/contacts/{contactIdentifier}/breakdown, using's the contact's ID or email address as the contactIdentifier path parameter.

The response will include a summary of the contact's event participation in the properties field:

// Example response for GET request for contact participation data { "results": [ { "associations": { "marketingEvent": { "externalAccountId": "4", "marketingEventId": "123", "externalEventId": "456", "name": "Virtual baking workshop" }, "contact": { "firstname": "Jane", "contactId": "156792341", "email": "", "lastname": "Doe" } }, "createdAt": "2024-05-21T18:35:04.838Z", "id": "string", "properties": { "occurredAt": "2024-05-22T10:35:04.838Z", "attendancePercentage": "string", "attendanceState": "REGISTERED", "attendanceDurationSeconds": 3600 } } ] }

Read participation breakdown data

To get a breakdown of participation data for a specific event, use your externalAccountId and the externalEventId of your event to make a GET request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/participations/{externalAccountId}/{externalEventId}/breakdown.

Read participation counters

To get an aggregate participation summary for an event, use your externalAccountId and the externalEventId of your event to make a GET request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/participations/{externalAccountId}/{externalEventId}.

The response will include the total attendance counts:

// Example response for GET request for event participation counters { "attended": 152, "registered": 200, "cancelled": 3, "noShows": 8 }

Filtering participation breakdown data

When fetching breakdown data or event participation data for a specific contact, you can filter the resulting data using the contactIdentifier, state, limit, or after fields as query parameters in your request.

Query parameter Type Description
contactIdentifier string The email address or ID of a specific contact
state Enumeration

The participation state for the event. The possible participation states are:

  • REGISTERED: The contact has registered for the event
  • CANCELLED: The contact's registration has been cancelled.
  • ATTENDED: The contact attended the event.
  • NO_SHOW: The contact registered but did not end up attending the event.
limit Number Limit the results returned. By default, the limit is set to 10. The valid range is 1-100.
after Number Used for paging between results in the response. Consult the provided offset in the previous page of response data to determine the next index of results to return.

Event attendance endpoints

The event attendance state endpoints allow you to record a subscription state between a HubSpot contact and a marketing event. For example, you can use this endpoint to record that a HubSpot contact has registered for a marketing event.

There are two endpoints you can use to update a contact's attendance status. If you were previously using the /upsert or /email-upsert endpoints to update an attendee's status, you can instead use the endpoints listed below to maintain the same functionality while also populating the contact's attendance duration on the contact timeline:

  • If you want to use the contact IDs of existing contacts:
    • Make a POST request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/attendance/{externalEventId}/{subscriberState}/create, using the ID of the event from your external application as the externalEventId.
    • In the request body, provide an inputs object that includes the following fields:
      • interactionDateTime: the date and time at which the contact subscribed to the event.
      • vid: the contact ID of an existing contact.
  • If you want to use the email address of one of the event's attendees:
    • Make a POST request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/attendance/{externalEventId}/{subscriberState}/email-create.
    • In the request body, provide an inputs object that includes the following fields:
      • interactionDateTime: the date and time at which the contact subscribed to the event.
      • email: the email address of the attendee as the value of the email field within an inputs 
    • If the email address you include don't match the address of an existing contact, a new contact will be created.

For both of the endpoints above, provide the following values for the corresponding path parameters:

  • externalEventId: the ID of the marketing event.
  •  subscriberState: an enumeration that matches the new attendance status of the contact:
    • REGISTERED: indicates that the HubSpot contact has registered for the event.
    • ATTENDED: indicates that the HubSpot contact has attended the event. If you're updating a contact's status to ATTENDED, you can also include the joinedAt and leftAt timestamps as parameters in the request body, specified in the ISO8601 Instant format.
    • CANCELLED: indicates that the HubSpot contact, who had previously registered for the event, has cancelled their registration.

Once your event has completed, you can mark the event as complete and calculate attendance metrics (e.g., duration of attendance for all attendees) by making a POST request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/events/{externalEventId}/complete. Note this action is irreversible, so you should only invoke this endpoint once all attendance state change events have already occurred. 

Please note: these APIs are idempotent so long as the ID of the contact and the interactionDateTime value in the event has not changed. This enables you to safely set subscriber state multiple times without HubSpot creating duplicate events in the marketing events properties.

Configure app settings

There's some setup required to allow marketing events to sync properly with HubSpot.

If you send HubSpot a subscriber state change (e.g., a registration or cancellation), HubSpot will first check to see if a Marketing Event exists for the specified event ID. If it doesn't, HubSpot will call the configured endpoint for your app to retrieve the details of the marketing event, then create the event in HubSpot and then publish the subscriber state change.

This is provided for convenience; however, it's still recommended that you create the Marketing Events yourself via the CRUD methods provided in the Endpoints tab at the top of this article, and don't rely on this functionality to create your marketing events in HubSpot.

Step 1: Create an API in your app

In order to support this, HubSpot requires each app that uses Marketing Events to define an API to fetch information about a specific marketing event.


  • Accepts:
    • externalAccountId: a query parameter that specifies the accountId of the customer in the external app.
    • appId: a query parameter that specifies the ID of the HubSpot application that is requesting the event details. This will be the ID of your app.
    • externalEventId: a path parameter in the URL of the request that specifies the ID of the event in the external app that HubSpot requires details about.
  • Returns:
    • A JSON object that provides details for the marketing event, that includes the following fields detailed in the table below:
Field Name Required Type Field Description
eventName true string The name of the marketing event
eventOrganizer true string The name of the organizer of the marketing event.
eventType false string Describes what type of event this is. For example: WEBINAR, CONFERENCE, WORKSHOP
startDateTime false string($date-time) The start date and time of the marketing event.
endDateTime false string($date-time) The end date and time of the marketing event.
eventDescription false string The description of the marketing event.
eventUrl false string A URL in the external event application where the marketing event.
eventCancelled false bool Indicates if the marketing event has been cancelled. Defaults to false

HubSpot will also send a X-HubSpot-Signature-v3 header that you can use to verify that the request came from HubSpot. Read more about request signatures for additional details on the signature and how to validate it.

Step 2: Provide HubSpot with the URL path to your API

Now that you've created the API in your app that will return an object that provides the details of a specific marketing event, you will need to provide HubSpot with the URL path to your API by making a POST request to /marketing/v3/marketing-events/{appId}/settings. This will allow HubSpot to determine how to make requests to your app to get the details of a marketing event.

In the body of your POST request, specify your URL using the eventDetailsURL field. The eventDetailsURL must adhere to the following two requirements:

  • Contain a %s character sequence, which HubSpot will use to substitute in the ID of the event (externalEventId) as a path parameter.
  • It must be the full path to the API resource, including the https:// prefix and the domain name (e.g.,

For example, if you configure an eventDetailsURL of, and you need to make a request to fetch details of an event with id 1234-event-XYZ, for the HubSpot app with id app-101 and account with id ABC-account-789, HubSpot will make a GET request to:

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