Working with OAuth

OAuth is a secure means of authentication that uses authorization tokens rather than a password to connect your app to a user account. Initiating OAuth access is the first step towards allowing users to install your app in their HubSpot accounts.

Please note:

  • any app designed for installation by multiple HubSpot accounts or listing on the App Marketplace must use OAuth. 
  • users installing apps in their HubSpot account must either be a super admin or have App Marketplace Access permissions.
Recommended resources
  • The OAuth Quickstart Guide will get you up and running with a working example app.
  • This HubSpot Academy tutorial provides a quick introduction on using OAuth with HubSpot, including a breakdown of the HubSpot-OAuth flow and how to refresh an access token.

Initiating an integration with OAuth 2.0

To initiate an integration with OAuth 2.0:


  • Use the client ID and client secret, along with the query parameters and scopes outlined below, to build your authorization URL. 
  • Send users installing your app to the authorization URL, where they'll be presented with a screen that allows them to select their account and grant access to your integration. You can set the authorization URL to be for a specific HubSpot account by adding the account ID between /oauth/ and /authorize, as shown below. After granting access, they'll be redirected back to your application via a redirect_url, which will have a code query parameter appended to it. You'll use that code and the client secret to get an access_token and refresh_token from HubSpot.
    • Example authorization URLs
      • Any account:
      • Specific account (ID 123456):
    • Example redirect URL:
    • Example error:
  • Use the access_token to authenticate any API calls made for that HubSpot account.
  • Once the access_token expires, use the refresh_token to generate a new access_token.

Please note:

  • your app will not appear as a Connected App in a user's account unless you generate the refresh token and initial access token. 
  • access tokens reflect the scopes requested from the app and do not reflect the permissions or limitations of what a user can do in their HubSpot account. For example, if a user has permissions to view only owned contacts but authorizes a request for the scope, the resulting access token can view all contacts in the account and not only those owned by the authorizing user. 

Query parameters

The following parameters are required when building an authorization URL for your app:

Required parameters
Parameter Description How to use
Client ID client_id=x
Used in the URL
Get this from your app's Auth settings page (as described above).
Redirect URL redirect_uri=x
The URL visitors will be redirected to after granting access to your app.

You'll also designate this on your app's Auth settings page.

Note: For security reasons, this URL must use https in production. (When testing using localhost, http can be used.) You also must use a domain, as IP addresses are not supported.

Scope scope=x%20x

A space-separated set of permissions that your app needs access to. Any scopes that you've checked off in your app's Auth settings will be treated as required, and you'll need to include them in this parameter or the authorization page will display an error.

Additionally, users will get an error if they try to install your app on an account that doesn't have access to an included scope.
See the Scopes table below for more details about which endpoints can be accessed by specific scopes.

The following parameters are optional:

Optional parameters
Parameter How to use Description
Optional scopes &optional_scope=x%20x A space-separated set of optional permissions for your app. Optional scopes will be automatically dropped from the authorization request if the user selects a HubSpot account that does not have access to that tool (such as requesting the social scope on a CRM only portal). If you're using optional scopes, you will need to check the access token or refresh token to see which ones were granted. See the table below for more details about scopes.
State &state=y
If this parameter is included in the authorization URL, the value will be included in a state query parameter when the user is directed to the redirect_url.
A string value that can be used to maintain the user's state when they're redirected back to your app.

Configure scopes

OAuth requires you to set scopes, or permissions, for your app. Each scope provides access to a set of HubSpot API endpoints and allows users to grant your app access to specific tools in their HubSpot account. 


Access to specific APIs or endpoints depends on HubSpot account tier. You can find a full list of available scopes and accessible endpoints in the table below. If your app can work with multiple types of HubSpot accounts, you can use the optional_scope parameter to include any tiered scopes you work. This way, customers using CRM-only accounts can still authorize your app, even if they can't access all of its scopes. Your app must check for and handle any scopes that it doesn't get authorized for.

