CrmCardActions | UI components (BETA)

  • Sales Hub
    • Enterprise
  • Service Hub
    • Enterprise

The CrmCardActions component renders a smaller standalone or dropdown menu button that can contain multiple CRM actions.

This type of component is useful for enabling your extension to interact with other CRM entities, such as records and engagements. To learn more about how CRM action components work together, check out the CRM action components overview.

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import { CrmCardAction } from '@hubspot/ui-extensions/crm'; <CrmCardActions actionConfigs={[ { type: "action-library-button", label: "Preview", actionType: "PREVIEW_OBJECT", actionContext: { objectTypeId:"0-3", objectId: 14795354663 }, tooltipText: "Preview this deal record." }, { type: "dropdown", label: "Activities", options: [ { type: "action-library-button", label: "Send email", actionType: "SEND_EMAIL", actionContext: { objectTypeId: "0-1", objectId: 769851 } }, { type: "action-library-button", label: "Add note", actionType: "ADD_NOTE", actionContext: { objectTypeId: "0-1", objectId: 769851 }, } ] } ]} />

Unlike CrmActionButton and CrmActionLink where props such as actionType are accepted at the top level, CrmCardActions includes an actionConfigs prop which accepts fields for action configuration. 

Prop Type Description
actionConfigs Required Array An array that stores fields for configuration button actions. See below for list of supported fields.
label String The button's label text.
onError (errors: string[]) => void An optional callback that will pass any error messages that were generated. Common errors include missing required context values or the user not having sufficient permissions to perform an action.

In the actionConfigs array, you can include the following fields:

Field Type Description
type Required 'action-library-button' |
The type of button to render:
  • action-library-button: a standalone button that can perform one action.
  • dropdown: a dropdown menu button containing multiple 'action-library-button' actions. When using this type, you'll need to include an options array containing each action.
options Array For dropdown type buttons, this array stores objects for each action in the dropdown menu. Each action should be set to the 'action-library-button' type.
actionType Required String The type of action to perform. See list of available actions for more information.
actionContext Required Object An object containing the CRM object and record context for performing the action. See list of available actions for required context values.
disabled Boolean When set to true, the button or dropdown menu option will render in a disabled, greyed-out state and can't be clicked.
tooltipText String Tooltip text that appears when hovering over the button or dropdown menu option.

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