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HubSpot Developer Changelog

25 Posts in Sunset

Marketing Email API Migration to ILS Lists

With the migration process from List IDs to ILS List IDs, the Marketing Email API is being updated to include the ILS List ID in the response and accept ILS IDs in the request. On October 31st, 2024 the contactLists object will no longer function...
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Upcoming Sunset: V1 Contact Lists API

What’s changing? The V1 Contact Lists API will sunset on May 30th, 2025. After this date, calls made to the v1 endpoints will no longer function. We're sunsetting the V1 Contact Lists API to focus our development efforts on the improved V3 Lists...
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Legacy CTA Sunset Timeline and Scope Update

Previous Sunset Start: April 30, 2024
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Upcoming Sunset: v2 Owners API

On August 30, 2024, we will be sunsetting the v2 of the Owners API.
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Upcoming Sunset: Removing the Webhooks rateLimitPolicy and period fields

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Upcoming Sunset: JSON Custom Cards

Previously, HubSpot released a beta allowing users to utilize private apps and projects to build a custom card with JSON-based components for UI extensibility within the CRM development tools.
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Upcoming: Enforcing Deal Currency Code Validation

Beginning July 31st, 2023, we will be implementing validation on the currency code property for deals.
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Upcoming Sunset: Legacy CTAs

We are sunsetting the Legacy CTAs (Call-To-Action) app and migrating it into a new CTA 2.0 editor tool beginning June 15, 2023. This sunset will consist of two parts:
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Sunsetting the ‘archived’ query parameter for the v3 CRM Pipeline API and introducing two new audit endpoints into public beta

We will be sunsetting the ‘archived’ query parameter for the v3 CRM Pipeline API and also introducing two new endpoints into public beta for auditing changes to CRM pipelines and pipeline stages.
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TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support is sunsetting on March 8th, 2021

To improve platform security and performance we are dropping support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in favor of supporting the newer versions of TLS. This will affect API integrations.
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