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HubSpot Developer Changelog

51 Posts in API

Announcing the removal of the imports field from the v1 Deals API

Sunset: the "imports" field will no longer be provided by the v1 Deals API.
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List Filters Are Changing Formats But Will Be Backwards Compatible

What’s Happening
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Announcing New Rate Limits for the Existing Form Submission Endpoints and Two New Authenticated Submission Endpoints

To improve HubSpot’s platform security and performance we are announcing new rate limits for the existing Forms API submission endpoints plus two new authenticated submission endpoints.
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Announcing Forms API v3 Developer Preview is Now Available

We are continuing to build the next generation of HubSpot’s APIs to provide the consistency and completeness our developer community needs. Today, we are excited to announce that a refreshed Forms API and documentation is now available in developer...
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Domains and redirects V3 APIs have exited beta

We're excited to announce the CMS Domains and CMS URL Redirects V3 APIs are now out of beta. You can start using them in production.
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Announcing a new endpoint that returns all publicly available Open API specifications

We are delighted to share that developers can now access HubSpot’s Open API Specification.
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Burst limits are increasing for API key authenticated calls

We have rate limits in place to help make sure we offer reliable services to all our customers. Without them, customers could accidentally or maliciously slow down or take down HubSpot services. As we make improvements to our infrastructure we want...
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TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support is sunsetting on March 8th, 2021

To improve platform security and performance we are dropping support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in favor of supporting the newer versions of TLS. This will affect API integrations.
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Blog V3 APIs for Author, Posts, and Tags now available in Developer Preview

We are excited to announce the release of our V3 Blog APIs for Authors, Posts, and Tags to developer preview (open beta). This new Blog V3 API is more consistent and developer-friendly.
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Filters will no longer be returned from the Lists API

UPDATE: After hearing feedback from you, our community of developers, there were some use cases we hadn’t taken into account. In order to make sure we can thoughtfully consider our approach to the List filter migration we are going to pause the...
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