Default module versioning

Last updated:

Releasing a new version of a module, rather than update the existing version, enables HubSpot to make significant updates without impacting existing content. For example, HubSpot may release a new version of a particular module to better organize fields and provide more styling options, or to improve functionality by adding JavaScript.

New versions of modules are first released to new HubSpot accounts created after a certain date. This means that different accounts may be using different versions of the same default module. If multiple accounts are using a theme that you built, you'll need to take module versioning into consideration so that the theme works as expected across all accounts. Below, learn more about how to develop your theme with versioning in mind, and which modules have multiple versions.

How versioning works

HubSpot's existing default modules are treated as v0 modules, while new versions are released started at v1. For compatibility, HubSpot automatically maps v0 fields to v1 fields, which means that references to module fields are forward compatible. However, field references are not backwards compatible, meaning that v1 field references won't map to v0 fields.

To account for changes in an module's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can use conditional statements to configure it depending on the account's available versions.

To add add a conditional statement, use get_asset_version("@hubspot/module-name") within an HTML, CSS, or JavaScript file. The module's version will be returned as a string, enabling you to configure module options based on the returned version.

{% if get_asset_version("@hubspot/module-name") == "1" %} hr { border-bottom-width: 5px; } {% endif %}

Specifying versions in themes

When developing a theme, you can specify which module versions that you want to support within the theme.json file. When a version is specified, content editors will only allow access to that version in the editor, and the template will render that version accordingly. On upload via the CLI, or when making changes in the design manager, specified module versions will be validated to ensure validity of the modules and their version definitions.

Please note: this feature is not available for child themes. Instead, child themes will inherit module versions based on the parent theme when provided.

You can specify supported module versions in theme.json by including a pinned_module_versions object. For each module, you can specify a version or a range of versions. 

For example, the code below would result in the theme allowing access to either v0 or v1 of the divider module, but only v1 of the search input module.

"pinned_module_versions": { "@hubspot/divider": "0-1", "@hubspot/search_input": "0" }

Any default modules not included in the pinned_module_versions object will not be restricted to a particular version. In addition, you shouldn't specify versions of default modules that don't currently support versioning, and you can only specify versions that are available (e.g. you can't specify 2 for a module that doesn't have a v2).

Learn more about submitting to HubSpot's Template Marketplace.

Modules with version support

Below, learn more about the modules that currently support versioning.


A new version of the default divider module has been released to accounts created after August 25th, 2022 (changelog announcement). This version update impacts the following module files:

  • fields.json
  • module.html

Below, learn more about the new v1 version updates in each file, along with the original v0 version for comparison.

v1 notes

  • All fields that were previously in the Content tab have been moved to the Styles tab.
  • The following fields have moved, but HubSpot automatically links the previous references to the new field names, so you don't need to make any manual updates:
    • The height field has been moved to styles.line.thickness.
    • The width field has been moved to styles.size.width
    • The color field has been moved to styles.line.color.
    • The line type field has been moved to
  • The alignment field, which was previously a choice field, has been replaced by a new field type of Alignment, and can be accessed under styles.alignment.alignment.
  • The padding field, which was previously a number field, has been replaced by a new field type of Spacing, and can be accessed under styles.spacing.spacing.
  • The show_padding field has been removed.

In v1, styles applied to a horizontal rule are set via <style> tags in the head of the page. In v0, these are set via inline styles.


// v1 [ { "label": "Styles", "name": "styles", "type": "group", "tab": "STYLE", "children": [ { "label": "Line", "name": "line", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color", "required": true, "aliases": ["color"], "default": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 } }, { "label": "Style", "name": "style", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["solid", "Solid"], ["dotted", "Dotted"], ["dashed", "Dashed"] ], "display": "select", "required": true, "aliases": ["line_type"], "default": "solid" }, { "label": "Thickness", "name": "thickness", "type": "number", "display": "text", "max": 10, "min": 1, "required": true, "step": 1, "default": 1, "aliases": ["height"], "suffix": "px" } ] }, { "label": "Size", "name": "size", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Width", "name": "width", "id": "styles.size.width", "type": "number", "help_text": "Percentage of the area the divider is placed into.", "max": 100, "min": 1, "required": true, "step": 1, "suffix": "%", "aliases": ["width"], "default": 50 } ] }, { "label": "Alignment", "name": "alignment", "type": "group", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "styles.size.width", "controlling_value_regex": "100", "operator": "NOT_EQUAL" }, "children": [ { "label": "Alignment", "name": "alignment", "type": "alignment", "default": { "horizontal_align": "CENTER" }, "alignment_direction": "HORIZONTAL" } ] }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "spacing", "visibility": { "hidden_subfields": { "padding": true } }, "default": { "margin": { "top": { "value": "10", "units": "px" }, "bottom": { "value": "10", "units": "px" } } } } ] } ] } ]{# v1 #} {# Module styles #} {% require_css %} <style> {% scope_css %} hr { border: 0 none; border-bottom-width: {{ module.styles.line.thickness ~ "px" }}; border-bottom-style: {{ }}; border-bottom-color: rgba({{ module.styles.line.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ module.styles.line.color.opacity / 100 }}); margin-left: {{ "auto" if (module.styles.alignment.alignment.horizontal_align == "CENTER" or module.styles.alignment.alignment.horizontal_align == "RIGHT") else "0" }}; margin-right: {{ "auto" if (module.styles.alignment.alignment.horizontal_align == "CENTER" or module.styles.alignment.alignment.horizontal_align == "LEFT") else "0" }}; {% if module.styles.spacing.spacing.css %} {{ module.styles.spacing.spacing.css }} {% endif %} width: {{ module.styles.size.width ~ "%" }}; } {% end_scope_css %} </style> {% end_require_css %} {# Divider #} <hr>


// v0 [ { "label": "Height", "name": "height", "id": "f25c7200-c134-2cd0-ebac-2f2e7152c0a9", "type": "number", "display": "text", "max": 8, "min": 1, "required": true, "step": 1, "suffix": "px", "default": 1 }, { "label": "Width", "name": "width", "id": "69957b03-2442-9cc8-3666-c67e96f37645", "type": "number", "help_text": "Percentage of the area the divider is placed into.", "display": "slider", "max": 100, "min": 1, "required": true, "step": 1, "suffix": "%", "default": 50 }, { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "id": "a3f3e26c-5bca-611e-ea99-c91d4f1c88bb", "type": "color", "required": true, "default": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 } }, { "label": "Line type", "name": "line_type", "id": "5dfe1bf6-99b3-5339-3a05-db1aee413317", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["solid", "Solid"], ["dotted", "Dotted"], ["dashed", "Dashed"] ], "display": "select", "required": true, "default": "solid" }, { "label": "Alignment", "name": "alignment", "id": "2919e8d6-68f4-9cfc-5253-8e36d3f54807", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["left", "Left"], ["center", "Center"], ["right", "Right"] ], "display": "select", "required": true, "default": "center" }, { "label": "Show padding?", "name": "show_padding", "id": "c2849a01-3d7b-a5b7-8d80-969f2a3e65f0", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, { "label": "Padding", "name": "padding", "id": "14154310-667e-8128-0394-96c83342c964", "type": "number", "inline_help_text": "Max of 20 pixels", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "c2849a01-3d7b-a5b7-8d80-969f2a3e65f0", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "display": "text", "max": 20, "min": 1, "required": true, "step": 1, "suffix": "px", "default": 5 } ]{# v0 #} {% macro buildStyles() %} width: {{ module.width ~ "%" }}; border: 0 none; border-bottom-width: {{ module.height ~ "px" }}; border-bottom-style: {{ module.line_type }}; border-bottom-color: rgba({{ module.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ module.color.opacity / 100 }}); margin-left: {{ "auto" if (module.alignment == "center" or module.alignment == "right") else "0" }}; margin-right: {{ "auto" if (module.alignment == "center" or module.alignment == "left") else "0" }}; margin-top: {{ module.padding ~ "px" if module.show_padding else "0" }}; margin-bottom: {{ module.padding ~ "px" if module.show_padding else "0" }}; {% endmacro %} <hr style="{{ buildStyles() }}">

Language switcher

A new version of the language switcher module has been released.


This version update impacts the following module files:

  • meta.json
  • fields.json
  • module.html
  • module.css
  • module.js

Below, learn more about the new v1 version updates in each file, along with the original v0 version for comparison.

v1 notes

A placeholder field has been added with the following options:

  • show_module_icon (boolean): when set to false, no icon will appear.
  • title (string): the placeholder title.
  • description (string): the placeholder descriptive text.
  • Added a checkbox field for displaying an arrow in the language switcher to indicate a dropdown menu.
  • Added options for content creators to select from several icon options:
    • icon:  select from a set of standard icons (default).
    • none: no icon.
    • custom_icon: select from previously uploaded images or upload a new image.
  • Added an array of style fields for customization in the Styles tab.

The module no longer uses the language switcher HubL tag.

Add CSS to better handle display options and accessibility.


Add JavaScript to overhaul accessibility and enable keyboard controls.


