There's a new version of the HubSpot API

We're also working on a new documentation website, you're invited to check it out and give us your feedback.

Using OAuth 2.0 access tokens

OAuth 2.0 access tokens are provided as a bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header.

Please note: HubSpot access tokens will fluctuate in size as we change the information that is encoded in the tokens. We recommend allowing for tokens to be up to 300 characters to account for any changes.

The header format is:

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Here's an example that using cURL to get contacts with the Authorization header, including an access token with a value of CJSP5qf1KhICAQEYs-gDIIGOBii1hQIyGQAf3xBKmlwHjX7OIpuIFEavB2-qYAGQsF4:

➜ /~curl --header "Authorization: Bearer CJSP5qf1KhICAQEYs-gDIIGOBii1hQIyGQAf3xBKmlwHjX7OIpuIFEavB2-qYAGQsF4"\?count\=1
