Below, learn about the default modules that HubSpot provides for building templates for website pages, blog posts, and blog listing pages. You'll also find default modules that can be used to build quote templates.
When developing locally, you can fetch a specific default module using the module path (e.g. hs fetch @hubspot/linked_image.module
To view a default module's code, you can view and clone the module within the @hubspot
folder of the design manager. In the code, some default modules use the default account ID 7052064, rather than the one belonging to the current account.
Please note: default web modules are separate from default email modules, which are for email templates. If your email templates include any of the following default web modules, you should replace them with the corresponding email-specific module:
Supported in blog posts and blog listings.
{% module "blog_comments" path="@hubspot/blog_comments" %}
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "blog_subscribe" path="@hubspot/blog_subscribe" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
select_blog | Blog | The blog to use for the module. | |
title | String | Title for the module (wrapped in a h3 tag) | "Subscribe Here!" |
response_message | Rich Text | The message that is shown upon submitting the form. | Thanks for subscribing! |
Add this module to blog listing pages to display blog post previews containing each post's title, featured image, author, publish date, and more with a clickable button that navigates to the post.
This default module has built using React, and you can view its source code on GitHub.
Please note:
- This module cannot be accessed from the design manager. The module can be referenced with HubL in coded templates and added within the blog listing page editor.
- This module replaces the previous
module, which has been deprecated.
{% module "blog_posts"
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
layout Required | Choice | The content layout for each blog post preview.
| grid |
columns | Number | When using the grid layout, the number of posts per row. Can be 2 , 3 , or 4 . | 3 |
alternateImage | Boolean | When using the sideBySide layout, set to true to align the featured image on the right and left side of the post preview, alternating. | false |
fullImage | Boolean | When using the grid or singleColumn layouts, set this field to true to make the featured image the background of the post preview. | false |
displayForEachListItem | Array | The content to include in each blog post preview. Choices include:
| [ 'image', 'title', 'authorImage', 'authorName', 'tags', 'publishDate', 'description', 'button' ] |
buttonText | String | The text that displays on the read more button, if included. | Read more |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "post_filter" path="@hubspot/post_filter" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
select_blog | Blog | Select a blog to display. Default will use the current blog when used in a blog template or the primary blog when used elsewhere. | |
filter_type | Choice | Type of filtering links to show. Choices include:
| tag |
order_by | Choice | Ordering for the values of filter links. Choices include:
| post_count |
list_title | Text | An H3 heading. | "Posts by Tag" |
max_links | Number | Number of filter links to show. Leave blank to show all. | 5 |
expand_link_text | Text | Text to display if more than the max_links value to display are available. | "See all" |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
Please note: a new version of this module was release at the end of March 2024. Learn more about the new default post listing module.
{% module "post_listing" path="@hubspot/post_listing" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
select_blog | Blog | Select a blog to display. Default will use the current blog when used in a blog template or the primary blog when used elsewhere. | |
listing_type | Choice | The type of listing for your posts. Choices include:
| recent |
list_title | Text | An H3 heading. | "Recent Posts" |
max_links | Number | Maximum number of posts to display. | 5 |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "button" path="@hubspot/button" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
link | Link | The URL that the button redirects to. | { "url": { "type": "EXTERNAL", "href": "", "content_id": null }, "open_in_new_tab": false, "no_follow": false } |
button_text | Text | Text that will be displayed on the button. | "Add a button link here" |
style | Object |
| { "override_default_style": false, "button_font": { "color": "#FFFFFF", "size_unit": "px" }, "button_color": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 }, "text_hover_color": { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 }, "button_hover_color": { "color": "#CCCCCC", "opacity": 100 } } |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "cta" path="@hubspot/cta" %}
Parameter | Type | Description |
guid | String | Globally Unique Identifier of the CTA. |
You can add this module to your subscription preferences page to allow contacts to request that their data be deleted. This function is required under certain data privacy laws. Once a contact requests that their data be deleted, they have 30 minutes to confirm in an email that will automatically be sent.
Users with super admin permissions will receive a notification email about these requests. Learn how to allow contacts to request a download of their data.
{% module "delete_data" path="@hubspot/delete_data", label="delete_data.module" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
content | Rich Text | Message displayed above the button. | ### Delete Data Permanently delete your personal data stored by {{ site_settings.company_name}}. Personal data is information that can be used to identify you and doesn't include anonymized data. You'll get a follow-up email where you'll need to verify your request. |
button_text | Text | Button text. | Request data deletion |
group_alerts | Field group | The success and fail alert field group. Including the following field groups:
Supported in pages. There's a new version of this module available in accounts created after August 25th, 2022. Learn more about this change.
