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HubSpot Developer Blog

Latest Posts by AJ LaPorte

Coding for Marketers: Your Guide to Coding on HubSpot’s CMS Hub

This guide is intended for marketers who want to gain a basic understanding of HTML coding and how they can apply this knowledge when using HubSpot’s CMS Hub. We’ll review things you should establish before you begin your journey, areas where you...
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Hello World: Creating Your First React + GraphQL Custom Card for HubSpot’s CRM

UI Extensions are one of the newest and most powerful additions for customizing your HubSpot CRM. With UI Extensions you are able to customize your CRM record UI to fit the needs of your business and allow end users to quickly access both HubSpot...
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HubSpot.Extend() 2022 CMS Panel Recap

During the HubSpot.Extend() 2022 Conference, our conference built for developers, we held a panel discussion around CMS Hub. Unfortunately, we were unable to add the recording for this session to our HubSpot.Extend() 2022 YouTube Playlist alongside...
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Kickstarting your HubSpot developer journey

In the modern landscape of programming and development, there are many different languages, libraries, and frameworks. Each has its pros and cons, and every developer has favorites. In this article, we’re going to cover the different types of...
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Using Postman with HubSpot’s Batch CMS Pages API to Quickly Create a Structure (or Skeleton) of your Website

When migrating a website over to HubSpot’s CMS Hub, there may be the occasional need to quickly create a website's page structure (sometimes referred to as a skeleton) so your content team can begin the process of adding content to pages.
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How to Use Structured Data (Schema Markup) in HubSpot to Improve SEO

Structured data, in reference to SEO, is a summary of your page's content in a format easily interpreted by search engines. Search engines use structured data when classifying, ranking, and displaying content in search results. This data is often...
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