Form | UI components (BETA)

The Form component renders a form that can contain other subcomponents, such as Input, Select, and Button. Use this component to enable users to submit data to HubSpot or an external system.


  1. Label: the input label.
  2. Text input: an Input component with a placeholder value of First name.
  3. Label: the select input label.
  4. Select input: a Select component with value of Customer.
  5. Button: a Button component to submit the form's information. 
import { Form, Input, Button } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; const Extension = () => { return ( <Form onSubmit={() => { console.log('Form submitted!')}}> <Input label="First Name" name="first-name" tooltip="Please enter your first name" description="Please enter your first name" placeholder="First name" /> <Input label="Last Name" name="last-name" tooltip="Please enter your last name" description="Please enter your last name" placeholder="Last name" /> <Button onClick={() => { console.log('Submit button clicked'); }} variant="primary" type="submit" > Submit </Button> </Form> ); }
Prop Type Description
onSubmit Function The function that is called when the form is submitted. It will receive a RemoteEvent as an argument and its return value will be ignored.
autoComplete 'on' (default) | 'off' Set this field to 'off' to prevent autocompletion software (e.g., browser, password managers) from auto-filling form fields. Based on the autocomplete HTML attribute.

Usage examples

  • A form to submit customer information to an external database.
  • A form to place a product order on behalf of a customer.


  • DO: include text inputs when a user should be able to submit any value.
  • DO: include select inputs when a user should only be able to select from a set of values.
  • DO: include descriptions and placeholder text to provide context to users.
  • DO: always position the submit button at the bottom of the form. 
  • DON'T: include a form without a submit button.

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