{% module "divider" path="@hubspot/divider" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
height | Number | Pixel (px) height of the divider line. | 1 |
width | Number | Percentage (%) width of the divider line. | 50 |
color | Color | Color (hex) and opacity (number) of the divider line. | { "color": "#000000", "opacity": 100 } |
line_type | Choice | Line type. Choices include:
| solid |
alignment | Choice | Horizontal alignment of divider line. Choices include:
| center |
show_padding | Boolean | Show/hide top and bottom margining on the divider. | false |
padding | Number | Pixel (px) value for the margining on top and bottom of divider line. Option available when show_padding equals true . | 5 |
You can add this module to your subscription preferences page to allow contacts to request a copy of their data. This function is required under certain data privacy laws. Users with super admin permissions will receive a notification email about these requests. Learn how to allow contacts to request that their data be deleted.
{% module "download_data" path="@hubspot/download_data", label="download_data.module" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
content | Rich Text | Message displayed above the button. | ### Download Data Download your personal data stored by {{ site_settings.company_name}}. Personal data is information that can be used to identify you and doesn't include anonymized data. |
button_text | Text | Button text. | Request data download |
group_alerts | Field group | The success and fail alert field group. Including the following field groups:
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "form"
"form_id": "9e633e9f-0634-498e-917c-f01e355e83c6",
"response_type": "redirect",
"message": "Thanks for submitting the form.",
"redirect_id": null,
"redirect_url": ""
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
title | Text | H3 heading | |
form | Object | Form object including:
| |
{ "form_id": "", "response_type": "redirect", "message": "Thanks for submitting the form.", "redirect_id": null, "redirect_url": "" } | |||
notifications_are_overridden | Boolean | Email to send form notification to instead of form defaults. | false |
notifications_override_email_addresses | Comma-separated list of emails to send to when notifications_are_overridden equals true . | ||
follow_up_type_simple | Boolean | Enabled sending a follow up email. | false |
simple_email_for_live_id | Followupemail | ID of the follow-up email. Available when follow_up_type_simple equals true . | |
sfdc_campaign | Salesforcecampaign | When Salesforce integration is active, the campaign ID. |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "header" path="@hubspot/header" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
value | Text | Text for the heading. | "A clear and bold header" |
header_tag | Choice | Choose a heading level. Choice include h1 through h6 . | h1 |
Supported in pages, blog listings, blog posts, and emails.
{% module "horizontal_spacer" path="@hubspot/horizontal_spacer" %}
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts. Icons can be pulled from the Font Awesome 5.0.10 and 5.14.0 icon sets.
{% module "icon" path="@hubspot/icon" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
name | String | The name of the icon. | "hubspot" |
purpose | Choice | An accessibility option that categorizes the purpose of the icon for screen readers. Available values are:
| "decorative" |
title | String | An accessibility option that assigns the icon a title. | |
style | String | The type of icon. Can be one of solid , regular , light , thin , or duotone . | "solid" |
unicode | String | The icon's unicode value. | f3b2 |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "linked_image" path="@hubspot/linked_image" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
img | Image | Image object containing:
| { "src": "", "alt": "placeholder_200x200", "loading": "disabled", "width": 200, "height": 200 } |
link | Text | Optional link for the image. | |
target | Boolean | Opens link in a new tab. | false |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "image_grid" path="@hubspot/image_grid", label="image_grid.module" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
slides | Object | Object containing information for each slide. Object contains:
| [ { "show_caption": false, "open_in_new_tab": false } ] |
display_mode | Choice | Display mode of the Image Gallery. Choices include:
| standard |
lightboxRows | Number | Number of rows in the Lightbox gallery when display_mode equals lightbox . | 3 |
loop_slides | Boolean | Enables looping through the slides with next/prev when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | true |
auto_advance | Boolean | Automatically advances to the next slide when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | true |
num_seconds | Number | Amount of time (seconds) between advancing to the next slide when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | 5 |
show_pagination | Boolean | Show navigation buttons when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | true |
sizing | Choice | Sets the height of the slides when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . Choices include:
| static |
transition | Choice | Slide transition styles when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . Choices include:
| slide |
