Write module and theme fields using JavaScript

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Typically, module and theme fields are configured in a fields.json file. However, if you prefer to not use JSON, you can configure your fields with a JavaScript file instead. Writing fields with JavaScript enables you to abstract fields that you use often, dynamically generate new fields, and more easily update existing fields. 

For example, when building a set of modules, you can abstract your module fields into partials which are then pulled into individual modules. By building modules that pull from one source of truth, you’ll no longer need to update those common fields in each module individually. 

Below, learn how to write fields using JavaScript, including the necessary CLI commands, along with some examples to get you started.


At a high level, to write fields using JavaScript:

  • In the module folder or project root, include a JavaScript fields file instead of the fields.json file. You can use any of the following extensions:
    • fields.js 
    • fields.cjs
    • fields.mjs (requires Node 13.2.0+ to be installed).
  • Optionally, check your JavaScript before uploading to HubSpot by running hs cms convert-fields, which will save the output of the fields file locally as fields.output.json.
  • Upload the asset to HubSpot through the CLI by running hs upload or hs watch with a --convertFields flag. On upload, HubSpot will convert the JavaScript file to a fields.json file.
Please note: when HubSpot converts the JavaScript file into the fields.json file, it does not store the original JavaScript file. To maintain a source of truth, it's recommended to use a version control system like Git. 


To use a JavaScript field file to generate fields:

  • The JavaScript fields file must be contained in a module folder or at the project root to be treated as the global fields.json file. 
  • The module or theme must not also include a fields.json file. Including both will prompt you to select one or the other at upload.
  • The JavaScript fields file must export a function as its default export. The exported function can accept an array of strings called fieldOptions, and must return an array of objects. Each entry in the returned array must be one of the following:
  1. A JavaScript object with valid field key-value pairs.
  2. A JavaScript object with a .toJSON() method. When run, this method must return a value that meets criterion 1.
  3. A Promise that resolves to a JavaScript object that meets criterion 1.

CLI commands

Use the following CLI commands when writing module fields with JavaScript.

Check JavaScript file locally

Check your work locally by running hs cms convert-fields, which saves the output of your JavaScript fields file as fields.output.json in the same directory as the JavaScript fields file.

hs cms convert-fields accepts the following flags:

Use this table to describe parameters / fields

The location of the JavaScript fields file, or a directory.


Accepts a space-separated list that will then be passed to every exported JavaScript fields function as an array before compile-time.

For example, you can configure fields to have different labels depending on whether a --fieldOptions=qa flag is set.

View an example of this below.

Upload to HubSpot

Upload to HubSpot to begin the process of converting the JavaScript file to a fields.json file by running either hs upload or hs watch

hs upload and hs watch accept the following flags:

Use this table to describe parameters / fields

Enables JavaScript fields functionality.


Saves the JavaScript fields file output as fields.output.json in the same directory as the JavaScript fields file. If not included, HubSpot will save the output of the JavaScript fields file to a temporary directory then delete it after upload.


Accepts a space-separated list that will then be passed to every exported JavaScript fields function as an array before compile-time.

For example, you can configure fields to have different labels depending on whether a --fieldOptions=qa flag is set.

View an example of this below.


Below, review examples of using JavaScript to write fields files.

Regular object

The following fields.js file writes a regular object:

module.exports = (fieldOptions) => { return [ { required: true, locked: false, help_text: "", inline_help_text: "", name: "button_text", label: "Button text", type: "text", default: "Add a button link here" } ] }

Common fields

The following fields.js file creates a set of common fields to be used across multiple modules:

const setFieldParams = (field, params) => { return {...field, ...params} } const defaultRichTextField = { type: "richtext", enabled_features: [ "font_size", "standard_emphasis", "block", "font_family", "alignment" ], display_width: null, required: false, locked: false } module.exports = (fieldOptions) => { let fields = [ setFieldParams(defaultRichTextField, { name: "tier", label: "Product tier", default: "<h2>Free</h2>" }), setFieldParams(defaultRichTextField, { name: "description", label: "Product description", default: "<p>For teams that need additional security, control, and support.</p>" }) ] return fields }

Change fields based on passed options

The following fields.js file changes the module's fields based on whether the

--fieldOptions=[qa] flag was included when running hs cms convert-fields, hs upload, or hs watch:

module.exports = (fieldOptions) => { let fields = [...] if(fieldOptions.includes('qa')) { fields = fields.map((field) => { field["name"] += "_qa"; return field; }) } } return fields }

Add JSON from other files

The following fields.js file includes styles from a styles.json file:

const fs = require('fs') module.exports = (fieldOptions) => { const fields = [...] const styles = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../../json/styles.json')) return [fields, styles] }

Make async calls

The following fields.js file includes an asynchronous call by setting the exported function as async. If you return a Promise, the CLI will wait for the Promise to resolve before writing the fields.json file.

module.exports = async (fieldOptions) => { const httpField = fetch('https://example.org/example.json').then(resp => resp.json()) return [ httpField ] }

Use external field object libraries

The following fields.js file includes an external library. Libraries such as @iGoMoon/hubspot-fields-js are supported, as their fields objects expose a .toJSON() function. 

const { Field, Group } = require('@iGoMoon/hubspot-fields-js') module.exports = (fieldOptions) => { return [ Field.text() .name('button_text', 'Button text') .required(true) .default('Add a button link here'), new Group().children([ Field.boolean() .id('1') .name('enable', 'Enable Field') .set('display', 'toggle') .default(true), Field.number().name('number', 'Number Fields'), Field.text() .name('css_class_name', 'CSS Class') .set('validation_regex', '-?[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9- ]+') .inlineHelpText('Enter a CSS class for additional styling'), ]) ] }

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