Build dynamic pages using HubDB

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Dynamic pages are CMS pages that get their content from a structured data source. Based on how you configure your dynamic page, HubSpot will pull data from the selected source and automatically create a set of pages. This includes a listing page that displays summaries of the data, and individual pages for each data source entry.

Using a HubDB table as a data source, you can create a dynamic page which then generates a page for each row in the table. Each dynamic page includes its own unique, SEO-friendly URL, and offers page-specific analytics. 

Please note: you can create up to 10 dynamic pages per data source. For HubDB dynamic pages, this means up to 10 dynamic pages per HubDB table. Learn more about HuDB technical limits.

This tutorial walks through how to create a set of dynamic pages using HubDB as the data source. To follow this tutorial, you'll need:

  • Content Hub Professional or Enterprise
  • Some prior knowledge of HTML and CSS
You can learn more about building data-based CMS pages in HubSpot Academy's CMS Data-Driven Content course.

1. Create a HubDB table

To create a new HubDB table:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Files and Templates > HubDB.
  • In the upper right, click Create table.
  • In the dialog box, enter the table label and name, then click Create.

With the table created, you can set it to be used for dynamic page content:

  • In the upper right, click Actions, then select Manage settings.
  • In the right panel, click to toggle the Enable creation of dynamic pages using row data switch on.
  • You can optionally select the meta description, featured image, and canonical URL of the individual dynamic pages. If you leave these values empty, each page will inherit the respective values from its parent page.

Please note: for a page to use the values from the meta description, featured image, and canonical URL columns, the page must include the following page_meta HubL variables rather than content variables:

  • {{page_meta.meta_description}}
  • {{page_meta.featured_image_URL}}
  • {{page_meta.canonical_url}}

For example, HubSpot templates pull in their meta description from the {{content.meta_description}} tag by default. You'll instead need to use {{page_meta.meta_description}}.

  • Click Save to save your changes.

After you update the table settings, the Page title and Page path columns will be added to the table.

  • Page title: the name of this page as seen in the HTML title tag.
  • Page path: the last segment of the URL for the dynamic page created by each row in the table. 

The following table is an example modeled after an "About us" page for members of a company's executive team. This table will be used to create dynamic pages with paths ending in cfo-harlow, ceo-jeff, cto-bristow, and pd-hugo.


Page title Page path Role Name Bio
CFO Harlow cfo-harlow CFO Harlow This is Harlow, who is generally pennywise.
CEO Jeff ceo-jeff CEO Jeff Jeff is the CEO, which means he usually runs things around here.
CTO Bristow cto-bristow CTO Bristow This is our CTO, Bristow, who likes to tinker.
Chief PD pd-hugo CPD Hugo Hugo, our Chief Product Designer, enjoys designing products.

Please note: though you have to enter page paths as lowercase, the resulting URLs are case insensitive. In the example above, when someone navigates to /CEO-Jeff they will see the same page as /ceo-jeff instead of a 404 error.

When you're ready to use the data from your table to build out your pages, click Publish in the top right.

2. Create a template

Next, you'll create one template for both the listing page and the individual detail pages for each row, similar to how blog templates can be used for both listing and post detail pages. To create the page template:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Files and TemplatesDesign Tools.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to the folder that you want to create the template in. To create a new folder, in the upper left click File, then select New folder. Then, click File, and select New file.
  • In the dialog box, use the dropdown menu to select HTML + HubL as the file type.
  • Click Next.
Creating a new HTML + HubL Template
  • In the File name field, enter the name of the template.
  • Under File location, you can change where the template is located in your design manager by clicking Change.
  • Click Create to create the template.

