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HubSpot Developer Changelog

Bugfix - Incorrect validation for properties using the bool type

On November 18th, we're making an update to property validation for any CRM properties using the "type": "bool". Currently, these properties are not validated correctly, making it possible to store any string value in these properties. This can cause issues with other systems using these boolean properties, such as triggers or branching actions for workflows, as well as list memberships.

After this fix, only the values true and false (case sensitive) will be accepted. Any other values will result in an error. This validation will be applied to any updates to any CRM records that contain a bool property, including creating and updating records.

This change will affect all existing bool properties, including any custom properties created using the CRM APIs, as well as any HubSpot-created properties (properties with "hubspotDefined":true).

Note: Single checkbox properties created by a user in HubSpot use the enumeration type, which are not affected by this as they already correctly validate the true and false options. As a reminder for all enumeration type properties, you must use the value for the option you want to use, not the label.

When is this happening?

The new validation will be applied to all CRM record updates beginning on November 18th.

Please let us know if you have any questions by joining the discussion in the community.