// meta.json { "label": "Language Switcher", "host_template_types": ["PAGE", "BLOG_POST", "BLOG_LISTING"], "icon": "../img/icon/edited-language.svg", "extra_classes": "widget-type-language_switcher", "smart_type": "NOT_SMART", "master_language": "en", "placeholder": { "show_module_icon": true, "title": "No language variant setup", "description": "This page does not have a language variant setup." }, "categories": ["functionality"], "content_tags": [ { "name": "OTHER_INDUSTRY", "source": "MARKETPLACE" }, { "name": "COMPATIBLE_PAGE", "source": "MARKETPLACE" } ], "editable_contexts": ["TEMPLATE"] }// fields.json [ { "label": "Add chevron down", "name": "add_chevron_down", "type": "boolean", "default": true }, { "label": "Display mode", "name": "display_mode", "type": "choice", "help_text": "Allows you to choose in which language the languages of your pages are displayed on your website. <a href='' target='blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Learn more</a>", "choices": [ ["pagelang", "Page language"], ["localized", "Localized"], ["hybrid", "Hybrid"] ], "display": "select", "placeholder": "Search", "required": true, "default": "localized" }, { "label": "Icon options", "name": "icon_options", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["none", "None"], ["icon", "Icon"], ["custom_icon", "Custom icon"] ], "display": "select", "placeholder": "", "default": "icon" }, { "label": "Icon", "name": "icon", "type": "icon", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "icon_options", "controlling_value_regex": "icon", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "default": { "name": "globe", "type": "SOLID", "unicode": "f0ac" } }, { "label": "Custom Icon", "name": "custom_icon", "type": "image", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "icon_options", "controlling_value_regex": "custom_icon", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "resizable": false, "responsive": false, "show_loading": true, "default": { "size_type": "auto", "src": "", "alt": null, "loading": "lazy" } }, { "label": "Styles", "name": "styles", "type": "group", "tab": "STYLE", "children": [ { "label": "Button", "name": "group_button", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Icon", "name": "group_icon", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Size", "name": "size", "type": "number", "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": 1, "step": 1, "suffix": "px", "default": 22 }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "number", "help_text": "Spacing between the icon and button text.", "display": "text", "max": 100, "step": 1, "suffix": "px", "default": 15 }, { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "icon_options", "controlling_value_regex": "icon", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "default": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 } } ] }, { "label": "Chevron", "name": "group_chevron", "type": "group", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "add_chevron_down", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "children": [ { "label": "Size", "name": "size", "type": "number", "help_text": "Size of the chevron icon.", "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": 1, "step": 1, "suffix": "px", "default": 13 }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "number", "help_text": "Spacing between the chevron and button text.", "display": "text", "max": 100, "step": 1, "suffix": "px", "default": 15 }, { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color", "default": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 } } ], "default": {} }, { "label": "Text", "name": "group_text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Font", "name": "font", "type": "font", "default": { "size_unit": "px" } }, { "label": "Transform", "name": "transform", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["capitalize", "Capitalize"], ["uppercase", "Uppercase"], ["lowercase", "Lowercase"] ], "display": "select", "placeholder": "None" } ] }, { "label": "Background", "name": "group_background", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color" } ] }, { "label": "Border", "name": "group_border", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Border", "name": "border", "type": "border" } ] }, { "label": "Corner", "name": "group_corner", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Radius", "name": "radius", "type": "number", "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": 0, "step": 1, "suffix": "px" } ] }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "group_spacing", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "spacing" } ] }, { "label": "Hover", "name": "group_hover", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Icon", "name": "group_icon", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "icon_options", "controlling_value_regex": "icon", "operator": "EQUAL" } } ] }, { "label": "Chevron", "name": "group_chevron", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "add_chevron_down", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" } } ], "default": {} }, { "label": "Text", "name": "group_text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Font", "name": "font", "type": "font", "visibility": { "hidden_subfields": { "size": true, "font": true } } } ] }, { "label": "Background", "name": "group_background", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color" } ] }, { "label": "Border", "name": "group_border", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Border", "name": "border", "type": "border" } ] } ] }, { "label": "Alignment", "name": "group_alignment", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Alignment", "name": "alignment", "type": "alignment", "alignment_direction": "HORIZONTAL", "default": { "horizontal_align": "CENTER" } } ] } ] }, { "label": "Dropdown", "name": "group_dropdown", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Text", "name": "group_text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Font", "name": "font", "type": "font", "default": { "size_unit": "px" } }, { "label": "Transform", "name": "transform", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["capitalize", "Capitalize"], ["uppercase", "Uppercase"], ["lowercase", "Lowercase"] ], "display": "select", "placeholder": "None" } ] }, { "label": "Background", "name": "group_background", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color" } ] }, { "label": "Border", "name": "group_border", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Border", "name": "border", "type": "border", "default": { "top": { "width": { "value": 1, "units": "px" }, "opacity": 100, "style": "solid", "color": "#000000" }, "bottom": { "width": { "value": 1, "units": "px" }, "opacity": 100, "style": "solid", "color": "#000000" }, "left": { "width": { "value": 1, "units": "px" }, "opacity": 100, "style": "solid", "color": "#000000" }, "right": { "width": { "value": 1, "units": "px" }, "opacity": 100, "style": "solid", "color": "#000000" } } } ] }, { "label": "Box shadow", "name": "group_box_shadow", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Add box shadow", "name": "add_box_shadow", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, { "label": "Offset x", "name": "offset_x", "type": "number", "help_text": "Specifies the horizontal position of the shadow. Negative values shift the shadow left. Positive values shift the shadow right.", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "styles.group_dropdown.group_box_shadow.add_box_shadow", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": -100, "step": 1, "default": 2 }, { "label": "Offset y", "name": "offset_y", "type": "number", "help_text": "Specifies the vertical position of the shadow. Negative values shift the shadow up. Positive values shift the shadow down.", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "styles.group_dropdown.group_box_shadow.add_box_shadow", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": -100, "step": 1, "default": 2 }, { "label": "Blur radius", "name": "blur_radius", "type": "number", "help_text": "Controls the blur of the shadow. A larger value makes the shadow bigger and lighter. Negative values are not allowed.", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "styles.group_dropdown.group_box_shadow.add_box_shadow", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": 0, "step": 1, "default": 6 }, { "label": "Spread radius", "name": "spread_radius", "type": "number", "help_text": "Adjusts the overall size of the shadow. Positive values will cause the shadow to expand. Negative values will cause the shadow to shrink.", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "styles.group_dropdown.group_box_shadow.add_box_shadow", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": -100, "step": 1, "default": 1 }, { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color", "help_text": "Controls the color of the shadow.", "visibility": { "controlling_field_path": "styles.group_dropdown.group_box_shadow.add_box_shadow", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "EQUAL" }, "default": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 10 } } ], "default": {} }, { "label": "Corner", "name": "group_corner", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Radius", "name": "radius", "type": "number", "display": "text", "max": 100, "min": 0, "step": 1, "suffix": "px" } ] }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "group_spacing", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Top margin", "name": "margin", "type": "number", "help_text": "Adjusts the margin between the dropdown and the button.", "display": "text", "max": 100, "step": 1, "suffix": "px" }, { "label": "", "name": "item_spacing", "type": "spacing", "visibility": { "hidden_subfields": { "margin": true } } } ] }, { "label": "Hover", "name": "group_hover", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Text", "name": "group_text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Font", "name": "font", "type": "font", "visibility": { "hidden_subfields": { "size": true, "font": true } } } ] }, { "label": "Background", "name": "group_background", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color" } ] } ] }, { "label": "Alignment", "name": "group_alignment", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Alignment", "name": "alignment", "type": "alignment", "alignment_direction": "HORIZONTAL", "default": { "horizontal_align": "LEFT" } } ] } ] } ] }, { "label": "Default Text", "name": "default_text", "type": "group", "locked": true, "children": [ { "label": "Select your language", "name": "select_your_language", "type": "text", "locked": true, "default": "Select your language" } ] } ]{# Language switcher - version 1 #} {% set button = module.styles.group_button %} {% set menu = module.styles.group_dropdown %} {% set languages = language_variants(module.display_mode) %} {% set activeLanguage = languages|selectattr('isActive', true)|first %} {% macro build_module_styles() %} {% require_css %} <style> {% scope_css %} .hs-language-switcher { text-align: {{ button.group_alignment.alignment.horizontal_align|lower }}; } .hs-language-switcher__button { {{ button.group_text.font.css }} {% if button.group_text.transform %} text-transform: {{ button.group_text.transform }}; {% endif %} {% if button.group_background.color.color %} background-color: rgba({{ button.group_background.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ button.group_background.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} {{ button.group_border.border.css }} {% if button.group_corner.radius %} border-radius: {{ button.group_corner.radius ~ 'px' }}; {% endif %} {% if button.group_spacing.spacing.padding.left.value or button.group_spacing.spacing.padding.right.value or or button.group_spacing.spacing.padding.bottom.value %} padding-left: {{ button.group_spacing.spacing.padding.left.value|default(0, true) ~ "px" }}; padding-bottom: {{ button.group_spacing.spacing.padding.bottom.value|default(0, true) ~ "px" }}; padding-top: {{|default(0, true) ~ "px" }}; padding-right: {{ button.group_spacing.spacing.padding.right.value|default(0, true) ~ "px" }}; {% endif %} } .hs-language-switcher__inner-wrapper { margin-top: {{|default(0, true) ~ "px"}}; margin-bottom: {{ button.group_spacing.spacing.margin.bottom.value|default(0, true) ~ "px" }}; } .hs-language-switcher__button:hover, .hs-language-switcher__button { {{ button.group_hover.group_text.font.css }} {% if button.group_hover.group_background.color.color %} background-color: rgba({{ button.group_hover.group_background.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ button.group_hover.group_background.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} {{ button.group_hover.group_border.border.css }} } {% if module.add_chevron_down %} .hs-language-switcher__icon--dropdown { margin-left: {{ button.group_chevron.spacing ~ "px" }}; margin-right: 0; display: block; width: {{ button.group_chevron.size ~ "px" }}; height: auto; fill: rgba({{ button.group_chevron.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ button.group_chevron.color.opacity / 100 }}); transition: transform .2s ease; } { transform: rotate(180deg); } {% if button.group_hover.group_chevron.color.color %} .hs-language-switcher__button:hover .hs-language-switcher__icon--dropdown { fill: rgba({{ button.group_hover.group_chevron.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ button.group_hover.group_chevron.color.opacity / 100 }}); } {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if module.icon_options == "custom_icon" and module.custom_icon.src %} .hs-language-switcher__icon--custom { width: {{ button.group_icon.size ~ "px" }}; max-width: 40px; height: auto; margin-right: {{ button.group_icon.spacing ~ "px" }}; } {% endif %} {% if (module.icon_options == "icon" and module.icon) or (module.icon_options == "custom_icon" and module.custom_icon.src )%} .hs-language-switcher__icon { display: flex; height: auto; width: {{ button.group_icon.size ~ "px" }}; fill: rgba({{ button.group_icon.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ button.group_icon.color.opacity / 100 }}); margin-right: {{ button.group_icon.spacing ~ "px" }}; } .hs-language-switcher__inner-wrapper:hover .hs-language-switcher__icon, .hs-language-switcher__icon { {% if button.group_hover.group_icon.color.color %} fill: rgba({{ button.group_hover.group_icon.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ button.group_hover.group_icon.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} } {% endif %} {# Menu Options #} .hs-language-switcher__menu { {% if menu.group_background.color.color %} background-color: rgba({{ menu.group_background.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ menu.group_background.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} {{ menu.group_border.border.css }} {% if menu.group_box_shadow.add_box_shadow %} box-shadow: {{ menu.group_box_shadow.offset_x ~ "px" }} {{ menu.group_box_shadow.offset_y ~ "px" }} {{ menu.group_box_shadow.blur_radius ~ "px" }} {{ menu.group_box_shadow.spread_radius ~ "px" }} rgba({{ menu.group_box_shadow.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ menu.group_box_shadow.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} {% if menu.group_corner.radius %} border-radius: {{ menu.group_corner.radius ~ 'px' }}; {% endif %} margin-top: {{ menu.group_spacing.margin }}px; {% if menu.group_alignment.alignment.horizontal_align == "RIGHT" %} right: 0; {% elif menu.group_alignment.alignment.horizontal_align == "CENTER" %} left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); {% else %} left: 0; {% endif %} } .hs-language-switcher__item { {% if menu.group_spacing.item_spacing.css %} {{ menu.group_spacing.item_spacing.css }} {% endif %} } .hs-language-switcher__item a { text-align: {{ menu.group_alignment.alignment.horizontal_align|lower }}; {{ menu.group_text.font.css }} {% if menu.group_text.transform %} text-transform: {{ menu.group_text.transform }}; {% endif %} } .hs-language-switcher__item:focus,, .hs-language-switcher__menu.mousemove .hs-language-switcher__item:hover { {% if menu.group_hover.group_background.color.color %} background: rgba({{ menu.group_hover.group_background.color.color|convert_rgb }}, {{ menu.group_hover.group_background.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} } .hs-language-switcher__item:focus a, a, .hs-language-switcher__menu.mousemove .hs-language-switcher__item:hover a { {{ menu.group_hover.group_text.font.css }} } {% end_scope_css %} </style> {% end_require_css %} {% endmacro %} {% macro build_custom_icon() %} {% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ button.group_icon.size }}" height="{{ button.group_icon.size }}"' %} {% set image_src = resize_image_url(module.custom_icon.src, 0, 0, 50) %} {% set loadingAttr = module.custom_icon.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ module.custom_icon.loading }}"' : '' %} <img class="hs-language-switcher__icon--custom" src="{{ image_src }}" alt="{{ module.custom_icon.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}> {% endmacro %} {% macro build_chevron_down() %} <svg version="1.0" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512" class="hs-language-switcher__icon--dropdown" aria-hidden="true"> <g> <path d="M207.029 381.476L12.686 187.132c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l22.667-22.667c9.357-9.357 24.522-9.375 33.901-.04L224 284.505l154.745-154.021c9.379-9.335 24.544-9.317 33.901.04l22.667 22.667c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941L240.971 381.476c-9.373 9.372-24.569 9.372-33.942 0z"></path> </g> </svg> {% endmacro %} {# When page is first created, languages will be null. After the language for the page is set, languages will contain one language, so both checks are required #} {% if is_in_editor && (!languages || languages|length <= 1) %} {% editor_placeholder %} {% elif languages|length >= 2 %} {{- build_module_styles() -}} <nav class="hs-language-switcher" aria-label="{{ module.default_text.select_your_language }}"> <div class="hs-language-switcher__inner-wrapper"> <button class="hs-language-switcher__button" aria-label="{{ activeLanguage.languageDisplayName }}" aria-expanded="false"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="hs-language-switcher__label"> {% if module.icon_options == "icon" && module.icon %} {% icon extra_classes='hs-language-switcher__icon' name='{{ }}' purpose='decorative' style='{{ module.icon.type }}' title='{{ }}' unicode='{{ module.icon.unicode }}' %} {% elif module.icon_options == "custom_icon" && module.custom_icon.src %} {{ build_custom_icon() }} {% endif %} <span class="hs-language-switcher__current-language">{{ activeLanguage.languageDisplayName}}</span> {{ build_chevron_down() if module.add_chevron_down }} </span> </button> <ul class="hs-language-switcher__menu" role="menu"> {% for language in languages %} <li class="hs-language-switcher__item" role="menuitem"> <a lang="{{ language.languageCode }}" hreflang="{{ language.languageCode }}" href="{{ language.localizedUrl }}" data-value="{{ language.languageDisplayName }}">{{ language.languageDisplayName }}</a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> </nav> {% endif %}.hs-language-switcher { display: block; } .hs-language-switcher__inner-wrapper { position: relative; display: inline-block; } /* Button */ .hs-language-switcher__button { cursor: pointer; } .hs-language-switcher__label { display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1; } .hs-language-switcher__icon { height: 20px; width: 20px; } /* Menu */ .hs-language-switcher__menu { position: absolute; top: 100%; display: none; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; background: #fff; list-style-type: none; white-space: nowrap; } .hs-language-switcher__menu.visible { display: block; } .hs-language-switcher__item { width: 100%; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0; text-align: left; } .hs-language-switcher__item:focus,, .hs-language-switcher__menu.mousemove .hs-language-switcher__item:hover { background: #efefef; } .hs-language-switcher__item a { display: block; height: 100%; color: #000; text-decoration: none; } /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ const KEYS = { SPACE: ' ', ENTER: 'Enter', TAB: 'Tab', ESCAPE: 'Escape', UP: 'Up', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Arrow Up ARROW_UP: 'ArrowUp', DOWN: 'Down', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Arrow Down ARROW_DOWN: 'ArrowDown', }; const HsLanguageSwitcher = element => { const button = element.querySelector('.hs-language-switcher__button'); const menu = element.querySelector('.hs-language-switcher__menu'); const options = Array.from(menu.children); const chevron = element.querySelector( '.hs-language-switcher__icon--dropdown' ); let selectedIndex = -1; let optionMousemoveHandlers = []; function onDocumentClick(e) { const target =; if (element === target || !element.contains(target)) { hideMenu(); } } function onKeyDown(e) { menu.classList.remove('mousemove'); switch (e.key) { case KEYS.SPACE: case KEYS.ENTER: if (selectedIndex >= 0) { e.preventDefault(); const selectedOption = options[selectedIndex]; window.location.href = selectedOption.children[0].href; } break; case KEYS.DOWN: case KEYS.ARROW_DOWN: e.preventDefault(); selectNextOption(); break; case KEYS.UP: case KEYS.ARROW_UP: e.preventDefault(); selectPreviousOption(); break; case KEYS.TAB: case KEYS.ESCAPE: hideMenu(); break; default: // nothing } } function onOptionMousemove(index) { menu.classList.add('mousemove'); selectedIndex = index; updateSelectedOption(); } function showMenu() { selectedIndex = 0; menu.classList.add('visible'); button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true); element.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); element.classList.add('menu-open'); options.forEach((option, index) => { /* * The mousemove handler has custom arguments, given via bind * Bind returns a new instance of the function, so in order to remove the event listener handler from the element, * the references must be stored in an array for removal later */ const handler = onOptionMousemove.bind(null, index); optionMousemoveHandlers.push(handler); option.addEventListener('mousemove', handler); }); if (chevron) { rotateChevron(); } document.addEventListener('click', onDocumentClick); updateSelectedOption(); } function hideMenu() { // Hide the dropdown menu.classList.remove('visible'); button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false); element.classList.remove('menu-open'); options.forEach((option, index) => { // Remove class for option background highlight option.classList.remove('active'); // Remove mousemove event handlers stored in array option.removeEventListener('mousemove', optionMousemoveHandlers[index]); }); if (chevron) { rotateChevron(); } optionMousemoveHandlers = []; element.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); document.removeEventListener('click', onDocumentClick); button.focus(); } function toggleMenu() { if (menu.classList.contains('visible')) { hideMenu(); } else { showMenu(); } } function selectNextOption() { if (selectedIndex + 1 === options.length) { selectedIndex = 0; } else { selectedIndex += 1; } updateSelectedOption(); } function selectPreviousOption() { if (selectedIndex - 1 < 0) { selectedIndex = options.length - 1; } else { selectedIndex -= 1; } updateSelectedOption(); } function updateSelectedOption() { options.forEach((option, index) => { if (index === selectedIndex) { option.classList.add('active'); option.children[0].focus(); } else { option.classList.remove('active'); } }); } function rotateChevron() { chevron.classList.contains('active') ? chevron.classList.remove('active') : chevron.classList.add('active'); } // Allows clicking & enter key to open the menu button.addEventListener('click', () => { toggleMenu(); }); // Allows the arrow down key to open the menu button.addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (e.key === KEYS.ARROW_DOWN) { showMenu(); e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the page from scrolling down e.stopPropagation(); // Prevent the wrapper element from handling this keydown after the menu opens } }); }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.hs-language-switcher')).forEach( languageSwitcher => HsLanguageSwitcher(languageSwitcher) ); });


