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QuotaPath Simplifies Commission Tracking with HubSpot's UI Extensions

In the fast-paced world of sales, where commissions play a pivotal role in motivating teams, QuotaPath stands out as a leader in commission tracking. By pulling data from various sources, including CRM and ERP systems, QuotaPath simplifies the process of calculating and managing commissions. Now with the addition of the QuotaPath app card built using HubSpot’s UI extensions, QuotaPath has streamlined the user experience with their application and offering real-time data without any context switching.

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The Challenge: Managing Commissions Across Multiple Tools

Before adopting UI extensions, QuotaPath had a robust integration with HubSpot, but users were required to switch between QuotaPath and HubSpot to manage and calculate commissions. This created friction, reducing efficiency and limiting engagement with commission data—a critical factor in motivating sales teams.

Eric Heydenberk, co-founder and CTO of QuotaPath, explained, “It wasn’t just about switching between tools; it was about the visibility that reps lacked. If the commission data wasn’t directly in front of them, they often didn’t engage with it.” This gap meant that many sales reps were missing out on the motivational insights that commission tracking could provide.

The Solution: Leveraging UI Extensions for Seamless Integration

UI extensions provided QuotaPath with a solution that allowed them to embed their commission tracking tools directly within HubSpot’s interface. This integration meant that sales reps no longer needed to leave HubSpot to view their commission data. Instead, they could access it directly within the platform, alongside the very deals they were working on. This enabled real-time understanding, reduced confusion, and eliminated costly context switching.

Graham Collins, Head of Partnerships at QuotaPath, noted, “Historically, over half of our customers use HubSpot as their CRM and source of truth. But they had to leave HubSpot to see their earnings in QuotaPath. Now, with UI extensions, they can see that data directly on the deal level, making the entire process more intuitive and engaging.”

One of the key use cases for QuotaPath is allowing sales reps to see their potential earnings on a deal directly within HubSpot. This real-time visibility helps to reinforce the connection between their actions and financial rewards, which is crucial for driving sales performance.

The Impact: Increased Adoption and Efficiency

The initial feedback from QuotaPath’s beta customers has been overwhelmingly positive. While it’s still early days, the team is already seeing signs that the UI extensions are leading to higher engagement and adoption among sales reps. Heydenberk shared, “We’ve already rolled this out to a few customers, and we’re seeing that people are engaging with their commission data more frequently now that it’s right there in HubSpot.”

The Development Journey: A Smooth Transition and Rapid Progress

QuotaPath’s development team found the transition to HubSpot’s UI extensions to be remarkably smooth, largely due to the framework and its alignment with modern development practices. The React-based framework of UI extensions fit seamlessly with QuotaPath’s existing tech stack, which already leveraged React and TypeScript.

Heydenberk reflected on the experience, saying, “Initially, I raised an eyebrow at the novel approach of the UI extensions, but it quickly proved to be an incredibly productive way to work. The architecture is very ergonomic and fits naturally with how we already build our product. It feels like we’re developing our own app, but within HubSpot’s ecosystem.”

The ease of adoption was also a testament to the intuitive nature of HubSpot’s UI extensions. QuotaPath’s developers, including some of their more junior team members, were able to get up to speed quickly. Heydenberk shared, “We had junior developers making commits on day one. By the end of the first day, we were already seeing test data displayed within HubSpot using the new UI extensions.”

This rapid progress was further supported by HubSpot’s strong community and support network. Heydenberk noted, “The best kind of support is when you go to ask a question, and you see it’s already been asked and answered. The community around the UI extensions was incredibly active, which made it easy for us to find solutions to any challenges we encountered.”

The documentation also played a critical role in ensuring a smooth development process. “The documentation started strong and kept pace with the rapid development of the UI extensions themselves,” Heydenberk added. “It’s not just that the documentation was good—it evolved with the project, ensuring that we always had up-to-date information as we worked.”

Unlocking New Possibilities: A Platform for Innovation

As QuotaPath continues to explore the capabilities of HubSpot’s UI extensions, they’re discovering new opportunities to enhance their product. “The more we get into this, the more we want to do,” Heydenberk said. “We’re excited about the potential to build out new features, like forecasting and scenario planning, directly within HubSpot.”

This forward-thinking approach reflects QuotaPath’s commitment to continuously improving their product and providing even greater value to their customers. With HubSpot’s UI extensions, the possibilities are vast, and QuotaPath is eager to explore them.

A Seamless Future with HubSpot UI Extensions

For QuotaPath, building app cards with HubSpot’s UI extensions has been a game-changer. It has allowed the company to streamline its commission tracking tools, reduce friction for users, and open up new opportunities for innovation. As they continue to roll out these new features to their customers, QuotaPath is set to enhance the way sales teams interact with their commission data, making it easier, more intuitive, and more effective than ever before.

With a strong foundation in place and a clear path forward, QuotaPath is poised to continue its mission of helping sales teams understand and maximize their earnings, all within the familiar environment of HubSpot.

Get early access to building app cards with UI extensions today