Tools to help you build

HubSpot provides a range of tooling to help you as you build on its developer platform. HubSpot’s APIs are flexible and you can always use your preferred development environment to build an integration, but the tools listed below are available to all developers to enhance productivity and help streamline your development workflow. 

HubSpot CLI

If you’re building on the HubSpot CMS, you can install the HubSpot CLI to build on HubSpot locally. Once installed, you can use your preferred tools in your preferred environment. You can also set up continuous integration with a GitHub account to track changes and help you collaborate with other developers in your organization.

Learn how to install the HubSpot CLI.

HubSpot VS Code extension

The HubSpot Visual Studio Code extension allows you to centralize your development workflow without having to leave VS Code. Once installed, you can use the HubSpot CLI directly to authenticate and manage your connected accounts, as well as leverage HubL syntax highlighting and support for autocomplete. You can also sync files with the design manager of your default HubSpot account.

Learn how to install and use the HubSpot VS Code extension.

Client libraries

HubSpot provides client libraries so you can use your preferred programming language when using HubSpot APIs. Client libraries are available in JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and PHP. Each client library allows you to invoke function calls to read, edit, create, and delete data in your HubSpot account instead of having to craft API requests manually.

Learn more about setting up and using the Node, PHP, Ruby, and Python client libraries.


Postman is a feature-rich API client you can use to easily make authenticated requests to HubSpot. You can also browse curated collections of all of HubSpot’s public API endpoints. These collections are regularly maintained by HubSpot to keep the specifications for all request and response fields up-to-date.

Download the Postman client, then browse the official HubSpot Postman collections.

Projects (BETA)

Projects are a high-level container you can use to customize the HubSpot CRM. In tandem with the HubSpot CLI, you can build and deploy private apps, create UI extensions, and develop serverless functions to dynamically read or write data in custom components in the CRM. Once deployed, you can manage your project within HubSpot, allowing you to review build history and monitor API calls.

Learn more about how to create a project from scratch, or follow the UI extensions quickstart guide. If you're not sure where to start, you can also check out HubSpot's sample projects

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