// meta.json { "label": "Language Switcher", "host_template_types": ["PAGE", "BLOG_POST", "BLOG_LISTING"], "icon": "../img/icon/edited-language.svg", "extra_classes": "widget-type-language_switcher", "smart_type": "NOT_SMART", "master_language": "en", "categories": ["functionality"], "content_tags": [ { "name": "OTHER_INDUSTRY", "source": "MARKETPLACE" }, { "name": "COMPATIBLE_PAGE", "source": "MARKETPLACE" } ], "editable_contexts": ["TEMPLATE"] }// fields.json [ { "id": "2e71f343-859b-8c20-1f17-587a747ebc21", "name": "display_mode", "label": "Display mode", "help_text": "The language of the text in the language switcher. PageLang means the names of languages will display in the language of the page the switcher is on. Localized means the name of each language will display in that language. Hybrid is a combination of the two.", "sortable": false, "required": true, "locked": false, "display": "select", "placeholder": "Search", "choices": [ ["localized", "Localized"], ["pagelang", "PageLang"], ["hybrid", "Hybrid"] ], "type": "choice", "default": "localized" } ]{% language_switcher display_mode='{{ module.display_mode }}' %}

Post listing

A new version of the default post_listing module was released at the end of March 2024. The new version of this module is built with JavaScript and React as opposed to HubL, and module code is now rendered server-side to improve performance.

It preserves all of the previous module fields while bringing in some modern styling options for the user with new fields for text and layout.

Below, learn more about the new v1 version updates in each file, along with the original v0 version for comparison.

v1 notes

The fields.json is file replaced by fields.tsx

Existing fields

The new version of the module includes all existing module fields.

  • selectBlog: a field for selecting the blog to display posts from (aliased to the existing select_blog field).
  • listingType: a field for selecting the attribute to list posts by (aliased to the existing listing_type field).
  • postsHeading: a field for setting the heading text at the top of the listing (aliased to the existing list_title field).
  • maxLinks: a field for setting the maximum number of blog posts to display (aliased to the existing max_links field).

New fields

  • A displayForEachListItem choice field has been added to enable selecting the elements that will display for each blog post, including:
    • Featured image (image)
    • Post title (title)
    • Author name (authorName)
    • Publish date (publishDate)
  • A headingLevel choice field has been added to enable selecting the postsHeading level (h1 - h6).

Style fields

The following styling fields have been added:

  • Layout styling: a groupLayout field group contains a style choice field for selecting whether the posts will display as rows or 2-column tiles.
  • Heading styling: a groupHeading field group contains a font field for styling postsHeading.
  • Post title styling: a groupTitle field group contains font, spacing, and hoverFont fields for styling post titles.
  • Author styling: a groupAuthor field group contains a font field for styling the post author name text.
  • Publish date styling: a groupPublishDate field group contains a font field for styling the publish date text.
  • Background styling:  a background field group contains backgroundColor and spacing fields to style the module background.

The module.html file is replaced by the index.tsx file. This file imports the module's various components, then renders the module in a return statement.

In the new version of this module, styling is handled multiple ways:

  • A styles.module.css file contains layout and spacing styling for displayed blog posts and their featured images, author text, and publish date text.
  • The module also uses styled-components to set styling rules at the component level. These rules include hardcoded values and values set through style fields in the page editor.


import { FieldGroup, ModuleFields, TextField, FontField, SpacingField, BlogField, ChoiceField, NumberField, } from '@hubspot/cms-components/fields'; export const fields = ( <ModuleFields> <BlogField label="Select blog to display" name="selectBlog" propertyAliasesPaths={{ selectBlog: ['select_blog'] }} /> <ChoiceField label="Sort posts by" name="listingType" display="select" placeholder="Search" choices={[ ['recent', 'Most recent'], ['popular_all_time', 'Most popular - all time'], ['popular_past_year', 'Most popular - past year'], ['popular_past_six_months', 'Most popular - past six months'], ['popular_past_month', 'Most popular - past month'], ]} propertyAliasesPaths={{ listingType: ['listing_type'] }} default="recent" /> <ChoiceField label="Choose what shows in your feed" name="displayForEachListItem" display="checkbox" multiple={true} reorderingEnabled={false} choices={[ ['image', 'Image'], ['title', 'Title'], ['authorName', 'Author name'], ['publishDate', 'Publish date'], ]} default={['title', 'authorName', 'publishDate']} /> <NumberField label="Maximum blog posts to list" name="maxLinks" min={1} max={20} step={1} propertyAliasesPaths={{ maxLinks: ['max_links'] }} default={5} /> <TextField label="Posts heading" name="postsHeading" default="Featured posts" propertyAliasesPaths={{ heading: ['list_title'] }} /> <ChoiceField name="headingLevel" label="Heading level" display="select" choices={[ ['h1', 'H1'], ['h2', 'H2'], ['h3', 'H3'], ['h4', 'H4'], ['h5', 'H5'], ['h6', 'H6'], ]} default="h2" /> <FieldGroup name="groupStyle" label="Styles" tab="STYLE"> <FieldGroup name="groupLayout" label="Layout"> <ChoiceField name="style" label="Style" display="select" choices={[ ['tiles', 'Tiles'], ['minimal', 'Minimal'], ]} default="minimal" /> </FieldGroup> <FieldGroup label="Heading" name="groupHeading"> <FontField label="Font" name="font" /> </FieldGroup> <FieldGroup label="Title" name="groupTitle"> <FontField label="Font" name="font" default={{ font: '', styles: { 'font-weight': 'bold' }, }} /> <SpacingField label="Spacing" name="spacing" visibility={{ hidden_subfields: { padding: 'true' } }} default={{ margin: { bottom: { value: 20, units: 'px', }, }, }} /> <FontField label="Hover font" name="hoverFont" default={{ font: '', styles: { 'font-weight': 'bold' }, }} /> </FieldGroup> <FieldGroup label="Author" name="groupAuthor"> <FontField label="Font" name="font" /> </FieldGroup> <FieldGroup label="Publish date" name="groupPublishDate"> <FontField label="Font" name="font" /> </FieldGroup> </FieldGroup> </ModuleFields> ); import { Island } from '@hubspot/cms-components'; import blogIcon from './assets/blog.svg'; import StyledComponentsRegistry from '../../StyledComponentRegistry.jsx'; import PostListingIsland from './islands/PostListingIsland.js?island'; import { styled } from 'styled-components'; import { ModuleMeta } from '../../../types/modules.js'; import { StyleFields } from './types.js'; import { FontFieldType } from '@hubspot/cms-components/fields'; type HeadingLevel = 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6'; interface FontProps { $fontStyle: string; $fontHoverStyle?: string; } const HeadingWrapper = styled.span<FontProps>` ${props => props.$fontStyle} `; interface BlogPostHeadingProps { headingLevel: HeadingLevel; postsHeading: string; headingStyle: { font: FontFieldType; }; } const BlogPostHeading = ({ headingLevel, postsHeading, headingStyle, }: BlogPostHeadingProps) => { const HeadingLevel = headingLevel; return ( <HeadingLevel> <HeadingWrapper $fontStyle={headingStyle.font.css}> {postsHeading} </HeadingWrapper> </HeadingLevel> ); }; function stripPublicFromUrl(signedUrl) { if (signedUrl) { return signedUrl.replace(/^public/, ''); } } interface ComponentProps { hublData: string; headingLevel: HeadingLevel; postsHeading: string; groupStyle: StyleFields; displayForEachListItem: string[]; } export function Component(props: ComponentProps) { const { hublData, headingLevel, postsHeading, groupStyle, displayForEachListItem, } = props; return ( <StyledComponentsRegistry> <section> <BlogPostHeading headingLevel={headingLevel} postsHeading={postsHeading} headingStyle={groupStyle.groupHeading} /> <Island wrapperTag="article" groupStyle={groupStyle} module={PostListingIsland} layout={} signedUrl={stripPublicFromUrl(hublData)} displayForEachListItem={displayForEachListItem} headingLevel={headingLevel} /> </section> </StyledComponentsRegistry> ); } export const defaultModuleConfig = { moduleName: 'post_listing', version: 1, }; export { fields } from './fields.jsx'; export const meta: ModuleMeta = { label: 'Post listing', host_template_types: ['BLOG_LISTING', 'BLOG_POST', 'PAGE'], icon: blogIcon, categories: ['blog'], }; export { default as hublDataTemplate } from './hubl_data.hubl.html?raw'; .hsPostListingWrapper--tiles { display: grid; justify-content: center; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, calc(100% / 3 - 20px))); gap: 20px; } .hsPostListingWrapper--minimal { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr; gap: 20px; } .hsPostListingHeading { display: block; } .hsPostListing--image { max-width: 250px; } .hsPostListingFeaturedImage { height: 10rem; max-height: 100%; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .hsPostListingImage { height: 100%; width: 100%; -o-object-fit: cover; object-fit: cover; } .hsPostListingBody { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .hsPostListingTitle { display: block; } .hsPostListingAuthor { display: block; } .hsPostListingPublishDate { display: block; } .hsPostListingAuthorDate { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; }


