Please note: the serverless function features described in this article are specifically for developer projects. This includes both UI extensions and JavaScript rendered modules and partials built with projects. For information about building serverless functions for websites outside of developer projects, visit the CMS documentation.

Include serverless functions in projects (BETA)

  • Sales Hub
    • Enterprise
  • Service Hub
    • Enterprise
  • Content Hub
    • Enterprise

Serverless functions allow you to write server-side code in JavaScript that runs on HubSpot. Because HubSpot runs the function, you don't need to manage your own server. 

In the context of HubSpot projects, serverless functions provide the core functionality for your UI extensions. The information in this article also applies to serverless functions for React-based CMS modules and partials.

Within your project file structure, serverless functions live in the src/app directory within a <AnyName>.functions folder. At the most basic level, this folder should include:

  • One or more JavaScript files that export a main function.
  • A serverless.json file that registers and configures your functions. 


Create a serverless function

To create a serverless function that provides functionality for your app or extension, you'll first need to create the JavaScript file that provides the functionality. 

A serverless function that executes a JavaScript file within a project is referred to as an app function. If you have a Content Hub Enterprise account, you can also configure a serverless function to be invoked by a public URL instead, which is referred to as an endpoint function. Learn more about endpoint functions.

Each serverless function exports a main function that gets called when HubSpot executes it. The function receives the context argument, which is an object that contains data based on how the function is being used. This includes context about where the card is loaded as well as the authenticated user and account.

Learn more about fetching user, account, and card location context.

Below is an example of data included in context:

// example context object data { "user": { "userId": 12345678, "email": "", "locale": "en" }, "portalId": 12345, "propertiesToSend": { "city": "Somerville", "hs_lead_status": "OPEN_DEAL" }, "parameters": { "form_data": { "attending": true, "meal_choice": "vegetarian" } } }

Below is an example of a function that returns a 200 status code and a Hello World message:

//helloWorld.js exports.main = async (context) => { return ({ statusCode: 200, body: { message: 'Hello World' }, }); };
Please note: serverless functions cannot import other functions. You'll need to include all the code the serverless function needs to execute within the serverless function file. 


In the serverless functions directory, configure the serverless function by including a serverless.json file. In this file, you'll configure your serverless function to reference the .js function file to execute.

If you have a Content Hub Enterprise subscription, you can configure a serverless function to be invoked by a public URL. Learn more about endpoint functions.

Please note: serverless functions have a response limit of 15 seconds. Functions that take longer to execute will fail. 

// Example serverless.json { "appFunctions": { "functionName": { "file": "function1.js", "secrets": ["SOME_SECRET"] } } }
Use this table to describe parameters / fields

The .js file in the project to execute.


To authenticate requests, you can include secrets as string values in this array. Learn more about managing secrets.

Endpoint functions

If you have a Content Hub Enterprise subscription, you can configure a serverless function to be invoked by a public URL. When calling the URL of a HubSpot-hosted serverless function, you can use any domain connected to your account with the following URL structure: https://<domain>/hs/serverless/<endpoint-path-from-config>.

For example, if both and are connected to the account, you could call the function using or

In the URL to call the function, the endpoint path is global rather than scoped to the app or project. If you have identical endpoint paths across multiple apps or projects, the most recently deployed endpoint function will take precedence. 

// Example serverless.json { "appFunctions": { "functionName": { "file": "somefunction.js", "secrets": ["SOME_SECRET"], "endpoint": { "path": "path/to/endpoint", "method": ["GET"] } } } }
Use this table to describe parameters / fields

To authenticate requests, you can include secrets as string values in this array. Learn more about managing secrets.


An object containing the endpoint request details. Requires:

  • path: the endpoint path.
  • method: the request method.

The .js file in the project to execute.

Please note: due to system limitations, logs will not be surfaced in HubSpot or the CLI for project-based serverless functions with endpoints. If you want to use serverless functions for CMS use cases and be able to view logs, learn more about building serverless functions in HubSpot's CMS documentation.

Authenticate calls

When developing a private app with projects, each private app comes with a private access token that you can use to authenticate calls to HubSpot's APIs. Calls authenticated with private app access tokens count against your API call limits. You can also authenticate calls using secrets, which you'll manage through the CLI.

For example, when creating a UI extension with Node.js, you'll first include the HubSpot node API client, then instantiate it within exports.main within the CRM card JavaScript file, including the private app access token:

// Include HubSpot node API client const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client'); exports.main = async (context = {}) => { // instantiate HubSpot node API client const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({ accessToken: process.env['PRIVATE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN'], }); //your function return response; };

You can then configure the rest of the function using Node.js. For example, the following code would create a serverless function that retrieves a specific contact by ID using the contacts API:

// Example crm-card.js file // Include HubSpot node API client const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client'); exports.main = async (context = {}) => { // Get hs_object_id of the record in context const { hs_object_id } = context.propertiesToSend; console.log(`Looking up contact by ID [${hs_object_id}]`); // instantiate HubSpot Node API client const hsClient = new hubspot.Client({ accessToken: process.env["PRIVATE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"] }); try { // Look up contact from the API const response = await hsClient.crm.contacts.basicApi .getById(hs_object_id, ['email']); // Pass the contact properties back return ({ results: }); } catch (err) { // Handle API call error console.error(err); // Option 1: Return no result return ({ results: null }); // Option 2: Rethrow the error, which will result in an ERROR status for the function call throw err; } };

To get started, you can find Node.js code snippets on the Endpoints tabs of HubSpot's API docs.

