CRM data components (BETA)

CRM data components can pull data directly from the currently displaying CRM record, including information about associated records and single object reports. These components can only be placed in the middle column of CRM records.

These components are imported from @hubspot/ui-extensions/crm.

import { CrmAssociationPivot, CrmReport } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions/crm';

Filtering data

In the CrmAssociationPivot and CrmAssociationTable components, you can filter the data to fetch only what's most relevant. Review the table below for available filtering options.

import { CrmAssociationPivot, CrmReport } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions/crm'; const Extension = () => { return ( <CrmAssociationPivot objectTypeId="0-1" associationLabels={["CEO", "Co-founder"]} maxAssociations={10} preFilters={[ { "operator": "NOT_IN", "property": "dealstage", "values": ["closedwon"] } ]} /> ); };
Prop Type Description
operator EQ | NEQ | LT | LTE | GT | GTE | BETWEEN | IN | NOT_IN | HAS_PROPTERTY | NOT_HAS_PROPERTY The filter's operator (e.g. IN). Can be one of:
  • EQ: is equal to value.
  • NEQ: is not equal to value.
  • LT: is less than value.
  • LTE:  is less than or equal to value.
  • GT:  is greater than value.
  • GTE: is greater than or equal to value.
  • BETWEEN: is within the specified range between value and highValue.
  • IN: is included in the specified values array. This operator is case-sensitive, so inputted values must be in lowercase. 
  • NOT_IN: is not included in the specified values array.
  • HAS_PROPERTY: has a value for the specified property.
  • NOT_HAS_PROPERTY: does not have a value for the specified property.
Learn more about filtering CRM searches.
property String The property to filter by.
value String | number The property value to filter by.
values String | number The property values to filter by when using an operator that requires an array, such as IN.
highValue String | number The upper value to filter by when using an operator that requires a range, such as BETWEEN.

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