HubSpot Developer Changelog

Update: Legacy CTA Sunset

Written by Hannah Seligson | May 24, 2024 1:31:53 PM

Based on community feedback, we have updated our approach to transitioning from Legacy CTAs to the new CTA editor in HubSpot. In Q1 2025, new CTAs cannot be created by the Legacy CTA editor.
Below are more details explaining the plan and changes to be expected for this sunset.

What's changing?

  • Continued Support for Existing Legacy CTAs

Previously, we intended to sunset existing Legacy CTAs with the Legacy CTA editor. However, sunsetting existing Legacy CTAs has been postponed indefinitely. This means there are no current requirements for migrating Legacy CTAs to the new CTA editor. Customers can maintain their existing Legacy CTAs after Q1 2025.
Any existing Legacy CTAs created with the Legacy CTA editor will remain active with their associated analytics after sunset.

  • Removal of Legacy CTA Migration Option

Previously, we provided customers with an option to migrate their Legacy CTAs to the new CTA editor. However, the option to migrate Legacy CTAs has been removed and is no longer required.

When is it happening?

The sunset of the Legacy CTA editor is scheduled for Q1 2025, as previously announced. Following the sunset, the Legacy CTA editor will no longer support the creation of new CTAs. All new CTAs must be created using the new CTA tool after sunset. We are committed to ensuring core feature parity between the Legacy CTA and the new CTA editors. This includes adding features such as A/B Testing and Smart CTAs before the retirement of the Legacy CTA tool.

Important Note: Previously, the Legacy CTA sunset was scheduled for Q4 2024. However, we want to spend more time ensuring feature parity between the two CTA editors (Legacy and the new CTA 2.0 editor) to provide an overall better customer experience.

Questions or concerns? Please contact your CSM (Customer Success Manager) or join other HubSpot developers in our peer-to-peer developer community to discuss CTA concerns and best practices.