UI extensions SDK (BETA)

  • Sales Hub
    • Enterprise
  • Service Hub
    • Enterprise

The UI extensions SDK is the foundation for building UI extensions in HubSpot, containing an assortment of methods, functionalities, tools, and UI components to customize your extensions.

Below, learn about what's offered in the SDK along with usage examples and boilerplate code.

Registering the extension

UI extensions, like any React front-end, are written as React components. However, unlike usual react components, you must register them with HubSpot by including hubspot.extend() inside the component file instead of exporting them. This is not required when you create a sub-component. For better code, reuse and include them inside your extension.

The hubspot.extend() function receives the following arguments:

  • context: the context object that includes information about the account and user.
  • runServerlessFunction: the serverless functions to run in the component.
  • actions: the actions to include in the component.

If you followed the steps above to create your UI extension from scratch, you'll have already copied the code below into your React front end Example.jsx file. 

hubspot.extend(({ context, runServerlessFunction, actions }) => ( <HelloWorld context={context} runServerless={runServerlessFunction} onAlertClick={actions.addAlert} /> ));


View the full API for the runServerlessFunction call below. Note that propertiesToSend in the call is another way to fetch CRM properties on the serverless function side, rather than using fetchCromObjectProperties on the React client side. Making this call on the server side will fetch property data when the serverless function is called, versus only when the extension loads. Learn more about fetching CRM data.

runServerlessFunction(params: ServerlessRunnerParams): Promise<ServerlessExecutionResult> type ServerlessRunnerParams = { /** * Name of the serverless function that is configured as a key for the function in serverless.json file. */ name: string; /** * Names of CRM object properties to be retrieved and supplied to * the function as `context.propertiesToSend` (Optional) */ propertiesToSend?: string[]; /** * Additional parameters to be supplied to the function as * `context.parameters` (Optional) */ parameters?: JsonValue; } Response body type ServerlessExecutionResult = | { status: 'SUCCESS'; response: JsonValue; } | { status: 'ERROR'; message: string; };
Please note: the status returned by runServerlessFunction is automatically determined by HubSpot and cannot be set manually using sendResponse(). If the serverless function runs successfully, it will automatically return a status of SUCCESS. To trigger an error status, you'll need to build it into your serverless function.

Display alert banners

Use the addAlert method to send alert banners as a feedback for any actions to indicate success or failure. addAlert is a part of the actions object that can be passed to extension via hubspot.extend. If you want to render an alert within a card, check out the Alert component.

Use the addAlert method to send alert banners as a feedback for any actions to indicate success or failure. addAlert is a part of the actions object that can be passed to extension via hubspot.extend.

The AddAlert method accepts the following props:

  • title: the bolded title text of the alert.
  • message: the alert text.
  • type: the alert color variant. Can be one of:
    • info: a blue alert to provide general information.
    • success: a green alert indicating a positive outcome.
    • warning: a yellow alert indicating caution.
    • danger: a red alert indicating a negative outcome.
    • tip: a white alert to provide guidance.

ui-extension-alert-example (1)


// Snippet from app/extensions/HelloWorld.jsx hubspot.extend(({ context, runServerlessFunction, actions }) => ( <HelloWorld context={context} runServerless={runServerlessFunction} onAlertClick={actions.addAlert} /> )); // the following method executes a serverless function // and displays an alert based on the response const HelloWorld = ({ context, runServerless, onAlertClick }) => { const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(""); const executeServerless = async () => { const serverlessResult = await runServerless({ name: "get-data", parameters: { inputValue }, }); if (serverlessResult.status === 'SUCCESS') { onAlertClick({title: "Heads up", message: serverlessResult.response.alertMessage, type: "success"}); } else { console.error("Error executing serverless: ", serverlessResult.message); } }; return ( // components );

In line 21 above, the alertMessage value can be passed by the serverless function by including it in sendResponse.

// Snippet from app/app.functions/get-data.js */ export.main = async (context = {}, callback) => { const message = context.parameters['inputValue']; callback({alertMessage: `You typed "${message}".`}); }

Fetch CRM property data

There are three ways to fetch CRM property data:

  • fetchCrmObjectProperties, which can be included in your React files to fetch property data client side at extension load time.
  • propertiesToSend, which can be included in your serverless functions to fetch property data on the back end at function invocation time.
  • Use GraphQL to query CRM data through the /collector/graphql endpoint. Learn more about querying CRM data using GraphQL. To see an example of using GraphQL to fetch data, check out HubSpot's contact duplicator sample project.

