Who should request access?

If you are building an app that could benefit by creating custom objects in multiple accounts, please submit a request. You will need access if you intend to list your public app in the HubSpot App Marketplace.

*Custom objects can only be defined via your public OAuth app for customers with at least one of the Enterprise subscription plans.

Who should not request access?

Users who are building an app for use on a single HubSpot account and customers with Super Admin privileges in an Enterprise account who do not wish to develop an app. Not sure and want to learn more about available solutions?

  • Learn more about building an app for use on a single HubSpot account through private apps.
  • Learn more about defining a custom object in the UI without code.

Why do I need to request access to create custom objects using OAuth for my public app?

Custom objects can have a big impact on customer accounts and their data. At this time, an account with at least one Enterprise subscription plan can have a maximum of 10 custom objects defined. With this in mind, HubSpot is closely monitoring the implementation of new multi-account objects.

*Custom Object limit increases available for purchase to define more objects and store more records across all of your custom objects in HubSpot in the HubSpot's Products and Services Catalog.

How do I submit my application?

Fill out the form below. HubSpot's Product team will review your submission and contact you with the next steps. The timeline for this process will depend on request volume.

Note that acceptance to gain access is subject to approval by HubSpot and is not guaranteed. HubSpot reserves the right to accept or reject any applications based solely on our own criteria and judgment. Use of the Custom Objects API is subject to HubSpot's Developer Terms and Acceptable Use Policy.

Tell us about your app

Your HubSpot developer account ID
Please ensure you have created an app for our team to reference.
App used for testing and development

Tell us about your use case

Describe why you are interested in defining custom object(s) with your public app and describe the customer need your custom object(s) will address or solve.
Target date for custom objects to be launched in your production app.
Recommended to limit 1-3 custom objects per app. Enterprise subscription plans have up to 10 object definitions available per account.
Please provide the custom object name, description, properties/data, and how it will be associated with other objects and used in other HubSpot tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

We see value in creating custom objects for solutions HubSpot has not solved with standard objects. Cars, documents, registrations, applications, and unique product types are just a few examples.


Here is a guided example of defining a car object for a car dealership called CarSpot. Try it yourself!

There is a finite set of HubSpot standard objects; you have the tools and vision to expand this list for customers. Custom objects allow customers to unlock the tremendous power of the HubSpot platform for their teams by storing other types of data in HubSpot, much like we store information about contacts, companies, deals, and tickets.


As a developer, you can build custom objects that more closely align with customer needs, potentially unlock a new market, or integrate platforms with more parity using a public app.

  • Custom objects are only available to customers with at least one of the Enterprise subscription plans.
  • An account with at least one Enterprise subscription plan can have a maximum of 10 custom objects defined.
  • You may define up to 10 properties that can uniquely identify a record. HubSpot will enforce the uniqueness of records by the properties you define on your behalf. We usually recommend including at least one such property.
  • Some functionality of our client libraries may not be compatible with the features of this beta or pilot program. For more information on HubSpot’s client libraries please click here
  • Custom objects do not support the following, including but not limited to:
    • Timeline API does not support custom objects.
    • Webhooks API cannot be used with custom objects.
    • Custom objects do not have support in personalization tokens at this time.
    • You can only associate your custom object with standard HubSpot objects (e.g. contact, company, deal, or ticket) or other custom objects.
Getting started with custom objects:


Building custom objects using an app integration:

Additional Resources: