There's a new version of the HubSpot API

We're also working on a new documentation website, you're invited to check it out and give us your feedback.

OAuth 1.0 Deprecation

If you are a HubSpot user seeing this page when trying to connect an integration, please reach out to the creator of the integration. We've made some updates to the security features of our Integration Platform that may require changes to the integration. If you don't know who to contact, find the integration on this page - - click the integration and scroll down to contact info. 

Our OAuth 1.0 API is deprecated and unavailable for new integrations. In order to update your integration to work with our OAuth 2.0 system, please see the migration documentation here.

If you've previously worked with our OAuth 1.0 API, there are a few main differences to keep in mind when updating to OAuth 2.0

  • You're existing HubSpot apps and Client IDs can be used with OAuth 2.0.
  • You no longer need to specify the Hub ID in the URL you send the user to to authorize your app.  Users will have the ability to select which HubSpot account they want to authenticate on the HubSpot authentication screen.
  • After authorizing your app, instead of getting an access_token and refresh_token, you'll get a code.  You use that code, along with your Client Secret from your app settings, to generate the access_token and refresh_token
  • When making API calls with OAuth 2.0 access_tokens, the token gets passed in an Authorization header, and not in the URL as a query parameter.