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HubSpot Developer Changelog

134 Posts in Announced

Google Analytics and the HubSpot cookie banner

What’s happened? On November 1, 2019, we made a change to the Google Analytics integration that will prevent the Google Analytics tracking script from firing until a visitor opts in to cookie tracking via the HubSpot cookie banner.
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Sunset: Workflow field for custom modules

The field for allowing users to select a workflow in custom modules is being deprecated on December 5th. You won’t be able to create a workflow field when creating new modules in the design manager UI, CMS-CLI, or FTP.
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Announcement: Secondary Email API now in Developer Preview

What’s Happening
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New Resource: Ruby Example App

What’s happening HubSpot has released a new example using the Ruby language. This example includes the following:
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Announcement: Enhanced field validation

EDIT: This change has started to take effect. We'll be rolling this out gradually over the next week What’s Changing? HubSpot is changing how validation works on some commonly used fields for contacts, including the first and last name. This change...
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Announcement: Deals now support merging

What’s happening Deals are central to a CRM. Businesses need to be sure of what the state of their pipeline and closed business is. Deals hold information about completed sales and potential future ones. Because mistakes happen, we are releasing the...
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Announcement: New API focused academy modules for Developers

You spoke and we listened. We’re excited to announce a new academy course for working with HubSpot’s APIs. If you’re new to APIs or more specifically new to HubSpot’s APIs this will help you get started.
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Announced: Form element ID attribute is being changed to be more unique

HubSpot forms render a element with a unique id attribute for each page on which the form is used. However, when multiple instances of the same form are added to the same page, the id for each form may not be unique. To resolve this, the id...
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Announcement: Two new functions for the HubSpot tracking code

Today we're announcing new features for the HubSpot tracking code that help you manage sites with dynamic content.
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Announcement: Scopes will be required for apps using webhooks or CRM Extensions

Data security and privacy are very important to us here at HubSpot. Over the coming months, we'll be making updates to our app platform that will help customers better understand what data can be accessed by any apps they're connecting to their...
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