When a dynamic page is set to use this template and the end of the page URL matches the path column, you can access the dynamic_page_hubdb_row and dynamic_page_hubdb_table_id variables in the template. For example, for building an executive profile page, the code below demonstrates how you can use fields from dynamic_page_hubdb_row to display an executive's info:

  • hs_name: the associated Page title for the HubDB row.
  • name: the executive's name.
  • role: the executive's role.
{% if dynamic_page_hubdb_row %} <h1>{{ dynamic_page_hubdb_row.hs_name }}</h1> <h2>{{ }}</h2> <h3>{{ dynamic_page_hubdb_row.role }}</h3> <p>{{}}</p> {% endif %}

Next, you can add handling for the case in which someone loads your dynamic page without any additional paths from your table. Usually, this is used as a listing page, for listing links to the pages for the rows in your HubDB table. Replace your code with:

{% if dynamic_page_hubdb_row %} <h1>{{ dynamic_page_hubdb_row.hs_name }}</h1> <h2>{{ }}</h2> <h3>{{ dynamic_page_hubdb_row.role }}</h3> <p>{{}}</p> {% elif dynamic_page_hubdb_table_id %} <ul> {% for row in hubdb_table_rows(dynamic_page_hubdb_table_id) %} <li><a href="{{ request.path }}/{{ row.hs_path }}">{{ row.hs_name }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %}

The code inside the elif block iterates over all the rows in the executive's table and displays each entry in a list, with a link to their unique path.

  • In the design manager, click Preview to preview the template. The preview will be blank, because it relies on the context of the page to set the dynamic_page_hubdb_row or dynamic_page_hubdb_table_id variables. 
  • To test your code at the template level, add the following temporary code to the top of your template, ensuring that you remove it before publishing:
{% set dynamic_page_hubdb_table_id = %}
  • After adding the above code, your template should now render a list of hyperlinks, pulling data from the HubDB table you built.
  • After previewing the template, remove the temporary code above. Then, click Publish in the top right to make it available for creating pages.

3. Create the dynamic page

To create a dynamic page from your template:

  • With your new template open in the design manager, click the Actions dropdown menu at the top of the finder, then select Create page.
  • In the dialog box, select Website page, then enter a page name.
  • Click Create page.
  • At the top of the page editor, click the Settings tab.
  • In the Page title field, enter a page name, which you can use later to look up traffic analytics.
  • In the URL field, enter a URL of /executives. The URL will be the base URL for your dynamic page.
  • Click Advanced Options to expand additional settings.
  • Scroll down to the Dynamic pages section, then click the Data sources dropdown menu. Select the HubDB table you created.
Advanced options in page settings for linking to HubDB table
  • When you’re finished, click Publish in the upper right. Your pages are now ready to view.

4. View live pages

Now you can visit your new dynamic page and all of its paths, as defined by your HubDB table.

  • Navigate to the dynamic listing page at the URL you set in the page editor. This tutorial uses /executives for its dynamic page URL, so in that case you would navigate to:
  • From the listing page, click the names in the bulleted list to view the details page for that executive.
2022-11-28_15-55-47 (1)

5. Add a new table row

With your dynamic page loading HubDB data, navigate back to the table and add a new row. After publishing the table, you'll then see your live page dynamically update with the new HubDB data.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Files and Templates > HubDB.
  • Click the name of the table that you create.
  • Click Add row, then fill out each column. Below is a sample set of data.
Page title Page path Role Name Bio
CMO Hobbes cmo-hobbes CMO Hobbes Hobbes is our go-to cat enthusiast.
  • In the upper right, click Publish.
  • In another tab, navigate back to the listing page (/executives in this example). You should now see the new executive appear on the listing page, and clicking their name will reveal their details page.

6. View dynamic page data

Once there are visits to your dynamic page, you can measure individual page performance or view all page data in the traffic analytics tool. Even though the individual executive pages are built from the same dynamic page, traffic data, such as page views, will be attributed to each page. 

To view your page visit data in HubSpot:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to ReportsAnalytics Tools.
  • Click Traffic Analytics.
  • In the traffic analytics report, click the Pages tab.
  • View the table to see traffic data for the individual parent and child pages. Child pages will be denoted with > arrow icons to show their relation to parent pages. 

Keep in mind the following if you're not seeing the traffic data you expect:

More HubDB focused tutorials

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