Scope Description Provides access to Required account tier Integrators can list CMS domains in a customer's account.  CMS API Any account Integrators can create, update, and delete CMS custom domains.  CMS API Any account Integrators can view all CMS serverless functions, any related secrets, and function execution results.  CMS API CMS Hub Enterprise
cms.functions.write Integrators can write CMS serverless functions and secrets. CMS API CMS Hub Enterprise View details about knowledge articles. CMS API Service Hub Professional or Enterprise 


Grants access to update knowledge articles.  CMS API Service Hub Professional or Enterprise 
cms.knowledge_base.articles.publish Grants access to update and publish knowledge articles. CMS API Service Hub Professional or Enterprise View general and template knowledge base settings, such as the domain or root URL. CMS API Service Hub Professional or Enterprise 
cms.knowledge_base.settings.write Grants access to update general and template knowledge base settings. This includes write access to knowledge articles. CMS API Service Hub Professional or Enterprise Integrators can view CMS performance data for all your sites. CMS API Any account View details about contact lists. List endpoints Any account
crm.lists.write Create, delete, or make changes to contact lists List endpoints Any account View properties and other details about companies. Companies endpoints Any account
crm.objects.companies.write View properties and create, delete, or make changes to companies. Companies endpoints Any account View properties and other details about contacts. Contacts endpoints Any account
crm.objects.contacts.write View properties and create, delete, and make changes to contacts. Contacts endpoints Any account View details about custom objects in the HubSpot CRM. Custom objects endpoints Any Enterprise
crm.objects.custom.write Create, delete, or make changes to custom objects in the HubSpot CRM.  Custom objects endpoints Any Enterprise View properties and other details about deals. Deal endpoints Any account View properties and create, delete, or make changes to deals. Deal endpoints Any account View details about submissions to any of your feedback surveys. Feedback survey endpoints Service Hub Professional or Enterprise View all goal types.  Goals endpoints Sales Hub StarterProfessional, or Enterprise View properties and other details about line items Line items endpoints Any account
crm.objects.line_items.write Create, delete, or make changes to line items.  Line items endpoints Any account View details about marketing events.  Marketing events endpoints Any account
crm.objects.marketing_events.write Create, delete, or make changes to marketing events.  Marketing events endpoints Any account View details about users assigned to a CRM record. Owners endpoints Any account View properties and other details about quotes and quote templates. Quote endpoints Any account
crm.objects.quotes.write Create, delete, or make changes to quotes. Quote endpoints Any account View details about property settings for companies Properties endpoints Any account
crm.schemas.companies.write Create, delete, or make changes to property settings for companies. Properties endpoints Any account View details about property settings for contacts. Properties endpoints. Any account
crm.schemas.contacts.write Create, delete, or make changes to property settings for contacts. Properties endpoints Any account View details about custom object definitions in the HubSpot CRM. Custom objects endpoints Any Enterprise View details about property settings for deals. Properties endpoints Any account Create, delete, or make changes to property settings for deals. Properties endpoints Any account View details about line items. Line items endpoints Any account View details about quotes and quotes templates. Quote endpoints Any account
settings.billing.write Make changes to your account's billing settings. This includes managing and assigning paid seats for users. Settings endpoints Any account Reads existing exchange rates along with the current company currency associated with your portal.  Account information endpoints Any account
settings.currencies.write Create, update and delete exchange rates along with updating the company currency associated with your portal.  Account information endpoints Any account View details about account users and their permissions. User Provisioning endpoints Any account
settings.users.write Manage users and user permissions on your HubSpot account. This includes creating new users, assigning permissions and roles, and deleting existing users.  User Provisioning endpoints Any account See details about the account's teams.  User Provisioning endpoints Any account Assign users to teams on your HubSpot account.  User Provisioning endpoints Any account Includes access to account activity logs and other account security information.  Account activity API Any account
accounting Allows HubSpot and the accounting integration to share invoice, product, and contact details. Accounting Extension API Any account
actions Add forms to the contact's pages that do custom actions. CRM Extensions API Any account
analytics.behavioral_events.send Includes access to send custom behavioral events.  Analytics API Marketing Hub Enterprise
automation This includes workflows. Automation API (Workflows endpoints) Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise
behavioral_events.event_definitions.read_write Create, read, update, or delete behavioral events. This includes behavioral event properties.  Analytics API Marketing Hub Enterprise View business unit data, including logo information. Business Units API Business Units Add-on
business-intelligence This includes endpoints that sit on top of sources and email. Analytics API Any account
collector.graphql_query.execute Query data from your HubSpot account using the GraphQL API endpoint GraphQL API endpoint CMS Hub Professional or Enterprise Perform introspection queries via GraphQL application clients such as GraphiQL GraphiQL and other 3rd party GraphQL clients CMS Hub Professional or Enterprise View details of your contacts' subscription preferences.  Subscription Preferences API Any account
communication_preferences.read_write Subscribe/unsubscribe contacts to your subscription types. It won't subscribe contacts who have unsubscribed.  Subscription Preferences API Any account
communication_preferences.write Subscribe/unsubscribe contacts to your subscription types. It won't subscribe contacts who have unsubscribed.  Subscription Preferences API Any account
content This includes sites, landing pages, email, blog, and campaigns. CMS API and Calendar, Email and Email Events endpoints CMS Hub Professional or Enterprise, or Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise View details about threads in the conversations inbox. Conversations inbox and messages API Any account
conversations.visitor_identification.tokens.create Fetch identification tokens for authenticated website visitors interacting with the HubSpot chat widget. Visitor Identification API Any Professional or Enterprise
conversations.write Send messages in conversations. Create and update message threads. Conversations inbox and messages API Any account
crm.export Export records from your CRM for all CRM data types. CRM Exports API  Any account
crm.import Allows you to import records into your CRM. This includes creating new records or modifying any of your existing records for all CRM data types (contacts, companies, deals, tickets, etc). It doesn't include archiving or deleting any data. CRM Imports API Any account Allows read access for CTAs. No publicAPI available Marketing Hub or CMS Hub Starter, Professional or Enterprise
e-commerce This includes access to e-commerce features. Products and line items endpoints