[ { "id": "5c3b2c23-6585-a913-cabe-1d5ba025a1b9", "name": "select_blog", "label": "Select blog to display", "help_text": "Default will use the current blog when used in a blog template or the primary blog when used elsewhere.", "sortable": false, "required": false, "locked": false, "type": "blog", "default": null }, { "id": "f245b59c-d2ea-08ab-a40a-e545bc71d2cf", "name": "listing_type", "label": "List blog posts by", "sortable": false, "required": true, "locked": false, "display": "select", "placeholder": "Search", "choices": [ ["recent", "Most recent"], ["popular_all_time", "Most popular - all time"], ["popular_past_year", "Most popular - past year"], ["popular_past_six_months", "Most popular - past six months"], ["popular_past_month", "Most popular - past month"] ], "type": "choice", "default": "recent" }, { "id": "643831b9-0aa6-a0ef-f3db-b5a71143168e", "name": "list_title", "label": "List title to display", "sortable": false, "required": false, "locked": false, "validation_regex": "", "allow_new_line": false, "show_emoji_picker": false, "type": "text", "default": "Recent Posts" }, { "id": "1417ad86-21ca-17b6-09a8-65ca54def75b", "name": "max_links", "label": "Maximum blog posts to list", "sortable": false, "required": false, "locked": false, "display": "text", "min": 1, "step": 1, "type": "number", "default": 5 } ]{% if module.select_blog is number %} {% set select_blog = module.select_blog %} {% else %} {% set select_blog = 'default' %} {% endif %} {% post_listing select_blog='{{ select_blog }}', listing_type='{{module.listing_type}}', list_title='{{ module.list_title }}', max_links={{ module.max_links }} %}

Search input

A new version of the default search input module has been released. This version update impacts the following module files:

  • fields.json
  • module.html
  • module.css
  • module.js

Below, learn more about the new v1 version updates in each file, along with the original v0 version for comparison.

v1 notes

Existing fields

  • The field_label and placeholder text fields have been moved into the search group. 
  • The include_search_button toggle has been removed.
  • The content_types group has been moved into the results group.

New fields

  • A button group has been added, which enables controls for:
    • icon: the search button's icon.
    • button_label: the search button's text label.
  • A results group has been added, which enables controls for:
    • use_custom_search_results_template: toggle to choose which template is used for the search results page. 
    • path_id: the ID of the page that will be used for search results. The referenced page must contain the search results module.
  • A default_text group has been added, which allows for the translation of default content.

Style fields

The following style field groups have been added:

  • container: fields for styling the module container's background color, border radius, and spacing.
  • field_label: fields for styling the module's label font and spacing.
  • input: fields for styling the search input's font, spacing, background color, border, and  corner radius.
  • button: fields for styling the button's font, background color, border, corner radius, and spacing. Also includes options for hover styling and button positioning.
  • autosuggest_results: fields for styling the auto-suggested results box's background color, border, border radius, spacing, header font, suggestion link font, hover font, and hover background color.
In v1, the module's HTML contains:
  • More configuration options for the submit button, search input form action URL, and accessibility elements.
  • In-editor markup to accurately depict what the module will look like in the content editor.
In v1, the module's CSS includes styling adjustments to better handle display options, responsive elements and accessibility.


In v1, the module's JavaScript contains:
  • Configurable search results template.
  • Translation and accessibility support.