Please note: to make GraphQL requests, your app must include the following scopes:

  • collector.graphql_schema.read
  • collector.graphql_query.execute


Using the fetchCrmObjectProperties method, you can get property values from the currently displaying CRM record without having to use HubSpot's APIs. This method is a part of the actions object that can be passed to the extension via hubspot.extend. You'll first need to add the object to objectTypes inside the card's .json config file. The objects you specify in objectTypes will also set which CRM objects will display the extension.

hubspot.extend(({ actions }) => ( <HelloWorld fetchProperties={actions.fetchCrmObjectProperties} /> )); const HelloWorld = ({ runServerless, fetchProperties }) => { const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState(""); const [lastName, setLastName] = useState(""); useEffect(() => { fetchProperties(["firstname", "lastname"]) .then(properties => { setFirstName(properties.firstname); setLastName(properties.lastname); }); }, [fetchProperties]); return ( <Text>Hello {firstName} {lastName}</Text> ); }

You can specify individual properties or fetch all properties with an asterisk:

fetchCrmObjectProperties('*').then(properties => console.log(properties))

The response for fetchCrmObjectProperties is formatted as:

// example fetchCrmObjectProperties response { "property1Name": "property1Value", "property2Name": "property2Value" }

Refresh properties on the CRM record

Use refreshObjectProperties to refresh the property data on the CRM record, and any CRM data components on the record without needing to refresh the page. This includes cards added to the record through HubSpot's UI. This method will work for the CRM objects that you include in the extension's .json file in the objectTypes array. 

Please note: this method will not refresh property values in app cards that are fetched using HubSpot's APIs. Only HubSpot's built-in property fields and properties in CRM data components will be refreshed.

import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Divider, Button, Input, Flex, hubspot } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; hubspot.extend(({ runServerlessFunction, actions }) => ( <Extension runServerless={runServerlessFunction} refreshObjectProperties={actions.refreshObjectProperties} /> )); const Extension = ({ runServerless, refreshObjectProperties, }) => { // Your extension logic goes here // Refresh all properties of the object on the page refreshObjectProperties(); } }); }; return ( // Your extension body )

Listen for property updates

Use the onCrmPropertiesUpdate to subscribe to changes made to properties on the CRM record and run functions based on those changes. This action is intended to be used like a react hook.

The full API for this method is as follows:

export type onCrmPropertiesUpdateAction = ( properties: string[] | '*', callback: ( properties: Record<string, string>, error?: { message: string } ) => void ) => void;

As an example, the following function subscribes to updates made to the contact's first and last name properties, then logs those properties to the console. 

onCrmPropertiesUpdate(['firstname','lastname'], (properties) => console.log(properties))

You can subscribe to all properties by using an asterisk.

onCrmPropertiesUpdate('*', (properties) => console.log(properties))

Error handling

You can handle potential errors by passing the error argument to the callback.

onCrmPropertiesUpdate(['firstname','lastname'], (properties, error) => { if(error) { console.log(error.message} } else { console.log(properties) } })

Open an overlay

Please note: as of June 24, 2024, the method for including Panel components has changed. Moving forward:

  • Panels are nested within the components that open them.
  • Opening the panel is automatically handled by the parent component, rather than requiring reactions.

Extensions using the old method will continue to function, but it's recommended to review the new functionality below and update your extensions as needed.

To add another layer of UI to your extension, you can include overlays using the Modal and Panel components. The Panel component adds a sidebar overlay, while the Modal component adds a pop-up box overlay. Whichever type of overlay you want to use, you'll incorporate it in the same way. To see an example of using overlays, check out HubSpot's Overlay example project.

When choosing which type of overlay to use, keep in mind the following:

  • Modal: better suited for short messages and action confirmations. A 'danger' variant is included for destructive actions, such as deleting a contact.
  • Panel: better suited for longer, compartmentalized tasks that users might need to perform, such as multi-step forms. Includes a 'modal' variant to obscure page content outside of the panel to focus the user on the panel task.

To add either type of overlay to your extension:

  • Add the overlay prop to a ButtonLinkTag, or Image component.
  • Add the Modal or Panel component into the overlay prop.

By default, both types of overlay come with a close button in the top right.


To add a secondary closing mechanism, you can include a Button, Link, Tag, or Image component within overlay that triggers the closeOverlay action in an onClick event. To use this action, you'll need to include the actions argument in hubspot.extend().

Please note:

  • Only one Modal can be open at a time per extension. Opening a Modal when another one is already opened will cause the first one to close.
  • A Modal can be opened from a Panel, but a Panel can't be opened from a Modal.

Below are examples of a panel overlay and a modal overlay.

Panel overlay


import { Button, Panel, PanelSection, PanelBody, PanelFooter, Text, hubspot } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; hubspot.extend(({ actions }) => <OverlayExampleCard actions={actions} />); const OverlayExampleCard = ({ actions }) => { return ( <> <Button overlay={ <Panel id="my-panel" title="Example panel"> <PanelBody> <PanelSection> <Text>Welcome to my panel. Thanks for stopping by!</Text> <Text>Close the panel by clicking the X in the top right, or using the button below</Text> </PanelSection> </PanelBody> <PanelFooter> <Button variant="secondary" onClick={() => {actions.closeOverlay('my-panel');}} > Close </Button> </PanelFooter> </Panel> } > Open panel </Button> </> ); };

uie-component-modal-example (1)

import { Button, Modal, ModalBody, ModalFooter, Text, hubspot } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; hubspot.extend(({ actions }) => <OverlayExampleCard actions={actions} />); const OverlayExampleCard = ({ actions }) => { return ( <> <Button overlay={ <Modal id="default-modal" title="Example modal" width="md" > <ModalBody> <Text>Welcome to my modal. Thanks for stopping by!</Text> <Text>Close the modal by clicking the X in the top right, or using the button below</Text> </ModalBody> <ModalFooter> <Button onClick={() => actions.closeOverlay('default-modal')}> Close modal </Button> </ModalFooter> </Modal> } > Open modal </Button> </> ); };

Open an iframe in a modal

Similar to addAlert and fetchCrmObjectProperties, you can pass openIframeModal to the extension through the actions object. This action includes a callback, which you can use to run a function when the iframe modal is closed. The callback doesn't receive any parameters.

