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For loops can be used in HubL to iterate through sequences of objects. They will most commonly be used with rendering blog content in a listing format, but they can also be used to sort through other sequence variables.

For loops begin with a {% for %} statement and end with an {% endfor %} statement. Within the {% for %} statement a single sequence item is named followed by in and then the name of the sequence. The code between the opening and closing for statements is printed with each iteration, and generally includes the printed variable of the individual sequence item. Below is the basic syntax of a for loop:

Below is a basic example that shows how to print a sequence of variable values into a list.

As a loop iterates, you can use conditional logic to define the loop's behavior. The variable property loop.index keeps a count of the current number of the iterations of the loop. There are several other loop variable properties that count the iterations in different ways. These properties are described below:

loop.cycleA helper function to cycle between a list of sequences. See the explanation below.
loop.depthIndicates how deep in deep in a recursive loop the rendering currently is. Starts at level 1
loop.depth0Indicates how deep in deep in a recursive loop the rendering currently is. Starts at level 0
loop.firstThis variable evaluates to true, if it is the first iteration of the loop.
loop.indexThe current iteration of the loop. This variable starts counting at 1.
loop.index0The current iteration of the loop. This variable starts counting at 0.
loop.lastThis variable evaluates to true, if it is the last iteration of the loop.
loop.lengthThe number of items in the sequence.
loop.revindexThe number of iterations from the end of the loop. Counting down to 1.
loop.revindex0The number of iterations from the end of the loop. Counting down to 0.

Below are some examples that use different loop variables. The following basic example uses loop.index to keep a count that is printed with each iteration.

The next example uses conditional logic to check whether the length of the loop is divisibleby certain numbers. It then renders the width of the post-item div accordingly. The example uses the standard blog post loop and assumes that there are 6 posts in the loop.

Loops can also be nested with loops. The child for loop will run with each iteration of the parent for loop. In the example below, a list of child items is printed in a nested <ul> within a <ul> of parent items.

The cycle tag can be used within a for loop to cycle through a series of string values and print them with each iteration. One of the most practical applications to this technique is applying alternating classes to your blog posts in a listing. This tag can be used on more than two values and will repeat the cycle if there are more loop iterations than cycle values. In the example below, a class of odd and even are applied to posts in a listing (the example assumes that there are 5 posts in the loop).

Please note that there are no spaces between the comma-separated cycle string values.

You can call variables that are defined outside of a loop, from within a loop, but not the other way around.

If the dict of information you are looping through has key and value pairs, a simple for loop would only have access to the values. If you wish to have access to both the keys and values within the for loop, the HubL would be formatted as such:

Sometimes you want to iterate a set number of times, this can be useful in generating HTML or CSS. You can do this using the range function.

When you add a tag to page HubSpot automatically assigns an id to the wrapping HTML. That tag is unique per tag "name". In situations where you need to use a tag in a for loop setting unique names is not practical. Add the unique_in_loop parameter to your tag to generate unique ids. This parameter appends the module name with the current loop iteration number, ensuring that it is unique. Unique id's are not only needed for valid HTML but are important for accessibility.