[ { "label": "Search input field", "name": "input", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Label text", "name": "field_label", "type": "text", "aliases": ["field_label"] }, { "label": "Placeholder text", "name": "placeholder", "type": "text", "aliases": ["placeholder"], "default": "Search" } ] }, { "label": "Button", "name": "button", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Icon", "name": "icon", "type": "icon", "default": { "name": "search", "unicode": "f002", "type": "SOLID" } }, { "label": "Button text", "name": "button_label", "type": "text" } ] }, { "label": "Results", "name": "results", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Use custom search results page", "name": "use_custom_search_results_template", "id": "results.user_custom_search_results_template", "type": "boolean", "display": "toggle", "inline_help_text": "Turn this setting on to use a custom search results page instead of the default global search results page.", "default": false }, { "label": "Search results page", "name": "path_id", "type": "page", "visibility": { "operator": "EQUAL", "controlling_field": "results.user_custom_search_results_template", "controlling_value_regex": "true" }, "inline_help_text": "This is where people will go when they click to search their search term. Make sure to choose a page that contains the search results module." }, { "label": "Search results include", "name": "content_types", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Website pages", "name": "website_pages", "type": "boolean", "visibility": { "access": { "operator": "HAS_ALL", "scopes": ["sitepages-access"] }, "operator": "NOT_EMPTY" }, "display": "checkbox", "aliases": ["content_types.website_pages"], "default": true }, { "label": "Landing pages", "name": "landing_pages", "type": "boolean", "display": "checkbox", "aliases": ["content_types.landing_pages"], "default": false }, { "label": "Blog posts", "name": "blog_posts", "type": "boolean", "display": "checkbox", "aliases": ["content_types.blog_posts"], "default": true }, { "label": "Knowledge articles", "name": "knowledge_articles", "type": "boolean", "visibility": { "access": { "operator": "HAS_ALL", "scopes": ["service-knowledge-access"] } }, "display": "checkbox", "aliases": ["content_types.knowledge_articles"], "default": false } ], "default": { "use_custom_search_results_template": false } } ] }, { "label": "Default text", "name": "default_text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Autosuggest results message", "name": "autosuggest_results_message", "type": "text", "default": "Results for “[[search_term]]”" }, { "label": "Autosuggest no results message", "name": "autosuggest_no_results_message", "type": "text", "default": "There are no autosuggest results for “[[search_term]]”" }, { "label": "Screen reader empty search field message", "name": "sr_empty_search_field_message", "type": "text", "default": "There are no suggestions because the search field is empty." }, { "label": "Screen reader autosuggest results message", "name": "sr_autosuggest_results_message", "type": "text", "default": "There are currently [[number_of_results]] auto-suggested results for [[search_term]]. Navigate to the results list by pressing the down arrow key, or press return to search for all results." }, { "label": "Screen reader search field aria-label", "name": "sr_search_field_aria_label", "type": "text", "default": "This is a search field with an auto-suggest feature attached." }, { "label": "Screen reader search button aria-label", "name": "sr_search_button_aria_label", "type": "text", "default": "Search" }, { "label": "Auto suggest results for example search term", "name": "as_example_search_results", "type": "text", "default": "Results for “example search term”" }, { "label": "Auto suggest line 1 for example search term", "name": "as_example_line_1", "type": "text", "default": "This is where suggested results appear as your visitor types their search term" }, { "label": "Auto suggest line 2 for example search term", "name": "as_example_line_2", "type": "text", "default": "Here's another suggested search result" }, { "label": "Auto suggest line 3 for example search term", "name": "as_example_line_3", "type": "text", "default": "Configure the type of content that appears in your search results using the “search results include” option" } ], "locked": true }, { "label": "Styles", "name": "styles", "type": "group", "tab": "STYLE", "children": [ { "label": "Container", "name": "container", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Background color", "name": "color", "type": "color" }, { "label": "Corner", "name": "radius", "type": "number", "display": "text", "max": 100, "step": 1, "suffix": "px" }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "spacing" } ] } ] }, { "label": "Label", "name": "field_label", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Text", "name": "text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Font", "name": "font", "type": "font", "default": { "size_unit": "px" } } ] }, { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": 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"size_unit": "px" } } ] }, { "label": "Hover", "name": "hover", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Text", "name": "text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Font", "name": "font", "type": "font", "visibility": { "hidden_subfields": { "size": true } } } ] }, { "label": "Background", "name": "background", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Color", "name": "color", "type": "color" } ] } ] } ] } ] } ]{% set hide_search_label = module.input.field_label is truthy ? false : true %} {% set button_position_class = "hs-search-field__bar--button-" ~ module.styles.button.position.button_position %} {% set button_alignment_class = module.styles.button.position.button_position == "beneath" ? 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"hs-search-field__button--labelled" : "" %} {% set search_page = module.results.use_custom_search_results_template is truthy and module.results.path_id ? content_by_id(module.results.path_id).absolute_url : site_settings.content_search_results_page_path %} {% unless (search_page is string_containing "//") %} {% set search_page = "/" ~ search_page %} {% endunless %} {% set search_page = search_page|regex_replace("http:", "") %} {% require_css %} <style> {% scope_css %} .hs-search-field__bar > form { {% if module.styles.container.color.color %} background-color: {{ module.styles.container.color.css }}; {% endif %} {% if module.styles.container.radius >= 0 %} border-radius: {{ module.styles.container.radius ~ "px" }}; {% endif %} {{ module.styles.container.spacing.spacing.css }} } .hs-search-field__bar > form > label { {{ module.styles.field_label.spacing.spacing.css }} {{ module.styles.field_label.text.font.css }} } .hs-search-field__bar > form > .hs-search-field__input { {{ module.styles.input.spacing.spacing.css }} {{ module.styles.input.text.font.css }} {% if module.styles.input.background.color.css %} background-color: {{ module.styles.input.background.color.css }}; 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{% endif %} } .hs-search-field__button:hover, .hs-search-field__button:focus { {% if module.styles.button.hover.background.color.css %} background-color: {{ module.styles.button.hover.background.color.css }}; {% endif %} {{ module.styles.button.hover.text.font.css }} {{ module.styles.button.hover.border.border.css }} {% if !module.styles.button.hover.border.border.css and module.styles.button.hover.border.border %} {% for side, border in module.styles.button.hover.border.border.items() %} border-{{ side }}: 1px {{ }} {{ theme.colors.primary.color }}; {% endfor %} {% endif %} } {% if has_search_icon and module.styles.button.hover.text.font.color %} .hs-search-field__button:hover svg, .hs-search-field__button:focus svg { fill: {{ module.styles.button.hover.text.font.color }}; } {% endif %} .hs-search-field__button:active { {% if module.styles.button.hover.background.color.color %} background-color: rgba({{ color_variant(module.styles.button.hover.background.color.color, 80)|convert_rgb }}, {{ module.styles.button.hover.background.color.opacity / 100 }}); 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{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if module.styles.autosuggest_results.corner.radius >= 0 %} border-radius: {{ module.styles.autosuggest_results.corner.radius ~ "px" }}; {% endif %} {{ module.styles.autosuggest_results.text.header_font.css }} } .hs-search-field--open .hs-search-field__suggestions a { {{ module.styles.autosuggest_results.text.suggestion_font.css }} } .hs-search-field--open .hs-search-field__suggestions a:hover { {% if module.styles.autosuggest_results.hover.text.font.color %} color: {{ module.styles.autosuggest_results.hover.text.font.color }}; {% endif %} {{ module.styles.autosuggest_results.hover.text.suggestion_font.css }} {% if module.styles.autosuggest_results.hover.background.color.color %} background-color: rgba({{ color_variant(module.styles.autosuggest_results.hover.background.color.color, 80)|convert_rgb }}, {{ module.styles.autosuggest_results.hover.background.color.opacity / 100 }}); {% endif %} } {% end_scope_css %} </style> {% end_require_css %} <div class="hs-search-field"> <div class="hs-search-field__bar {{ button_position_class }} {{ button_alignment_class }} {{ show_suggest_in_editor_class }}"> <form data-hs-do-not-collect="true" class="hs-search-field__form" action="{{ search_page }}"> <label class="hs-search-field__label {% if hide_search_label %}show-for-sr{% endif %}" for="{{ name ~ "-input" }}">{{ module.input.field_label or module.default_text.sr_search_field_aria_label }}</label> <input role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="autocomplete-results" aria-label="{{ module.default_text.sr_search_field_aria_label }}" type="search" class="hs-search-field__input" id="{{ name ~ "-input" }}" name="q" autocomplete="off" aria-autocomplete="list" placeholder="{{ module.input.placeholder }}"> {% if module.results.content_types.website_pages %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="SITE_PAGE"> {% endif %} {% if module.results.content_types.landing_pages %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="LANDING_PAGE"> {% endif %} {% if module.results.content_types.blog_posts %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="BLOG_POST"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="LISTING_PAGE"> {% endif %} {% if module.results.content_types.knowledge_articles %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="KNOWLEDGE_ARTICLE"> {% endif %} <button class="hs-search-field__button {{ button_label_class }}" aria-label="{{ module.default_text.sr_search_button_aria_label }}">{% if has_search_icon %} {% icon name={{ }} style={{ module.button.icon.type }} unicode={{ module.button.icon.unicode }} icon_set={{ module.button.icon.icon_set }} %} {% endif %} {{ module.button.button_label }}</button> <div class="hs-search-field__suggestions-container {% if is_in_editor %} hs-editor-hide-until-active {% endif %}"> <ul id="autocomplete-results" role="listbox" aria-label="term" class="hs-search-field__suggestions"> {% if is_in_editor %} <li role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="3" class="results-for">{{ module.default_text.as_example_search_results }}</li> <li role="option" aria-posinset="2" tabindex="1"><a href="#">{{ module.default_text.as_example_line_1 }}</a></li> <li role="option" aria-posinset="3" tabindex="2"><a href="#">{{ module.default_text.as_example_line_2 }}</a></li> <li role="option" aria-posinset="4" tabindex="3"><a href="#">{{ module.default_text.as_example_line_3 }}</a></li> {% else %} <li role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="0" class="results-for show-for-sr">{{ module.default_text.sr_empty_search_field_message }}</li> {% endif %} </ul> </div> </form> </div> <div id="sr-messenger" class="hs-search-sr-message-container show-for-sr" role="status" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true"> </div> </div> {% require_js position="head" %} <script data-search_input-config="config_{{ name }}" type="application/json"> { "autosuggest_results_message": "{{ module.default_text.autosuggest_results_message }}", "autosuggest_no_results_message": "{{ module.default_text.autosuggest_no_results_message }}", "sr_empty_search_field_message": "{{ module.default_text.sr_empty_search_field_message }}", "sr_autosuggest_results_message": "{{ module.default_text.sr_autosuggest_results_message }}", "sr_search_field_aria_label": "{{ module.default_text.sr_search_field_aria_label }}", "sr_search_button_aria_label": "{{ module.default_text.sr_search_button_aria_label }}" } </script> {% end_require_js %}.hs-editor-hide-until-active { display: none; } .inpage-editor-active-field .hs-editor-hide-until-active { display: block; } .hs-search-field { position: relative; } .hs-search-field__input { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; flex: 1; } .hs-search-field__bar button svg { height: 10px; } .hs-search-field__suggestions { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } .hs-search-field--open .hs-search-field__suggestions, .inpage-editor-active-field .hs-search-field__suggestions { position: absolute; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #cdcdcd; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 1px 10px 16px -9px rgba(122, 122, 122, 0.75); } .hs-search-field__suggestions li { display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .hs-search-field__suggestions .results-for { font-weight: bold; } .hs-search-field__suggestions a, .hs-search-field__suggestions .results-for { display: block; padding: 0 10px; line-height: 1.7rem; } .hs-search-field__suggestions a:hover, .hs-search-field__suggestions a:focus { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); outline: none; } .hs-search-field__input:focus { outline-style: solid; } .hs-search-field__suggestions-container { position: relative; flex-basis: 100%; } .hs-search-field__form { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .hs-search-field__label { flex-basis: 100%; } .hs-search-field__bar--button-beneath .hs-search-field__input { flex-basis: 100%; } .hs-search-field__bar--button-beneath .hs-search-field__button { margin-top: 0.725rem; margin-right: 0.725rem; } .hs-search-field__bar--button-align-right .hs-search-field__button { margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0.725rem; order: 2; } .hs-search-field__bar--button-beneath .hs-search-field__suggestions-container { min-width: 75%; flex-basis: auto; flex-grow: 1; } .hs-search-field__button--labelled .hs_cos_wrapper_type_icon { margin-right: 0.5rem; } /* stylelint-disable declaration-no-important */ .show-for-sr { position: absolute !important; overflow: hidden !important; height: 1px !important; width: 1px !important; padding: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0) !important; white-space: nowrap !important; } /* stylelint-enable declaration-no-important */// This is a fallback config in the event that the module json config is not found in the DOM. /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const DEFAULT_MODULE_CONFIG = Object.freeze({ autosuggest_results_message: 'Results for “[[search_term]]”', sr_autosuggest_results_message: 'There are currently [[number_of_results]] auto-suggested results for [[search_term]].', sr_search_field_aria_label: 'This is a search field with an auto-suggest feature attached.', sr_search_button_aria_label: 'Search', }); /* eslint-enable camelcase */ const SEARCH_URL_BASE = '/_hcms/v3/site-search/search'; // Add a variable so we can clear the autosuggest announcement timeout if the user keeps typing. let srAnnounceTimeout; /** * Grab JSON configuration for the module from the HubL data. */ const getModuleConfig = moduleName => { const configJSONScript = document.querySelector( `[data-${moduleName}-config]` ); if (configJSONScript) { return JSON.parse(configJSONScript.textContent); } return DEFAULT_MODULE_CONFIG; }; const moduleConfig = getModuleConfig('search_input'); const TYPEAHEAD_LIMIT = 3; const KEYS = Object.freeze({ TAB: 'Tab', ESC: 'Esc', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Escape ESCAPE: 'Escape', UP: 'Up', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Arrow Up ARROW_UP: 'ArrowUp', DOWN: 'Down', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Arrow Down ARROW_DOWN: 'ArrowDown', }); const debounce = (func, wait) => { let timer; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(this, args); }, wait); }; }; const emptySearchSuggestions = (suggestionsResponse, searchInputElements) => { const { searchForm, searchSuggestions, searchInput, srMessageContainer, } = searchInputElements; const { searchTerm } = suggestionsResponse; const noSearchResultsMessage = searchTerm ? moduleConfig.autosuggest_no_results_message.replace( '[[search_term]]', searchTerm ) : moduleConfig.sr_empty_search_field_message; const emptyResultsItem = `<li role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="0" class="results-for ${ !searchTerm ? 'show-for-sr' : '' }">${noSearchResultsMessage}</li>`; searchSuggestions.innerHTML = emptyResultsItem; srMessageContainer.innerHTML = noSearchResultsMessage; searchInput.focus(); searchForm.classList.remove('hs-search-field--open'); }; const trapFocus = searchInputElements => { const { searchInput, searchSuggestions, searchInputContainer, } = searchInputElements; const tabbable = []; tabbable.push(searchInput); const suggestions = searchSuggestions.querySelectorAll('a'); suggestions.forEach(suggestion => tabbable.push(suggestion)); const firstTabbable = tabbable[0]; const lastTabbable = tabbable[tabbable.length - 1]; const tabResult = e => { if ( === lastTabbable && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); firstTabbable.focus(); } else if ( === firstTabbable && e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); lastTabbable.focus(); } }; const nextResult = e => { e.preventDefault(); if ( === lastTabbable) { firstTabbable.focus(); } else { tabbable.forEach(el => { if (el === { tabbable[tabbable.indexOf(el) + 1].focus(); } }); } }; const previousResult = e => { e.preventDefault(); if ( === firstTabbable) { lastTabbable.focus(); } else { tabbable.forEach(el => { if (el === { tabbable[tabbable.indexOf(el) - 1].focus(); } }); } }; searchInputContainer.removeEventListener('keydown', window.captureKeyDown); window.captureKeyDown = e => { switch (e.key) { case KEYS.TAB: tabResult(e); break; case KEYS.ESC: case KEYS.ESCAPE: emptySearchSuggestions({}, searchInputElements); break; case KEYS.UP: case KEYS.ARROW_UP: previousResult(e); break; case KEYS.DOWN: case KEYS.ARROW_DOWN: nextResult(e); break; default: break; } }; searchInputContainer.addEventListener('keydown', window.captureKeyDown); }; const announceSearchSuggestions = (suggestionsResponse, srMessageContainer) => { const { results, searchTerm } = suggestionsResponse; if (srMessageContainer) { srMessageContainer.innerHTML = `${moduleConfig.sr_autosuggest_results_message .replace('[[number_of_results]]', results.length) .replace('[[search_term]]', searchTerm)}`; } }; const renderSearchSuggestions = (suggestionsResponse, searchInputElements) => { const { searchSuggestions, srMessageContainer, searchInputContainer, } = searchInputElements; const { results, searchTerm } = suggestionsResponse; const searchResultsMessage = moduleConfig.autosuggest_results_message.replace( '[[search_term]]', searchTerm ); const items = [ `<li role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="${results.length}" class="results-for">${searchResultsMessage}</li>`,, index) => { return `<li role="option" aria-posinset="${index + 2}" tabindex="${index + 1}"><a href="${result.url}">${ result.title }</a></li>`; }), ]; emptySearchSuggestions({}, searchInputElements); searchSuggestions.innerHTML = items.join(''); searchInputContainer.classList.add('hs-search-field--open'); srAnnounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => { announceSearchSuggestions(suggestionsResponse, srMessageContainer); }, 1500); }; const getSearchSuggestions = searchInputElements => { const { searchForm } = searchInputElements; const data = new FormData(searchForm); data.set('limit', TYPEAHEAD_LIMIT); data.set('autocomplete', true); data.set('analytics', true); const queryString = new URLSearchParams(data).toString(); const searchUrl = `${SEARCH_URL_BASE}?${queryString}`; const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', searchUrl, true); request.onload = function() { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { const resultData = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (srAnnounceTimeout) { clearTimeout(srAnnounceTimeout); } if (resultData.results.length > 0) { renderSearchSuggestions(resultData, searchInputElements); trapFocus(searchInputElements); } else { emptySearchSuggestions(resultData, searchInputElements); } } else { console.error('Server reached, error retrieving results.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } }; request.onerror = function() { console.error('Could not reach the server.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console }; request.send(); }; const initializeSearchInput = searchInputContainer => { let searchTerm = ''; if (searchInputContainer.classList.contains('hs-search-field--initialized')) { return; } searchInputContainer.classList.add('hs-search-field--initialized'); const searchForm = searchInputContainer.querySelector('form'); const searchInput = searchForm.querySelector('.hs-search-field__input'); const searchSuggestions = searchInputContainer.querySelector( '.hs-search-field__suggestions' ); const srMessageContainer = searchInputContainer.querySelector( '.hs-search-sr-message-container' ); const searchInputElements = { searchInputContainer, searchForm, searchSuggestions, srMessageContainer, searchInput, }; const isSearchTermPresent = debounce(() => { searchTerm = searchInput.value; if (searchTerm.length > 2) { getSearchSuggestions(searchInputElements); } else if (searchTerm.length === 0) { emptySearchSuggestions({}, searchInputElements); } }, 250); searchInput.addEventListener('input', () => { if (searchTerm !== searchInput.value) { isSearchTermPresent(); } }); }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const searchInputContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.hs-search-field'); if (searchInputContainers.length > 0) { searchInputContainers.forEach(searchInputContainer => { initializeSearchInput(searchInputContainer); }); } });


