HubSpot Developer Changelog

New v3 Engagement APIs in beta and Contacts GDPR delete endpoint moves to General Availability

Written by Zachary Wolfson | Jan 12, 2022 3:12:58 PM

HubSpot API consistency and completeness has been a major point in feedback from our developer community for some time now. You spoke, and we listened! We are excited to announce the launch of a refreshed Engagements API available today in developer preview.

This is a continuation of the effort we started with the CRM APIs. These APIs cover how sales and service reps communicate with prospects and customers. Included in this release are:

In addition to the CRUD endpoints you would expect, these objects are now searchable. Please note that while you can create custom properties for engagement objects, those will not show up in the HubSpot App for a user. 

We are moving the DELETE /v3/objects/contact/gdpr-delete from Developer Preview to General Availability. This means it is now subject to the 90 day breaking change notification window under our breaking change policy.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments you have in the community