Panel | UI components (BETA)

  • Sales Hub
    • Enterprise
  • Service Hub
    • Enterprise

The Panel component renders a panel overlay on the right side of the page and contains other components. Like the Modal component, you'll include the Panel component in an overlay prop within a Button, Link, Tag, or Image component.

To see an example of using a panel in an extension, check out HubSpot's Build a multi-step flow or Overlay example project.

Please note: as of June 24, 2024, the method for including Panel components has changed. Moving forward:

  • Panels are nested within the components that open them.
  • Opening the panel is automatically handled by the parent component, rather than requiring reactions.

Extensions using the old method will continue to function, but it's recommended to review the new functionality below and update your extensions as needed.


The Panel component uses three subcomponents to control its design and content, which follows the general structure below:

  • <Panel>: the outermost container. It must be a top-level component. You cannot put a Panel inside another component, such as Flex.
    • <PanelBody>: the container that wraps the panel's content and makes it scrollable. Include only one PanelBody per Panel.
      • <PanelSection>: a container that adds padding and bottom margin to provide spacing between content. You can use Flex and Box to further customize content layout.
    • <PanelFooter>: a sticky footer component at the bottom of the panel. Include only one PanelFooter per Panel.
import { Button, Panel, PanelSection, PanelBody, PanelFooter, Text, hubspot } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; hubspot.extend(() => <OverlayExampleCard />); const OverlayExampleCard = () => { return ( <> <Button overlay={ <Panel id="my-panel" title="Example panel"> <PanelBody> <PanelSection> <Text>Welcome to my panel. Thanks for stopping by!</Text> <Text>Close the panel by clicking the X in the top right.</Text> </PanelSection> </PanelBody> <PanelFooter> </PanelFooter> </Panel> } > Open panel </Button> </> ); };

Below are the props available for Panel and PanelSection.

Panel props

Prop Type Description
id  Required String A unique ID for the panel.
onOpen onOpen() => void A function that will be invoked when the panel has finished opening.
onClose onClose() => void A function that will be invoked when the panel has finished closing.
width  'sm', 'small' (default) | 'md', 'medium'| 'lg', 'large' The width of the panel.
title String The text that displays at the top of the panel.
variant 'modal' | 'default' (default) The panel variant. The modal variant includes better screen reader focus on the panel and is recommended for visual and motor accessibility and tab navigation.
See variants for more information.
aria-label String The panel's accessibility label.

PanelSection props

Prop Type Description
flush Boolean When set to true, the section will have no bottom margin. Default is false.

Open or close a panel

By default, HubSpot handles opening the panel when the user clicks the parent Button, Link, Tag, or Image component. A close button will also be included in the top right of the panel.


In addition, you can add a close mechanism to a panel using a Button, Link, Tag or Image with an onClick event that triggers the closeOverlay action. To use this action, you'll need to include the actions argument in hubspot.extend() as seen in the example code below.

Learn more about opening and closing overlays.

import { Button, Panel, PanelSection, PanelBody, PanelFooter, Text, hubspot } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; hubspot.extend(({ actions }) => <OverlayExampleCard actions={actions} />); const OverlayExampleCard = ({ actions }) => { return ( <> <Button overlay={ <Panel id="my-panel" title="Example panel"> <PanelBody> <PanelSection> <Text>Welcome to my panel. Thanks for stopping by!</Text> <Text>Close the panel by clicking the X in the top right, or using the button below</Text> </PanelSection> </PanelBody> <PanelFooter> <Button variant="secondary" onClick={() => {actions.closeOverlay('my-panel');}} > Close </Button> </PanelFooter> </Panel> } > Open panel </Button> </> ); };

Please note:

  • You can only have one panel open at a time. Opening a panel while another is already open will cause the first one to close.
  • A Modal can be opened from a Panel, but a Panel cannot be opened from a Modal.


By default, the panel will only obscure the content on the right side of the page where it opens. Using the variants prop, you can add an additional overlay behind the panel to blur the rest of the page. This variant puts more focus on the panel and improves accessibility for users with screen readers. Because the modal variant obscures the rest of the page's content, use it only when users don't need other context from the page.


Usage examples

Use a panel when a user needs to submitting an order form for a customer.


Use this component when users need to fill out a longer or multi-step form.

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