Create a project (BETA)

Using projects, you can package, build, and deploy to HubSpot locally using the CLI. Depending on your HubSpot subscription, you can use projects to build the following:

Once deployed to HubSpot, you can view a project within your HubSpot account to see its build and deploy history, manage its settings, and monitor the private app’s usage. 

This guide walks through how to create a project from scratch. After creating and uploading the project, you'll then create a private app within it, followed by a custom card UI extension or JavaScript modules and partials.

To get started developing a project, app, and UI extension from a template, check out the quickstart guide instead. You can also view example projects that contain private apps and UI extensions in HubSpot's example extension library on GitHub.

Create a project

To create a project from scratch:

  • In the terminal, navigate to the folder where you'll be storing the project locally. A project can live anywhere locally, but will be stored in HubSpot as a root-level directory in the developer file system.
  • Run hs project create.
  • Enter a name for your project, then press Enter.
  • Press Enter to create the project with the suggested directory. Or enter a new directory path, then press Enter.
  • Select No template to create a project with no template. You can learn more about getting started with sample projects in the quickstart guide

A project directory will then be created with the following assets:

  • An hsproject.json file in the root directory to configure the project.
name  string 

The project's description.

srcDir  string

The name of the directory that contains the rest of your project files.

platformVersion  string

The version of the developer project platform you're developing on. As improvements are made and features are added to the projects platform, some might include breaking changes. By specifying a version, you can control which features are accessible in your project. If not specified, the project will fall back to the current version. 

// Example project config file { "name": "my_project", "srcDir": "src", "platformVersion": "2023.2" }
  • An src folder where you'll store your app's files. This folder can have any name as long as it matches the srcDir value in the hsproject.json file.


Next, upload the project to HubSpot by running hs project upload. This will upload the empty project to your account where you can then view it.

Please note: the source directory cannot be greater than 50MB uncompressed, otherwise it will fail to upload.

View the project in HubSpot

To view your deployed project in HubSpot:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM Development.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Projects. The project card will display a This project is empty message, which is expected because you've uploaded a project without a private app.
  • Click the name of the project. The project details page will display information about build history once a private app is added to the project.

From the project details page, you can also manage auto-deploy settings:

  • On the project page, click the Settings tab.
  • Click to toggle the Auto-deploy successful builds switch off. 


Next, create a private app in the project to start building out the project's functionality.

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