Brand settings inheritance

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With brand settings, users can set up the company's brand colors, logos, and favicons to be used across HubSpot content. This enables you to access those brand settings with tokens in a theme's fields.json file and within HTML/HubL and CSS files. You can also access brand colors within a module's fields.json file.

After adding these tokens within a fields.json file, content creators can edit their values within the theme settings editor. When adding these tokens in a HTML, HubL, or CSS, the values will be hardcoded and cannot be modified in the page editor by content creators. 

Below, learn about the available brand setting variables along with examples of implementation.

Brand Setting Variables

The following is a list of options that can be accessed from the brand settings area within the value of the property_value_paths object or within HTML/HubL and CSS files.


Brand colors can be accessed both within a theme or module's fields.json file, and within HTML/HubL and CSS files.

In a HTML/HubL or CSS file, you can use the following tokens to access the primary brand color:

  • {{brand_settings.primaryColor}}
  • {{brand_settings.colors[0]}}branding-color-primary-color

All additional colors can be accessed with {{brand_settings.colors[1-19]}}. For example, if there are four brand colors, you can access the third one with {{brand_settings.colors[2]}}branding-color-additional-colors

You can access the hex code of the color directly by including a hex filter in the token. For example: {{brand_settings.PrimaryColor.hex}}.

To include brand settings colors in a theme or module's fields.json file, use the following format: 

//Example of using the primary color in within a theme's // field.json file { "name": "branding_color", "label": "branding_color", "type": "color", "default": { "color": "#26ff55", "opacity": 60 }, "inherited_value": { "property_value_paths": { "color": "brand_settings.primaryColor" } } }

There are times when accounts may not have any additional colors configured in its brand settings. If your code is referencing an inherited color that does not exist in brand settings (ex: brand_settings.colors[3]), the default property value will be used as a fallback. If there is no default property color set, the primary color from your brand setting will be used as a fallback instead (brand_settings.primaryColor).


Brand logos can be accessed within a module's fields.json file, and within HTML/HubL and CSS files.

You can use the following tokens to access the primary logo set within brand settings:

  • {{brand_settings.primaryLogo}}
  • {{brand_settings.logos[0]}}

All additional logos can be accessed by using {{brand_settings.logos[1-19]}}.

In addition, you can access the following logo attributes:

  • Logo URL: {{}}
  • Logo alt text: {{brand_settings.primaryLogo.alt}}
  • Logo height: {{brand_settings.primaryLogo.height}}
  • Logo width: {{brand_settings.primaryLogo.width}}
  • Link to the logo's image: {{brand_settings.primaryLogo.src}}


Brand favicons can be accessed only within HTML/HubL and CSS files.

You can use the following tokens to access the primary logo set within brand settings:

  • {{brand_settings.primaryFavicon}}
  • {{brand_settings.favicons[0]}}


All additional favicons can be accessed by using {{brand_settings.favicons[1-19]}}.

You can access the URL of the logo directly by including an src filter. For example: {{brand_settings.primaryFavicon.src}}.

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