caption_position | Choice | Position of the slide captions when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . Choices include:
| below |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "gallery" path="@hubspot/gallery" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
slides | Object | Object containing information for each slide. Object contains:
| [ { "show_caption": false, "open_in_new_tab": false } ] |
display_mode | Choice | Display mode of the Image Gallery. Choices include:
| standard |
lightboxRows | Number | Number of rows in the Lightbox gallery when display_mode equals lightbox . | 3 |
loop_slides | Boolean | Enables looping through the slides with next/prev when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | true |
auto_advance | Boolean | Automatically advances to the next slide when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | true |
num_seconds | Number | Amount of time (seconds) between advancing to the next slide when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | 5 |
show_pagination | Boolean | Show navigation buttons when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . | true |
sizing | Choice | Sets the height of the slides when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . Choices include:
| static |
transition | Choice | Slide transition styles when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . Choices include:
| slide |
caption_position | Choice | Position of the slide captions when display_mode equals standard or thumbnail . Choices include:
| below |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "unique_name"
"img": {
"src": "",
"alt": "Default image alt text"
"caption": "<strong>1</strong> An optional caption for the image that will be added to the gallery. Enter any descriptive text for this image that you would like visitors to be able to read.",
"link_url": ""
"img": {
"src": "",
"alt": "Default image alt text"
"caption": "<strong>2</strong> An optional caption for the image that will be added to the gallery. Enter any descriptive text for this image that you would like visitors to be able to read.",
"link_url": ""
"slides": {
"per_page": 1,
"sizing": "natural",
"aspect_ratio": "16/9",
"show_captions": true,
"caption_position": "below"
"movement": {
"transition": "slide",
"loop_slides": false,
"auto_advance": false,
"auto_advance_speed_seconds": 5
"navigation": {
"show_main_arrows": true,
"show_thumbnails": false,
"show_dots": false
Parameter | Type | Description |
slides | Field group | A field group containing the following fields:
slideshow_settings | Field group | The image slider settings field group. Includes the following field groups:
default_text | Field group | The module's default text elements, including:
Supported in pages.
{% module "language_switcher" path="@hubspot/language_switcher" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
display_mode | Choice | The language of the text in the language switcher. Options include:
| localized |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "logo" path="@hubspot/logo" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
img | Image | Image object containing:
| { "override_inherited_src": false, "src": null, "alt": null } |
link | Text | Optional link for the logo. If no URL is specified, your logo will link to the Logo URL set in your brand settings. | |
open_in_new_tab | Boolean | Opens link in a new tab. | false |
suppress_company_name | Boolean | Hide the company name when an image is not selected. | true |
heading_level | Choice | Choose a heading level when no image is selected and suppress_company_name equals false . Choices include h1 through h6 . | h1 |
A customizable grid of containers to display logos uniformly. Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "logo grid"
"logo": {
"loading": "lazy",
"alt": "company_logo",
"src": ""
"logo": {
"loading": "lazy",
"alt": "company2_logo",
"src": ""
"logo": {
"alt": "lorem-logo",
"height": 40,
"loading": "lazy",
"max_height": 40,
"max_width": 175,
"src": "",
"width": 175
"group_logo": {
"group_background": {
"aspect_ratio": "1/1",
"background_color": {
"color": "#8E7CC3",
"opacity": 100
"group_spacing": {
"padding": {
"padding": {
"bottom": {
"units": "px",
"value": 75
"left": {
"units": "px",
"value": 75
"right": {
"units": "px",
"value": 75
"top": {
"units": "px",
"value": 75
"max_logo_height": 85
"group_logo_grid": {
"column_count": 3,
"grid_gap": 54
Parameter | Type | Description |
group_logos | Array | An array containing an object for each logo in the grid. |
logo | Object | In group_logos , an object for each logo in the grid. Each logo can include the following parameters:
styles | Array | An array containing the style fields that affect the grid layout, logo containers, and logo images. This array contains the following style groups:
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "meetings" path="@hubspot/meetings" %}
Parameter | Type | Description |
meeting | Meeting | Select a meeting link. |
This module provides Google and Facebook login capability to memberships sites. The user must sign-in with an account linked to the email for the contact in the CRM. You can choose which social logins to enable.
Supported in membership login pages.
{% module "social" path="@hubspot/membership_social_logins",
Facebook requires having a Facebook developer account, and a facebook app created, with basic settings. Once you've done that your app id is what you pass to the module.