Any account

Note: Only Professional and Enterprise accounts can use this scope for the Products API.

external_integrations.forms.access Includes the ability to rename, delete, and clone existing forms. Forms endpoints

Any account

files This includes access to File Manager. Files (File Manager) and file mapper (CMS templates, modules, and layout) endpoints Any account View details or download user files, attachments, and system files from all HubSpot tools.  Files (File Manager) and file mapper (CMS templates, modules, and layout) endpoints Any account
forms This includes access to the Forms endpoints. Forms endpoints Any account
forms-uploaded-files Download files submitted through a form. Get a file uploaded via form submission endpoint Any account
hubdb This includes access to HubDB. HubDB endpoints CMS Hub Professional or Enterprise, or Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise with Website Add-on
integration-sync This exposes the sync API, which allows syncing of most CRM objects. Ecommerce Bridge API Any account Grants access to events and objects from the media bridge. Media Bridge API Any account
media_bridge.write Grants access to create and update events and objects from the media bridge. Media Bridge API Any account
oauth Basic scope required for OAuth. This scope is added by default to all apps.   Any account
sales-email-read Grants access to read all details of one-to-one emails sent to contacts. Engagements endpoints

Note: This scope is required to get the content of email engagements. See the Engagements overview for more details.
Any account
social This includes Social Inbox. Social Media API Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise
tickets This includes access to tickets. Tickets endpoints Any accounbt
timeline Grants access to manage custom events on HubSpot CRM records. This includes creating or updating records. Timeline Events endpoints Any account
transactional-email This includes transactional emails and the transactional emails endpoints. Transactional email endpoints Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise with Transactional Email Add-on

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