Managing secrets

If your serverless function requires secrets, include a secrets field in the serverless.json configuration file. Follow the steps below to make them accessible when the function is deployed and when running the local development server.

  • Create your secrets by running hs secrets add <secret name>. HubSpot will securely store this secret on its backend and inject them into the runtime environment when a function is invoked in production.
  • In your serverless.json file, list the names of the secrets needed by each function. Do not include PRIVATE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN, as this is automatically created for you and already available in the serverless function.
// serverless.json { "appFunctions": { "functionName": { "file": "function1.js", "secrets": ["GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"], "endpoint": { "path": "path/to/endpoint", "method": ["GET"] } } } }
  • To make secrets available for local development, create a .env file in the <AnyName>.functions directory. HubSpot will never retrieve your secrets outside of its protected infrastructure, so you'll need to specify the secret values that you want to use when the function is executed locally. If your function uses PRIVATE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN, you'll need to copy the private app's access token from HubSpot and store it in the .env file for local access. The following snippet demonstrates what an example .env file might look like:
PRIVATE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN=pat-na1-****** ANOTHER_SECRET=my-secret-value
  • After saving secrets to the .env file, you can access them in your function using process.env["your-secret-key"].
export const main = async (context) => { const secret = process.env["ANOTHER_SECRET"]; const token = process.env["PRIVATE_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"]; ... }
  • To update a secret's value, you can run the hs secrets update command. If you're using a Node runtime of 14 or higher, updated secret values will  automatically be updated in your deployed function within one minute, meaning you won't have to build and deploy to get the updated secret.

Please note: 

  • To limit exposure of a secret, it's strongly recommended to never include it in console statements to prevent it from being recorded in logs.
  • If your project is linked to a GitHub repository, be sure to never commit the .env file when uploading to GitHub. You can include an entry for .env in your .gitignore file to ensure that it is omitted from your commits.

Best practices

Keep the following recommendations in mind while you develop and test your serverless function:

Variable assignment inside functions

To ensure that variables are correctly assigned and initialized with every function invocation, you should opt to assign variables within the function itself. This practice prevents potential issues related to stale or persistent variable states, which can lead to unexpected behaviors. See the example below for additional context:

// Preferred exports.myHandler = async (event, context) => { const myDynamicVariable = process.env['SOME_KEY']; // The rest of your handler logic }; // Discouraged const myDynamicVariable = process.env['SOME_KEY']; exports.myHandler = async (event, context) => { // The rest of your handler logic };

Stay up to date with the latest platform version

The hsprojects.json configuration file includes a platformVersion field which specifies which platform version to run the project on. It's strongly encouraged to use the latest platform version to ensure that your project and its assets are up to date with the latest improvements, optimizations, and feature enhancements. In addition, some previously available features may not be available in older versions due to deprecation.

The platform version also dictates which version of Node the project runs on. The latest version, 2023.2, uses Node18, and doesn't support older versions of Node.

Including dependencies

By default, HubSpot provides a small number of NPM dependencies in addition to the Node.js standard library. To add your own dependencies, you can list the package in dependencies within the package.json file. When the app is built, dependencies will be bundled with your function code. All dependencies must be published to NPM and be public.

For example, if you wanted to add the lodash library in a serverless function, you would first update package.json to include the dependency:

// package.json { "name": "app.functions", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "dependencies": { "lodash": "^4.17.21", } }

Then, at the top of your serverless function JavaScript file, you would require the lodash dependency:

// myFunction.js const _ = require('lodash'); exports.main = async (context) => { const objectA = {}; const objectB = {}; const equal = _.isEqual(objectA, objectB); return ({ statusCode: 200, body: { isEqual: equal, }, }); };

Debug a serverless function

Log messages are produced every time HubSpot executes a serverless function. Below, learn how to access logs in HubSpot and locally using the CLI.

In-app debugging

In HubSpot, you can view a serverless function's log history, including both successful requests and errors. When a CRM card fails to load, HubSpot will also display an error message in the card on the CRM record that links to that app's CRM card logs. 


To access a serverless function's logs in HubSpot:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM Development.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Private apps.
  • Select the private app that contains the serverless function.
  • Click the Logs tab, then the Serverless functions tab to view serverless function logs.
  • To view logs for a specific request, use the search bar to search by request ID, or click a request
  • In the right panel, you can also click View log trace for a more in-depth breakdown of the request.


You can also include console.log() in your serverless function code for debugging purposes, then view its output in the function log details sidebar.


Local debugging

Log messages are produced every time HubSpot executes a serverless function. To view a serverless function's logs for both API endpoint and app functions in the CLI, run the hs project logs command. This guide you through selecting the project, app, and function name or endpoint to get logs for. Learn more about using the hs project logs command.

There are two types of log messages produced:

  • Log messages that record the execution of a function, along with its status and timing. For example: 2021-04-28T19:19:21.666Z - SUCCESS - Execution Time: 279ms
  • Log messages that are produced through console statements in the function code. For example, your serverless function JavaScript might include:
// helloWorld.js exports.main = async (context) => { console.log('Log some debug info'); console.error('An error occurred'); return ({ statusCode: 200, body: { message: 'Hello World' }, }); };

A log output for the above code would then produce the following:

2021-04-28T19:15:13.200Z    INFO   Log some debug info

2021-04-28T19:15:14.200Z    ERROR    An error occurred

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