Google requires a Google account, and authorization credentials created, once you have that your app's client id is what you pass to the module.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
facebook_appid | String | Your facebook app ID. | |
facebook_enabled | boolean | Enable the button for Facebook login. facebook_appid is required**.** | False |
google_clientid | String | Your Google client ID. | |
google_enabled | Boolean | Enable the button for Google login. google_clientid is required**.** | False |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
Looking to build your own custom menu? Try our menu() function.
{% module "menu" path="@hubspot/menu" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
id | Menu | ID of the menu. | |
root_type | Choice | Advanced menu type. Choices include:
| site_root |
max_levels | Choice | Determines the number of menu tree children that can be expanded in the menu. Choices include 1 through 10 | 2 |
flow | Choice | Orientation of the menu. Choices include:
| horizontal |
flyouts | Boolean | Enabled hover over functionality for child menu items. | true |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "page_footer" path="@hubspot/page_footer" %}
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "password_prompt" path="@hubspot/password_prompt" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
submit_button_text | Text | Text that appears on the submit button. | "Submit" |
password_placeholder | Text | Placeholder text for the password field. | "Password" |
bad_password_message | Rich Text | Message to show when a password is entered incorrectly. | "Sorry, please try again. " |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "payments" path="@hubspot/payments" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
payment | String | To set the module to use a specific payment link, include the ID of the payment link. You can find the ID in the URL while editing the payment link. | |
checkout_location | String | Set whether the payment form opens in a new tab or in an overlay. Available values are:
| "new_tab" |
button_text | String | Sets the text of the checkout button. | "Checkout" |
button_target | Choice | Whether the button uses a HubSpot payment link or an external link. Choices include:
| "payment_link" |
button_link | Link | When button_target is set to custom_link , sets the destination of the external link. Supported link types include:
Displays a product from the account's product library. Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module
"id" : 2124070179
"button_text" : "Buy",
"override_product_button" : true,
"button_override" : {
"no_follow" : false,
"open_in_new_tab" : false,
"sponsored" : false,
"url" : {
"href" : "",
"type" : "EXTERNAL"
"description_override" : "Monthly gym membership with access to shared locker facilities.",
"override_product_description" : true
"heading_level" : "h3",
"name_override" : "Gym membership",
"override_product_name" : true
"image_override" : {
"alt" : "360_F_317724775_qHtWjnT8YbRdFNIuq5PWsSYypRhOmalS",
"height" : 360,
"loading" : "lazy",
"src" : "",
"width" : 640
"override_product_image" : true
Parameter | Type | Description |
product | Product | The product to display, specified by product ID. |
group_button | Field group | By default, the module includes a button that directs users to the product's set URL. To customize the button destination, include this optional field group along with the following fields:
button_override | Object | In the group_button field group, this sets the button's URL behavior when override_product_button is set to true .Includes the following fields:
url field, you can set the type of destination through the type field, which supports the following content types:
group_name | Field group | By default, the module will display the product name at the top of the module as an h3. To customize the name, include this optional field group along with the following fields:
group_description | Field group | By default, the module will display the product's set description. To customize the description, include this optional field group along with the following fields:
group_image | Field group | By default, the module will display the product's set image. To customize this image, include this optional field group with the following fields:
Supported in quote templates.
{% module "download" path="@hubspot/quote_download" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
button_text | String | The text displayed on the download button. | Download |
download_error | String | Error message displayed if the download fails. | There was a problem downloading the quote. Please try again. |
Supported in quote templates.
{% module "payment" path="@hubspot/quote_payment" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
heading_text | String | The heading displayed above the payment section of a quote template. | Payment |
heading_tag | Choice | The type of heading used to display heading_text . Values include h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 . | h3 |
checkout | String | The payment button text. | Pay now |
needs_signature | String | Button text when a signature is required. | Payment can't be made because the quote isn't fully signed. |
checkout_error | Rich text | Message that displays when there's an error during checkout. | There was a problem setting up checkout. Please contact the person who sent you this quote. |
payment_status_error | Rich text | Message that displays when there's an error when trying to make a payment. | There was a problem loading the payment status for this quote. Please try refreshing the page. |
paid | String | A successful payment status indicator. | Paid |
payment_processing | String | A payment processing status indicator. | Payment processing |
Supported in quote templates.