[ { "id" : "d7644a33-944a-3b21-7faa-133195962602", "name" : "field_label", "label" : "Label text", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "validation_regex" : "", "allow_new_line" : false, "show_emoji_picker" : false, "type" : "text", "default" : null }, { "id" : "e75bef76-6568-6550-8840-1d97bfc93c0b", "name" : "placeholder", "label" : "Placeholder text", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "validation_regex" : "", "allow_new_line" : false, "show_emoji_picker" : false, "type" : "text", "default" : "Search" }, { "id" : "132b5655-eccf-c251-9ed4-d04901e91987", "name" : "include_search_button", "label" : "Include search button", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, { "id" : "346180f5-0d36-e8df-aca9-a74bfa2d79a4", "name" : "content_types", "label" : "Search results include", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "children" : [ { "id" : "71d525ff-37c4-6c64-1f96-d99dbb529816", "name" : "website_pages", "label" : "Website pages", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "visibility" : { "controlling_field" : null, "controlling_value_regex" : null, "operator" : "NOT_EMPTY", "access" : { "operator" : "HAS_ALL", "scopes" : [ "sitepages-access" ] }, "hidden_subfields" : null }, "type" : "boolean", "default" : true }, { "id" : "d6212113-19b5-c9b9-2f92-12dfc122d00c", "name" : "landing_pages", "label" : "Landing pages", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : false }, { "id" : "7535615c-ed26-2e34-87ef-21c5c87ccbcb", "name" : "blog_posts", "label" : "Blog posts", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "type" : "boolean", "default" : true }, { "id" : "307d0eed-0cf9-7465-5715-a75c378ec61f", "name" : "knowledge_articles", "label" : "Knowledge articles", "required" : false, "locked" : false, "visibility" : { "controlling_field" : null, "controlling_value_regex" : null, "operator" : null, "access" : { "operator" : "HAS_ALL", "scopes" : [ "service-knowledge-access" ] }, "hidden_subfields" : null }, "type" : "boolean", "default" : false } ], "type" : "group", "default" : { "website_pages" : true, "landing_pages" : false, "blog_posts" : true, "knowledge_articles" : false } } ]<div class="hs-search-field"> <div class="hs-search-field__bar"> <form data-hs-do-not-collect="true" action="/{{ site_settings.content_search_results_page_path }}"> {% if module.field_label %} <label for="term">{{ module.field_label }}</label> {% endif %} <input type="text" class="hs-search-field__input" name="term" autocomplete="off" aria-label="{{ module.field_label || "Search" }}" placeholder="{{ module.placeholder }}"> {% if module.content_types.website_pages %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="SITE_PAGE"> {% endif %} {% if module.content_types.landing_pages %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="LANDING_PAGE"> {% endif %} {% if module.content_types.blog_posts %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="BLOG_POST"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="LISTING_PAGE"> {% endif %} {% if module.content_types.knowledge_articles %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="KNOWLEDGE_ARTICLE"> {% endif %} {% if module.include_search_button %} <button aria-label="Search">{% icon name="search" style="solid" %}</button> {% endif %} </form> </div> <ul class="hs-search-field__suggestions"></ul> </div>.hs-search-field { position: relative; } .hs-search-field__input { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; } .hs-search-field__bar button svg { height: 10px; } .hs-search-field__suggestions { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .hs-search-field--open .hs-search-field__suggestions { border: 1px solid #000; } .hs-search-field__suggestions li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .hs-search-field__suggestions #results-for { font-weight: bold; } .hs-search-field__suggestions a, .hs-search-field__suggestions #results-for { display: block; } .hs-search-field__suggestions a:hover, .hs-search-field__suggestions a:focus { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); outline: none; }var hsSearch = function(_instance) { var TYPEAHEAD_LIMIT = 3; var KEYS = { TAB: 'Tab', ESC: 'Esc', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Escape ESCAPE: 'Escape', UP: 'Up', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Arrow Up ARROW_UP: 'ArrowUp', DOWN: 'Down', // IE11 & Edge 16 value for Arrow Down ARROW_DOWN: 'ArrowDown', }; var searchTerm = '', searchForm = _instance, searchField = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-field__input'), searchResults = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-field__suggestions'), searchOptions = function() { var formParams = []; var form = _instance.querySelector('form'); for ( var i = 0; i < form.querySelectorAll('input[type=hidden]').length; i++ ) { var e = form.querySelectorAll('input[type=hidden]')[i]; if ( !== 'limit') { formParams.push( encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(e.value) ); } } var queryString = formParams.join('&'); return queryString; }; var debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { func.apply(context, args); } }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait || 200); if (callNow) { func.apply(context, args); } }; }, emptySearchResults = function() { searchResults.innerHTML = ''; searchField.focus(); searchForm.classList.remove('hs-search-field--open'); }, fillSearchResults = function(response) { var items = []; items.push( "<li id='results-for'>Results for \"" + response.searchTerm + '"</li>' ); response.results.forEach(function(val, index) { items.push( "<li id='result" + index + "'><a href='" + val.url + "'>" + val.title + '</a></li>' ); }); emptySearchResults(); searchResults.innerHTML = items.join(''); searchForm.classList.add('hs-search-field--open'); }, getSearchResults = function() { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var requestUrl = '/_hcms/search?&term=' + encodeURIComponent(searchTerm) + '&limit=' + encodeURIComponent(TYPEAHEAD_LIMIT) + '&autocomplete=true&analytics=true&' + searchOptions();'GET', requestUrl, true); request.onload = function() { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { var data = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if ( > 0) { fillSearchResults(data); trapFocus(); } else { emptySearchResults(); } } else { console.error('Server reached, error retrieving results.'); } }; request.onerror = function() { console.error('Could not reach the server.'); }; request.send(); }, trapFocus = function() { var tabbable = []; tabbable.push(searchField); var tabbables = searchResults.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i = 0; i < tabbables.length; i++) { tabbable.push(tabbables[i]); } var firstTabbable = tabbable[0], lastTabbable = tabbable[tabbable.length - 1]; var tabResult = function(e) { if ( == lastTabbable && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); firstTabbable.focus(); } else if ( == firstTabbable && e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); lastTabbable.focus(); } }, nextResult = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( == lastTabbable) { firstTabbable.focus(); } else { tabbable.forEach(function(el) { if (el == { tabbable[tabbable.indexOf(el) + 1].focus(); } }); } }, lastResult = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( == firstTabbable) { lastTabbable.focus(); } else { tabbable.forEach(function(el) { if (el == { tabbable[tabbable.indexOf(el) - 1].focus(); } }); } }; searchForm.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { switch (e.key) { case KEYS.TAB: tabResult(e); break; case KEYS.ESC: case KEYS.ESCAPE: emptySearchResults(); break; case KEYS.UP: case KEYS.ARROW_UP: lastResult(e); break; case KEYS.DOWN: case KEYS.ARROW_DOWN: nextResult(e); break; } }); }, isSearchTermPresent = debounce(function() { searchTerm = searchField.value; if (searchTerm.length > 2) { getSearchResults(); } else if (searchTerm.length == 0) { emptySearchResults(); } }, 250), init = (function() { searchField.addEventListener('input', function(e) { if (searchTerm != searchField.value) { isSearchTermPresent(); } }); })(); }; if ( document.attachEvent ? document.readyState === 'complete' : document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { var searchResults = document.querySelectorAll('.hs-search-field');, function(el) { var hsSearchModule = hsSearch(el); }); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var searchResults = document.querySelectorAll('.hs-search-field');, function(el) { var hsSearchModule = hsSearch(el); }); }); }

Search results

A new version of the default search results module module has been released. This version update impacts the following module files:

  • fields.json
  • module.html
  • module.css
  • module.js

Below, learn more about the new v1 version updates in each file, along with the original v0 version for comparison.

v1 notes

Existing fields

  • The display_featured_images field has been moved to the results group and renamed to display_for_each_result.

New fields

  • A title group has been added, which enables controls for:
    • show_title: a toggle for whether the title displays.
    • heading_tag: the search results heading level (h1 by default).
  • A pagination group has been added, which enables controls for pagination, such as showing the number of pages and the previous/next arrows and labels.
  • A default_text group has been added, which allows for the translation of default content. 

Style fields

The following style field groups have been added:

  • container: a field for styling the module container's spacing.
  • title: fields for styling the page's title font and capitalization options.
  • results_count_message: fields for styling the page's result count font and capitalization. 
  • featured_image: fields for styling the featured image's size, aspect ratio, border,  radius, and spacing.
  • results: fields for styling the returned result title and description fonts, as well as spacing between results.
  • pagination: fields for styling the pagination fonts, icon size, background colors, spacing, border, and corner radius. Includes options for hover styling. 

In v1, the module's HTML contains:

  • <style> tags which enable styling adjustments.
  • No HTML template tag for markup.
  • In-editor markup placeholders to show search results and reflect style adjustments in the content editor.
In v1, the module's CSS contains all new CSS to better handle responsive display and accessibility.
In v1, the module's JavaScript contains:
  • Rebuilt code that uses the latest search API.
  • Translation and accessibility support.
  • Code for rendering search results and pagination. 