Learn more by checking out HubSpot's Display an iframe modal sample project.

export type OpenIframeModalAction = ( action: OpenIframeActionPayload, onClose?: () => void ) => void;

openIframeModal takes the following payload:

interface OpenIframeActionPayload { uri: string; height: number; width: number; title?: string; flush?: boolean; associatedObjectProperties?: string[]; }

For example, the following code would result in an extension that opens an iframe on button click. The iframe is configured to contain the Wikipedia homepage with a height and width of 1000px and no padding. Upon closing the modal, a message will be logged to the console.

import { Link, Button, Text, Box, Flex, hubspot } from "@hubspot/ui-extensions"; // Define the extension to be run within the Hubspot CRM hubspot.extend(( { actions } // serverless function is not required for simply displaying an iframe ) => <Extension openIframe={actions.openIframeModal} />); // Define the Extension component, taking in openIframe as a prop const Extension = ({ openIframe }) => { const handleClick = () => { openIframe({ uri: "https://wikipedia.org/", // this is a relative link. Some links will be blocked since they don't allow iframing height: 1000, width: 1000, title: 'Wikipedia in an iframe', flush: true }, () => console.log('This message will display upon closing the modal.')); }; return ( <> <Flex direction="column" align="start" gap="medium"> <Text> Clicking the button will open a modal dialog with an iframe that displays the content at the provided URL. Get more info on how to do this {" "}. <Link href="https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/platform/create-ui-extensions#open-an-iframe-in-a-modal"> here </Link> </Text> <Box> <Button type="submit" onClick={handleClick}> Click me </Button> </Box> </Flex> </> ); };

Upload files

While there is no component for uploading files, there are a few ways you can upload files:

Fetch account, user, and extension context

The context object, which is passed to the extension component via hubspot.extend, contains information related to the authenticated user and HubSpot account, along with information about where the extension is loading. The following is an example of the information you can retrieve via context.

{ location: 'crm.record.tab' | 'crm.record.sidebar', crm: { objectId: number; // the current CRM record's ID objectTypeId: string; // the current CRM record's object type }, extension: { appId: number; // the extension's app ID appName: string; // the extension's app name cardTitle: string; // the extension's title location: string; // the location where the extension loads }, portal: { id: number; // HubSpot account ID timezone: string; // account timezone }, user: { email: string; // the logged in user's primary email emails: string[]; // all associated emails firstName: string; // user's first name id: number; // user's ID lastName: string; // user's last name locale: string; // user's locale roles: string[]; // role names teams: Team[ { id: number; name: string; teammates: number[]; // IDs of the user's teammates ]; } }

Send custom log messages for debugging

Using logger methods, you can send custom log messages to HubSpot for more in-depth troubleshooting of deployed extensions. Custom log messages will appear in the app's logs in HubSpot, searchable by trace ID. Check out HubSpot's custom logger sample project to see an implementation example.

The following methods are available:

  • logger.info
  • logger.debug
  • logger.warn
  • logger.error

Each method accepts a single string argument.

For example, the following extension code includes few different log messages to help better identify where an error has occurred:

import { logger } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions'; logger.debug('Information before my extension') hubspot.extend(({ runServerlessFunction }) => { logger.warn('Logging a warning inside extension'); useEffect(() => { runServerlessFunction('customers') .then(result => { if (result.status === 'ERROR') { logger.error(`Customer fetch failed`); return; } logger.info(JSON.stringify(result)); }) .catch(error => { logger.error(`Customer fetch failed: ${error.message}`); }); }, []) return <Text>Hello</Text> });

When an extension fails to load on a CRM record, an error message will display. This error message will contain a trace ID, which you can copy.

logger-debug-on-crm-recordUsing that trace ID, you can then locate the custom log messages within the app's logs.


Notes and limitations

  • Custom log messages are not sent while in local development mode. They are logged to the browser console instead.
  • All logs are sent as batches with a maximum of 100 logs per batch.
  • Each HubSpot account is rate limited to 1,000 logs per minute. After exceeding that limit, all logging is stopped until the page is reloaded.
  • The logger will queue a maximum of 10,000 pending messages. Any subsequent logs will be dropped until the queue is below the maximum.
  • Queued logs are processed at a rate of five seconds per log batch.
  • Queued logs are dropped when the page or is refreshed or closed.

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