{% module "signature" path="@hubspot/quote_signature" %}
When a quote requires an e-signature, the following fields are available within an esignature
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
pretext | Rich text | E-signature explanation text. | Before you sign this quote, an email must be sent to you to verify your identity. Find your profile below to request a verification email. |
verify_button | String | Text that displays on the verification button. | Verify to sign |
failure | String | Alert text that displays when the signature information can't be retrieved. | There was a problem retrieving the signature information. Please reload the page. |
verification_sent | String | A status indicator that appears when the verification request has been successfully sent to the quote signer. | Verification sent |
signed | String | Text that displays when the quote has been successfully signed. | Signed |
When a quote requires a printed signature, the following fields are available within a print_signature
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
header | Rich text | Text displayed at the top of the signature section. | Signature |
signature | String | Text that displays next to the signature field. | Signature |
date | String | Text that displays next to the date field. | Date |
printed_name | String | Text that displays next to the printed name field. | Printed name |
countersignature | Object | An object containing content for the countersignature section. This object can contain the following fields:
| Signed |
Supported in quote templates. This module also includes the default text used on custom quotes.
{% module "module_165350106057652" path="@hubspot/line_items", label="line_items.module" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
title | Text | The title of the line item column. | Column description |
use_additional_product_property | Boolean | Display checkbox to allow users to select additional line item columns from product properties. | False |
additional_product_properties | Choice | A product property. Choices include:
| |
crm_product_property | CRM object property | Select any product property to appear as a line item column header. |
Supported in all template types.
{% module "rich_text" path="@hubspot/rich_text" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
html | Rich Text | HTML block. | ## Something Powerful \n ### Tell The Reader More \n The headline and subheader tells us what you're [offering](\"#\"), and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for. \n Remember: \n<ul>\n<li>Bullets are great</li>\n<li>For spelling out [benefits](\"#\") and</li>\n<li>Turning visitors into leads.</li>\n</ul> |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "rss_listing" path="@hubspot/rss_listing" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
title | Text | An H3 heading. | "Test" |
rss_feed_type | Choice | Type of RSS feed. Choices include:
| blog |
rss_url | Text | RSS URL to use when rss_feed_type equals external . | |
content_group_id | Blog | Id of the blog to use when rss_feed_type equals blog . | |
topic_id | Tag | (optional) Id of the tag to filter by when rss_feed_type equals blog . | |
number_of_items | Number | Maximum number of posts to display. | 5 |
include_featured_image | Boolean | Include the featured image. | false |
show_author | Boolean | Show the author name. | true |
attribution_text | Text | Text that attributes an author to a post. Displayed when show_author equals true . | "by" |
show_detail | Boolean | Show post summary text. | true |
limit_to_chars | Number | Limits the length of the summary text when show_detail equals true . | 200 |
click_through_text | Text | The text which will be displayed for the clickthrough link at the end of a post summary when show_detail equals true . | "Read more" |
show_date | Boolean | Show publish date. | true |
publish_date_format | Choice | Format for the publish date when show_date equals true . Choices include:
| short |
publish_date_text | Text | The text that indicates when a post was published when show_date equals true . | "posted at" |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "search_input" path="./local-search_input"
"use_custom_search_results_template": "true",
"path_id": "77977569400"
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
field_label | Text | Search input label text | |
placeholder | Text | Placeholder text for the input field. | "Search" |
include_search_button | Boolean | Include a search button. | false |
content_types | Object | Which content types to include in search results. Object contains the following keys with boolean values:
| { "website_pages": true, "landing_pages": false, "blog_posts": true, "knowledge_articles": false } |
results | Object | An object that enables controls for using a custom search results page. Includes the following properties:
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listings.
{% module "search_results" path="@hubspot/search_results" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
display_featured_images | Boolean | Display featured images for items. | false |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "section_header" path="@hubspot/section_header" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
header | Text | Section header content. | "A clear and bold header" |
heading_level | Choice | Heading level for the header . Choices include h1 through h6 . | h1 |
subheader | Text | Subheading paragraph text for the section. | "A more subdued subheader" |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "simple_menu" path="@hubspot/simple_menu" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
menu_tree | Simple Menu | Simple menu object. | [] |
orientation | Choice | Orientation of the menu. Choices include:
| horizontal |
Add links to your social media profiles, with drag and drop reordering in the content editor. Automatically inserts icons based on the social URL, but icons can be overridden.
