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HubSpot Developer Changelog

Manage Support Information Through Your Developer Portal

Integrators can add support information to their in-app listing via their app settings in their developer portal

What’s happening?

Beginning immediately, developers will be able manage support details from their developer portals. This feature allows developers to introduce support contact information and a documentation link to the in-app HubSpot Integrations page. These details are optional, and allow developers to provide a clear channel for their users to get support.

What’s changing?

Previously, adding support details was limited to members of the Connect program, and required manual intervention from HubSpot. This meant non-Connect program integrators were unable to provide support details in HubSpot, and Connect program integrators needed to contact HubSpot in order to update their support details.

Going forward, all integrators will be able to add support details in HubSpot, and management of these details is entirely self-serve. These details can be edited by navigating to your developer portal -> Apps -> your app -> app settings. This change does not affect existing support information; if you already have support details on your integration listing page, your details are safe! You’ll be able to make changes to this information through your dev portal.



When is this happening?

This feature is available right now! All apps now have these support fields where users can insert their information.


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