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HubSpot Developer Changelog

CMS Updates: Icon tag/field now documented, Icons added to Rich Text WYSIWYG, the Number field now supports prefix/suffix to give context to content editors, Default theme live demos now available

What happened

We’ve made some updates to a few CMS related items:

Icon Tag and Field are now documented

The Icon Tag and Icon Field have been documented on our developer docs.

Icons are now available for use in the Rich Text WYSIWYG toolbar

We have added the ability for users to add icons inside of the default WYSIWYG toolbar of the rich text area. When using the Rich text Field, you have the option of configuring which options can be seen in the editor. You can hide the icon selector by using either the glyphs option or the icon button in the enabled_features property. Read our configuring the Rich Text Editor article for more details.

Number fields now have prefix and suffix supplementary optional fields

Number fields can now show a prefix and suffix to give content editors context when used. This prefix/suffix is not changeable in the page editor. To learn more about these fields, visit our documentation on the number field.

Note: Using the suffix and prefix parameters has no effect on the numerical value of the field. They are simply for display purposes in the page editor.

Default Theme live demos are now available

We know it can be hard to judge if a theme is right for you based on just a screenshot. To make it easier to review our default themes we now have live demo websites showing what the themes look like by default. Please see our Default themes documentation for live demo links.

Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions by joining the conversation in the community.