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "social_follow" path="@hubspot/social_follow" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
link | Text | The destination link for the social page added in the editor. | |
open_in_new_window | Boolean | When set to false , link will open in the same browser tab. | true |
is_podcast | Boolean | Set to true to display a podcast icon instead of a default or custom icon. | false |
customize_alt_text | Boolean | By default, alt-text is automatically generated. When set to true , you can override the default alt-text with a custom value using the aria_label field. | false |
aria-label | String | When customize_alt_text is true , this field sets the icon alt-text (e.g., Follow us on Facebook ). This is used by screen readers to describe the icon to users who are visually impaired. | False |
customize_icon | Boolean | By default, icons are auto-populated based on the link URL. When set to true , you can use the custom_icon field to select one of the other provided icons (Font Awesome 6.4.2). | false |
custom_icon | Icon | When customize_icon is true and is_podcast is false , use this field to specify a custom icon from the provided set. Available icons are from Font Awesome 6.4.2. |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "social_sharing" path="@hubspot/social_sharing" %}
Note: The variable social_link_url
in the default column below is the same value as the link
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
link | Text | This is the destination link that will be shortened for easier sharing on social networks. | |
facebook | Object | Object containing:
| { "enabled": false, "custom_link_format": "{{ social_link_url }}" } |
twitter | Object | Object containing:
| { "enabled": false, "custom_link_format": "\{\{ social_link_url }}&url={{ social_link_url }}&source=tweetbutton&text={{ social_page_title|urlencode }}" } |
linkedin | Object | Object containing:
| { "enabled": false, "custom_link_format": "{{ social_link_url }}" } |
pinterest | Object | Object containing:
| { "enabled": false, "custom_link_format": "{{ social_link_url }}&media={{ pinterest_media }}", "pinterest_media": { "src": "", "alt": null } } |
email | Object | Object containing:
| { "enabled": false, "custom_link_format": "mailto:?subject=Check out {{ social_link_url }} &body=Check out {{ social_link_url }}" } |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module
"content" : "<p>This is the descriptive text contained in tab 1.</p>",
"tab_label" : "Tab 1 label"
"content" : "<p>This is the descriptive text contained in tab 2.</p>",
"tab_label" : "Tab 2 label"
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
tabs | Field group | A field group that contains the tab label and text content of each tab. Contains the following fields:
| "Some additional information in one line" |
fixed_height | Boolean | By default, the tabs will be set at a fixed height so that the container height stays the same when switching between tabs. You can set this to false if you want the tabbed card container height to be based on the active tab's content. | False |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "text" path="@hubspot/text" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
value | Text | Add your text to this parameter. | "Some additional information in one line" |
Supported in pages, blog listings, and blog posts.
{% module "video" path="@hubspot/video" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
video_type | Choice | Type of video. Choices include:
| embed |
hubspot_video | Video Player | HubSpot hosted video. Used when video_type equals hubspot_video . | |
embed_field | Embed | Supports embed types:
| |
oembed_thumbnail | Image | Override oembed thumbnail image when video_type equals embed and embed_field equals oembed . | |
style_options | Object | Object containing oembed_thumbnail_play_button_color - Color field. | {"oembed_thumbnail_play_button_color":"#ffffff"} |
placeholder_fields | Object | Object containing:
| {"placeholder_title":"No video selected", "placeholder_description":"Select a video type in the sidebar."} |
Supported in pages.
{% module "video_embed_lp" path="@hubspot/video_embed_lp" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
url | Text | URL for video. URLs from Vimeo and YouTube are supported. | "" |
is_full_width | Boolean | Sets the video to full width (true ) or manually set width and height (false ). | true |
max_width | Number | Max width (px) | 800 |
max_height | Number | Max height (px) | 450 |
Supported in pages, blog posts, and blog listing pages. Requires a connected WhatsApp channel.
{% module "whatsapp_link" path="@hubspot/whatsapp_link", label="whatsapp_link" %}
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
whatsapp_number | URL | Select from the WhatsApp channels connected to the account. | |
optin_text | Choice | The opt-in and opt-out text. | |
whatsapp_display | Choice | Select whether the button displays text, a WhatsApp icon, or both. Choices include:
| text_and_icon |
icon_position | Choice | The position of the icon on the button. Choices include left and right . | left |
button_text | String | The button's text. | Chat on WhatsApp |
whatsapp_icon_title | String | The icon text for screen readers. | WhatsApp Icon |