[ { "label": "Title", "name": "title", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Show title", "name": "show_title", "type": "boolean", "display": "toggle", "default": false }, { "label": "Heading tag", "name": "heading_tag", "type": "choice", "help_text": "Choose a heading level. H1 is the largest, followed by H2, and so on.", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "title.show_title", "controlling_value_regex": "true", "operator": "MATCHES_REGEX" }, "choices": [ ["h1", "H1"], ["h2", "H2"], ["h3", "H3"], ["h4", "H4"], ["h5", "H5"], ["h6", "H6"] ], "display": "select", "placeholder": "Select a heading type", "default": "h1" } ] }, { "label": "Results", "name": "results", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "", "name": "display_for_each_result", "id": "results.display_for_each_result", "type": "choice", "choices": [["image", "Display an image preview for each result"]], "display": "checkbox", "multiple": true, "reordering_enabled": false } ] }, { "label": "Pagination", "name": "pagination", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Numbers", "name": "numbers", "id": "pagination.numbers", "type": "choice", "choices": [["show_numbers", "Show numbers"]], "display": "checkbox", "multiple": true, "reordering_enabled": false, "default": ["show_numbers"] }, { "label": "First and last", "name": "first_and_last", "id": "first_and_last", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["show_arrows", "Show arrows"], ["show_labels", "Show labels"] ], "display": "checkbox", "multiple": true, "reordering_enabled": false, "default": ["show_arrows", "show_labels"] }, { "label": "First label", "name": "first_label", "type": "text", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "first_and_last", "controlling_value_regex": "show_labels", "operator": "MATCHES_REGEX" }, "default": "First" }, { "label": "Last label", "name": "last_label", "type": "text", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "first_and_last", "controlling_value_regex": "show_labels", "operator": "MATCHES_REGEX" }, "default": "Last" }, { "label": "Previous and next", "name": "previous_and_next", "id": "previous_and_next", "type": "choice", "choices": [ ["show_arrows", "Show arrows"], ["show_labels", "Show labels"] ], "display": "checkbox", "multiple": true, "reordering_enabled": false, "default": ["show_arrows", "show_labels"] }, { "label": "Previous label", "name": "previous_label", "type": "text", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "previous_and_next", "controlling_value_regex": "show_labels", "operator": "MATCHES_REGEX" }, "default": "Previous" }, { "label": "Next label", "name": "next_label", "type": "text", "visibility": { "controlling_field": "previous_and_next", "controlling_value_regex": "show_labels", "operator": "MATCHES_REGEX" }, "default": "Next" } ], "inline_help_text": "Pagination helps users browse long lists of results by organizing them into pages." }, { "label": "Default text", "name": "default_text", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Results title", "name": "results_title", "type": "text", "help_text": "Enter the title you would like to display above the search results.", "placeholder": "Search results for “{{ searched_term|escape }}”", "default": "Search results for “{{ searched_term|escape }}”" }, { "label": "Search results count", "name": "results_count_message", "type": "text", "placeholder": "Displaying [[offset]] – [[limit]] of [[total]] results", "default": "Displaying [[offset]] – [[limit]] of [[total]] results" }, { "label": "Featured Image", "name": "featured_image", "type": "text", "default": "Featured Image" }, { "label": "Search Results Article Title", "name": "search_results_article_title", "type": "text", "default": "Search Results Article Title" }, { "label": "Search result article description.", "name": "search_results_article_description", "type": "text", "default": "Some preview text from each page will be displayed here to help your visitors browse through the search results quickly and find the page they need." }, { "label": "Navigation aria label", "name": "navigation_aria_label", "type": "text", "default": "Paging navigation" }, { "label": "No results message", "name": "no_results_message", "type": "richtext", "default": "<p>Sorry. There were no results for [[search_term]].</p><p>Try rewording your query, or browse through our site.</p>" }, { "label": "First page link text", "name": "first_page_link_text", "type": "text", "default": "First Page" }, { "label": "Current page aria label", "name": "current_page_aria_label", "type": "text", "default": "Current Page" }, { "label": "Page number aria label", "name": "page_number_aria_label", "type": "text", "default": "Page" }, { "label": "Last page link text", "name": "last_page_link_text", "type": "text", "default": "Last Page" }, { "label": "Previous page link text", "name": "previous_page_link_text", "type": "text", "default": "Previous" }, { "label": "Next page link text", "name": "next_page_link_text", "type": "text", "default": "Next" } ], "locked": true }, { "label": "Styles", "name": "styles", "type": "group", "tab": "STYLE", "children": [ { "label": "Container", "name": "container", "type": "group", "children": [ { "label": "Spacing", "name": "spacing", "type": 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heading_tag }} class="hs-search-results-title">{{ results_title }}</{{ heading_tag }}> {% endif %} <div class="hs-search-results"> {% if is_in_editor or is_in_previewer %} {% set results_count_message_with_numbers = results_count_message |replace("[[offset]]", "1") |replace("[[limit]]", "10") |replace("[[total]]", "115") %} <p class="hs-search-results__message" aria-role="status">{{ results_count_message_with_numbers }}</p> <ul id="hsresults" class="hs-search-results__listing"> <li class="hs-search-results__listing__item"> {% if "image" in module.results.display_for_each_result %} <div class="hs-search-results__featured-image-wrapper"> <img class="hs-search-results__featured-image" src="" /> </div> {% endif %} <div class="hs-search-results__content"> <a href="#" class="hs-search-results__link"><h2 class="hs-search-results__title">{{ module.default_text.search_results_article_title }}</h2></a> <p class="hs-search-results__description">{{ module.default_text.search_results_article_description }} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit dignissimos voluptate iste architecto placeat, doloribus minus laboriosam.</p> </div> </li> <li class="hs-search-results__listing__item"> {% if "image" in module.results.display_for_each_result %} <div class="hs-search-results__featured-image-wrapper"> <img class="hs-search-results__featured-image" src="" /> </div> {% endif %} <div class="hs-search-results__content"> <a href="#" class="hs-search-results__link"><h2 class="hs-search-results__title">{{ module.default_text.search_results_article_title }}</h2></a> <p class="hs-search-results__description">{{ module.default_text.search_results_article_description }} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit dignissimos voluptate iste architecto placeat, doloribus minus laboriosam.</p> </div> </li> <li class="hs-search-results__listing__item"> {% if "image" in module.results.display_for_each_result %} <div class="hs-search-results__featured-image-wrapper"> <img class="hs-search-results__featured-image" src="" /> </div> {% endif %} <div class="hs-search-results__content"> <a href="#" class="hs-search-results__link"><h2 class="hs-search-results__title">{{ module.default_text.search_results_article_title }}</h2></a> <p class="hs-search-results__description">{{ module.default_text.search_results_article_description }} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit dignissimos voluptate iste architecto placeat, doloribus minus laboriosam.</p> </div> </li> </ul> <nav class="hs-search-results__pagination" role="navigation" aria-label="{{ module.default_text.navigation_aria_label }}"> {% if module.pagination.first_and_last == true %} <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--text-and-icon hs-search-results__pagination__link--first" href="#"> {% if 'show_arrows' in module.pagination.first_and_last %} {{ first_page_icon_markup() }} {% endif %} {% if 'show_labels' in module.pagination.first_and_last %} <span class="hs-search-results__pagination__link-text show-for-sr--mobile">{{ module.pagination.first_label }}</span> {% endif %} </a> {% endif %} {% if module.pagination.previous_and_next == true %} <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--text-and-icon hs-search-results__pagination__link--prev" href="#"> {% if 'show_arrows' in module.pagination.previous_and_next %} {{ previous_page_icon_markup() }} {% endif %} {% if 'show_labels' in module.pagination.previous_and_next %} <span class="hs-search-results__pagination__link-text show-for-sr--mobile">{{ module.pagination.previous_label }}</span> {% endif %} </a> {% endif %} {% if show_numbers %} <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--number hs-search-results__pagination__link--active" href="#"> 1 </a> <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--number" href="#"> 2 </a> <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--number" href="#"> 3 </a> <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--number" href="#"> 4 </a> <span class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--ellipsis">...</span> <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--number" href="#"> 12 </a> {% endif %} {% if module.pagination.previous_and_next == true %} <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--text-and-icon hs-search-results__pagination__link--next" href="#"> {% if 'show_labels' in module.pagination.previous_and_next %} <span class="hs-search-results__pagination__link-text show-for-sr--mobile">{{ module.pagination.next_label }}</span> {% endif %} {% if 'show_arrows' in module.pagination.previous_and_next %} {{ next_page_icon_markup() }} {% endif %} </a> {% endif %} {% if module.pagination.first_and_last == true %} <a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--text-and-icon hs-search-results__pagination__link--last" href="#"> {% if 'show_labels' in module.pagination.first_and_last %} <span class="hs-search-results__pagination__link-text show-for-sr--mobile">{{ module.pagination.last_label }}</span> {% endif %} {% if 'show_arrows' in module.pagination.first_and_last %} {{ last_page_icon_markup() }} {% endif %} </a> {% endif %} </nav> {% endif %} <!-- Search Results Title --> <!-- Search Results Listing --> <!-- Search Results Pagination --> <!-- Populated By JS --> </div> {% require_js position="head" %} <script data-search_results-config="config_{{ name }}" type="application/json"> { "search_results_heading_tag": "{{ heading_tag }}", "search_results_page_path": "{{ request.path }}", "search_results_count_message": "{{ results_count_message }}", "search_results_display_featured_images": "{{ show_featured_images }}", "featured_image_alt": "{{ module.default_text.featured_image }}", "show_first_and_last_links": "{{ module.pagination.first_and_last }}", "show_previous_and_next_links": "{{ module.pagination.previous_and_next }}", "show_numbers": "{{ show_numbers }}", "current_page_aria_label": "{{ module.default_text.current_page_aria_label }}", "page_number_aria_label": "{{ module.default_text.page_number_aria_label }}", "first_page_link_text": "{{ module.default_text.first_page_link_text }}", "first_page_icon_markup": "{{ first_page_icon_markup() | escapejson }}", "previous_page_link_text":"{{ module.default_text.previous_page_link_text }}", "previous_page_icon_markup": "{{ previous_page_icon_markup() | escapejson }}", "next_page_link_text":"{{ module.default_text.next_page_link_text }}", "next_page_icon_markup": "{{ next_page_icon_markup() | escapejson }}", "last_page_link_text":"{{ module.default_text.last_page_link_text }}", "last_page_icon_markup": "{{ last_page_icon_markup() | escapejson }}", "no_results_message": "{{ module.default_text.no_results_message }}", "navigation_aria_label": "{{ module.default_text.navigation_aria_label }}" } </script> {% end_require_js %}.hs-search-results__listing { display: grid; padding: 0; margin: 0; gap: 2rem; list-style: none; } .hs-search-results__listing__item { display: flex; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .hs-search-results__link, .hs-search-results__link:hover { text-decoration: none; } .hs-search-highlight { font-weight: bold; } .hs-search-results__pagination { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link { display: flex; margin: 0 0.35rem; align-items: center; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link, .hs-search-results__pagination__link:hover, .hs-search-results__pagination__link:focus, .hs-search-results__pagination__link:active { text-decoration: none; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link-icon { display: flex; height: 16px; width: 16px; justify-content: center; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link-icon svg { fill: currentColor; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--first, .hs-search-results__pagination__link--prev { margin-right: 0.7rem; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--first { margin-left: 0; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--first .hs-search-results__pagination__link-icon, .hs-search-results__pagination__link--prev .hs-search-results__pagination__link-icon { margin-right: 0.35rem; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--number { padding: 0.35rem 0.7rem; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--last, .hs-search-results__pagination__link--next { margin-left: 0.7rem; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--last { margin-right: 0; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--last .hs-search-results__pagination__link-icon, .hs-search-results__pagination__link--next .hs-search-results__pagination__link-icon { margin-left: 0.35rem; } .hs-search-results__pagination__link--active { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } .hs-search-results__featured-image-wrapper { min-width: 33.3333%; margin-right: 1.25rem; flex-basis: 33.3333%; flex-shrink: 0; } .hs-search-results__featured-image { height: auto; max-width: 100%; -o-object-fit: cover; object-fit: cover; } .hs-search-results__featured-image--empty { display: flex; height: 191px; width: 255px; min-width: 255px; margin-right: 1.25rem; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background-color: #d7d7d7; } .hs-search-results__featured-image--empty p { padding: 0; margin: 0; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .hs-search-results__listing li { flex-flow: row wrap; } .hs-search-results__featured-image-wrapper { max-width: 100%; margin-right: 0; flex-basis: 100%; } .hs-search-results__featured-image--empty { height: auto; width: 100%; min-width: 100%; margin-right: 0; } } /* stylelint-disable declaration-no-important */ .show-for-sr { position: absolute !important; overflow: hidden !important; height: 1px !important; width: 1px !important; padding: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0) !important; white-space: nowrap !important; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .show-for-sr--mobile { position: absolute !important; overflow: hidden !important; height: 1px !important; width: 1px !important; padding: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0) !important; white-space: nowrap !important; } } /* stylelint-enable declaration-no-important *//** * URL query parameters are passed through to the HubSpot content search API. * * q=<search term> term to be searched for * * Content type to search can be specified with the following types. * type=SITE_PAGE, LANDING_PAGE, BLOG_POST, LISTING_PAGE, and KNOWLEDGE_ARTICLE * Multiple content types can be searched by additional "type" query params. * ex. type=BLOG_POST&type=LISTING_PAGE * * offset=<offset> beginning offset of the result set * limit=<limit> page size * * See: * */ const SEARCH_URL_BASE = '/_hcms/v3/site-search/search'; const SURROUNDING_PAGE_NUMBERS = 1; // how many page numbers to attempt to surround the current page with. const searchResultsContainer = document.querySelectorAll('.hs-search-results'); /** * Grab JSON configuration for the module from the HubL data. */ const getModuleConfig = moduleName => { const configJSONScript = document.querySelector( `[data-${moduleName}-config]` ); if (configJSONScript) { return JSON.parse(configJSONScript.textContent); } return { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ search_results_heading_tag: 'h1', search_results_page_path: '', search_results_count_message: 'Displaying [[offset]] – [[limit]] of [[total]] results', search_results_display_featured_images: false, featured_image_alt: 'Featured Image', first_page_link_text: 'First page', previous_page_link_text: 'Previous', next_page_link_text: 'Next', last_page_link_text: 'Last', no_results_message: 'No results message', navigation_aria_label: 'Paging Navigation', /* eslint-enable camelcase */ }; }; const moduleConfig = getModuleConfig('search_results'); const getSearchPageUrl = pageOffset => { const currentPageParams = new URLSearchParams(; currentPageParams.set('offset', pageOffset); return `${ moduleConfig.search_results_page_path }?${currentPageParams.toString()}`; }; /** * Given a total number of results, an offset, and a page size, returns an object full of pagination data for display. * * @param {number} totalItems the total number of items to be paginated * @param {number} currentOffset the current offset of the page * @param {number} pageSize the number of items per page * @returns {object} the paginator object with data for rendering pagination */ const getPaginator = (totalItems, currentOffset, pageSize) => { // default page size is 10 pageSize = pageSize || 10; /** * Setting up variables */ const maxPageNumbersToDisplay = SURROUNDING_PAGE_NUMBERS * 2 + 1; const centerPageSlot = Math.ceil(maxPageNumbersToDisplay / 2); // calculate total pages of items const totalPagesOfItems = Math.ceil(totalItems / pageSize); const currentPage = currentOffset / pageSize + 1; // calculate previous page url based on offset and page size const prevPageUrl = currentPage > 1 ? getSearchPageUrl(currentOffset - pageSize) : ''; // calculate next page url based on offset and page size const nextPageUrl = currentPage < totalPagesOfItems ? getSearchPageUrl(currentOffset + pageSize) : ''; /** * Setting up functions. */ // Page numbers are a rolling window of the current page, and attempt to center the current page in the navigation. const calculateBeginAndEndPageNumbers = () => { let firstDisplayedPageNumber; let lastDisplayedPageNumber; // There are less total pages than the maximum number of pages to display, so we can just display all of them. if (totalPagesOfItems <= maxPageNumbersToDisplay) { firstDisplayedPageNumber = 1; lastDisplayedPageNumber = totalPagesOfItems; return { firstDisplayedPageNumber, lastDisplayedPageNumber }; } // The current page is less than the center page slot, so we start at 1. if (currentPage <= centerPageSlot) { firstDisplayedPageNumber = 1; lastDisplayedPageNumber = centerPageSlot + SURROUNDING_PAGE_NUMBERS; return { firstDisplayedPageNumber, lastDisplayedPageNumber }; } // The current page is one away from the last, so we can end at the total number of pages. if (currentPage + 1 >= totalPagesOfItems) { firstDisplayedPageNumber = totalPagesOfItems - centerPageSlot; lastDisplayedPageNumber = totalPagesOfItems; return { firstDisplayedPageNumber, lastDisplayedPageNumber }; } // The current page is somewhere in the middle, so we calculate to try and keep it in the middle. firstDisplayedPageNumber = currentPage - SURROUNDING_PAGE_NUMBERS; lastDisplayedPageNumber = currentPage + SURROUNDING_PAGE_NUMBERS; return { firstDisplayedPageNumber, lastDisplayedPageNumber }; }; const maybeAddLastPageLink = pages => { // if the number of pages is less than the total pages, add an ellipsis, and link to the last page. if ( totalPagesOfItems > currentPage + SURROUNDING_PAGE_NUMBERS && totalPagesOfItems > pages.length ) { const lastPageOffset = totalPagesOfItems * pageSize - pageSize; return [ ...pages, { display: '...' }, { display: totalPagesOfItems, offset: lastPageOffset, url: getSearchPageUrl(lastPageOffset), }, ]; } return pages; }; const maybeAddFirstPageLink = pages => { if ( currentPage > centerPageSlot && totalPagesOfItems > maxPageNumbersToDisplay ) { return [ { display: '1', offset: 0, url: getSearchPageUrl(0) }, { display: '...' }, ...pages, ]; } return pages; }; /** * Putting variables and functions together to generate the paginator. */ const { firstDisplayedPageNumber, lastDisplayedPageNumber, } = calculateBeginAndEndPageNumbers(currentPage); const pageNumberSlots = Array( lastDisplayedPageNumber - firstDisplayedPageNumber + 1 ).keys(); // Fill the page number slots with display data. let pages = [...pageNumberSlots].map(i => { const pageOffset = (firstDisplayedPageNumber + i - 1) * pageSize; return { display: firstDisplayedPageNumber + i, offset: pageOffset, url: getSearchPageUrl(pageOffset), }; }); pages = maybeAddLastPageLink(pages); pages = maybeAddFirstPageLink(pages); const firstPageUrl = getSearchPageUrl(0); const lastPageUrl = getSearchPageUrl(totalPagesOfItems * pageSize - pageSize); // return object with all paginator properties required by the view return { totalItems, currentPage, prevPageUrl, nextPageUrl, firstPageUrl, lastPageUrl, pageSize, totalPagesOfItems, firstDisplayedPageNumber, lastDisplayedPageNumber, pages, }; }; const renderLabelledPageLink = (aria, label, classes, href, show) => { if (!show) { return ''; } return `<a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--text-and-icon ${classes}" aria-label="${aria}" href="${href}"> ${label} </a>`; }; const renderPageNumberLinks = (pages, currentPage, show) => { if (!show) { return ''; } return pages .map(page => { const activeClass = currentPage === page.display ? 'hs-search-results__pagination__link--active' : ''; const currentPageAriaLabel = currentPage === page.display ? `${moduleConfig.current_page_aria_label}.` // add a period to the end of the aria label to have screen readers pause. : ''; if (page.url) { return `<a class="hs-search-results__pagination__link hs-search-results__pagination__link--number ${activeClass}" aria-label="${currentPageAriaLabel} ${moduleConfig.page_number_aria_label} ${page.display}" href="${page.url}">${page.display}</a>`; } return `<span class="hs-search-results__pagination__link">${page.display}</span>`; }) .join(''); }; const renderPageNavigation = paginator => { const disabledClass = paginator.currentPage === 1 || paginator.currentPage === paginator.totalPagesOfItems ? 'hs-search-results__pagination__link--disabled' : ''; const firstPageLinkAriaLabel = moduleConfig.first_page_link_text; const firstPageLinkLabel = `${moduleConfig.first_page_icon_markup} ${moduleConfig.first_page_link_text}`; const firstPageLinkClass = `hs-search-results__pagination__link--first ${disabledClass}`; const prevPageLinkAriaLabel = moduleConfig.previous_page_link_text; const prevPageLinkLabel = `${moduleConfig.previous_page_icon_markup} ${moduleConfig.previous_page_link_text}`; const prevPageLinkClass = `hs-search-results__pagination__link--prev ${disabledClass}`; const nextPageLinkAriaLabel = moduleConfig.next_page_link_text; const nextPageLinkLabel = `${moduleConfig.next_page_link_text} ${moduleConfig.next_page_icon_markup}`; const nextPageLinkClass = `hs-search-results__pagination__link--next ${disabledClass}`; const lastPageLinkAriaLabel = moduleConfig.last_page_link_text; const lastPageLinkLabel = `${moduleConfig.last_page_link_text} ${moduleConfig.last_page_icon_markup}`; const lastPageLinkClass = `hs-search-results__pagination__link--last ${disabledClass}`; return ` <nav class="hs-search-results__pagination" role="navigation" aria-label="${ moduleConfig.navigation_aria_label }"> ${renderLabelledPageLink( firstPageLinkAriaLabel, firstPageLinkLabel, firstPageLinkClass, paginator.prevPageUrl, moduleConfig.show_first_and_last_links )} ${renderLabelledPageLink( prevPageLinkAriaLabel, prevPageLinkLabel, prevPageLinkClass, paginator.prevPageUrl, moduleConfig.show_previous_and_next_links )} ${renderPageNumberLinks( paginator.pages, paginator.currentPage, moduleConfig.show_numbers )} ${renderLabelledPageLink( nextPageLinkAriaLabel, nextPageLinkLabel, nextPageLinkClass, paginator.nextPageUrl, moduleConfig.show_previous_and_next_links )} ${renderLabelledPageLink( lastPageLinkAriaLabel, lastPageLinkLabel, lastPageLinkClass, paginator.lastPageUrl, moduleConfig.show_first_and_last_links )} </nav> `; }; const renderSearchResultHeading = searchResultTitle => { const headingLevel = ( moduleConfig.search_results_heading_tag || 'h2' ).replace('h', ''); const resultHeadingLevel = parseInt(headingLevel, 10) + 1; return ` <h${resultHeadingLevel} class="hs-search-results__title">${searchResultTitle}</h${resultHeadingLevel}> `; }; const renderFeaturedImage = featuredImageUrl => { if (!featuredImageUrl) { return ''; } // Alt intentionally left blank as it is not needed for decorative images. return `<div class="hs-search-results__featured-image-wrapper"> <img class="hs-search-results__featured-image" src="${featuredImageUrl}" alt=""> </div>`; }; const renderIndividualResult = result => { const searchResultHeading = renderSearchResultHeading(result.title); const featuredImage = moduleConfig.search_results_display_featured_images ? renderFeaturedImage( result.featuredImageUrl, `${moduleConfig.featured_image_alt} - ${result.title}` ) : ''; return `<li class="hs-search-results__listing__item"> ${featuredImage} <div class="hs-search-results__content"> <a class="hs-search-results__link" href="${result.url}">${searchResultHeading}</a> <p class="hs-search-results__description">${result.description}</p> </div> </li> `; }; const renderEmptyResults = resultData => { [...searchResultsContainer].forEach(resultContainer => { const noResultsMessage = moduleConfig.no_results_message.replace( '[[search_term]]', `“${resultData.searchTerm}”` ); resultContainer.innerHTML = `<div class="hs-search__no-results"> <p>${noResultsMessage}</p> </div>`; }); }; const renderSearchResults = resultData => { const paginator = getPaginator(, resultData.offset, resultData.limit ); const offsetString = parseInt(resultData.offset, 10) + 1; const limitString = parseInt(resultData.results.length, 10) + parseInt(resultData.offset, 10); const totalString =; const results = resultData.results .map(result => { return renderIndividualResult(result); }) .join(''); [...searchResultsContainer].forEach(resultContainer => { const searchResultsCountMessage = moduleConfig.search_results_count_message .replace('[[offset]]', offsetString) .replace('[[limit]]', limitString) .replace('[[total]]', totalString); resultContainer.innerHTML = ` <p class="hs-search-results__message" aria-role="status">${searchResultsCountMessage}</p> <ul class="hs-search-results__listing"> ${results} </ul> ${renderPageNavigation(paginator)} `; }); }; const search = searchParams => { const searchUrl = `${SEARCH_URL_BASE}?${searchParams.toString()}`; const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', searchUrl, true); request.onload = function() { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { const resultData = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (resultData.results.length > 0) { renderSearchResults(resultData); } else { renderEmptyResults(resultData); } } else { console.error('Server reached, error retrieving results.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } }; request.onerror = function() { console.error('Could not reach the server.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console }; request.send(); }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const currentSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(; currentSearchParams.set('analytics', 'true'); if (currentSearchParams.has('term')) { currentSearchParams.set('q', currentSearchParams.get('term')); currentSearchParams.delete('term'); } if (currentSearchParams.get('q')?.length) { search(currentSearchParams); } });


[ { "id": "cbd47343-8232-3ff0-5757-c0c104454ca2", "name": "display_featured_images", "label": "Display featured images", "sortable": false, "required": false, "locked": false, "type": "boolean", "default": false } ]<div class="hs-search-results"> <template class="hs-search-results__template"> <li> {% if module.display_featured_images %} <div class="hs-search-results__featured-image"> <img src=""> </div> {% endif %} <a href="#" class="hs-search-results__title">Content Title</a> <p class="hs-search-results__description">Description</p> </li> </template> <ul id="hsresults" class="hs-search-results__listing"></ul> <div class="hs-search-results__pagination" data-search-path="{{ site_settings.content_search_results_page_path }}"> <a href="" class="hs-search-results__prev-page"></a> <a href="" class="hs-search-results__next-page"></a> </div> </div>.hs-search-results__listing { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .hs-search-results__listing li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .hs-search-highlight { font-weight: bold; } .hs-search-results__prev-page { float: left; } .hs-search-results__next-page { float: right; }var hsResultsPage = function(_resultsClass) { function buildResultsPage(_instance) { var resultTemplate = _instance.querySelector( '.hs-search-results__template' ); var resultsSection = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__listing'); var searchPath = _instance .querySelector('.hs-search-results__pagination') .getAttribute('data-search-path'); var prevLink = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__prev-page'); var nextLink = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__next-page'); var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; /** * v1 of the search input module uses the `q` param for the search query. * This check is a fallback for a mixed v0 of search results and v1 of search input. */ if (searchParams.has('q')) { searchParams.set('term', searchParams.get('q')); searchParams.delete('q'); } function getTerm() { return searchParams.get('term') || ''; } function getOffset() { return parseInt(searchParams.get('offset')) || 0; } function getLimit() { return parseInt(searchParams.get('limit')); } function addResult(title, url, description, featuredImage) { var newResult = document.importNode(resultTemplate.content, true); function isFeaturedImageEnabled() { if ( newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__featured-image > img') ) { return true; } } newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__title').innerHTML = title; newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__title').href = url; newResult.querySelector( '.hs-search-results__description' ).innerHTML = description; if (typeof featuredImage !== 'undefined' && isFeaturedImageEnabled()) { newResult.querySelector( '.hs-search-results__featured-image > img' ).src = featuredImage; } resultsSection.appendChild(newResult); } function fillResults(results) { results.results.forEach(function(result, i) { addResult( result.title, result.url, result.description, result.featuredImageUrl ); }); } function emptyPagination() { prevLink.innerHTML = ''; nextLink.innerHTML = ''; } function emptyResults(searchedTerm) { resultsSection.innerHTML = '<div class="hs-search__no-results"><p>Sorry. There are no results for "' + searchedTerm + '"</p>' + '<p>Try rewording your query, or browse through our site.</p></div>'; } function setSearchBarDefault(searchedTerm) { var searchBars = document.querySelectorAll('.hs-search-field__input');, function(el) { el.value = searchedTerm; }); } function httpRequest(term, offset) { var SEARCH_URL = '/_hcms/search?'; var requestUrl = SEARCH_URL + searchParams + '&analytics=true'; var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', requestUrl, true); request.onload = function() { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { var data = JSON.parse(request.responseText); setSearchBarDefault(data.searchTerm); if ( > 0) { fillResults(data); paginate(data); } else { emptyResults(data.searchTerm); emptyPagination(); } } else { console.error('Server reached, error retrieving results.'); } }; request.onerror = function() { console.error('Could not reach the server.'); }; request.send(); } function paginate(results) { var updatedLimit = getLimit() || results.limit; function hasPreviousPage() { return > 0; } function hasNextPage() { return results.offset <= - updatedLimit; } if (hasPreviousPage()) { var prevParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams.toString()); prevParams.set( 'offset', * updatedLimit - parseInt(updatedLimit) ); prevLink.href = '/' + searchPath + '?' + prevParams; prevLink.innerHTML = '&lt; Previous page'; } else { prevLink.parentNode.removeChild(prevLink); } if (hasNextPage()) { var nextParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams.toString()); nextParams.set( 'offset', * updatedLimit + parseInt(updatedLimit) ); nextLink.href = '/' + searchPath + '?' + nextParams; nextLink.innerHTML = 'Next page &gt;'; } else { nextLink.parentNode.removeChild(nextLink); } } var getResults = (function() { if (getTerm()) { httpRequest(getTerm(), getOffset()); } else { emptyPagination(); } })(); } (function() { var searchResults = document.querySelectorAll(_resultsClass);, function(el) { buildResultsPage(el); }); })(); }; if ( document.attachEvent ? document.readyState === 'complete' : document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { var resultsPages = hsResultsPage('div.hs-search-results'); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var resultsPages = hsResultsPage('div.hs-search-results'); }); }

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